(a) In the 200-E-2 and 300-E-2 Height and Bulk Districts, as designated on Sectional Map No. 1H of the Zoning Map, height exceptions may be approved by the Planning Commission in appropriate cases as provided herein.
(b) Such height exceptions may be permitted provided that the following criteria in addition to those stated in Section 303(c) are met:
(1) The height of the building or structure so approved by the Planning Commission shall not exceed 320 feet.
(2) The applicant shall demonstrate through solar access studies and shadow studies that the proposed height exceptions would create no additional shading impacts on Chinese Playground from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Standard Time, March 21st to September 21st.
(Added by Ord. 19-84, App. 1/12/84)