Code Section: 790.100
Subject: Nonretail sales and service
Effective Date: 9/90
A proposed use in an NC-1 District was cleaning restaurant stove filters. The filters from the client's restaurants would be dropped off at the NC-1 location, cleaned and returned to the clients. The question was whether such use would be classified as a business or professional service as defined by Section 790.108. That Section states that such service must be a retail use providing general business or professional services to the general public and lists several examples all of which entailed office activities. Section 790.108 states that the use category may also provide services to the business community as long as it also provides service to the general public. Otherwise it shall be considered nonretail sales and service as defined by Section 790.100 which use provides goods and/or services, including light manufacturing to the business community and not to the general public. Since it would not provide service to the general public and would not involve primarily office activities, the proposed restaurant filter cleaning facility was a nonretail sales and service use rather than a business or professional service and therefore would not be permitted in the NC-1 District.