In the Chinatown Community Business District, Chinatown Visitor Retail District and the Chinatown Residential Neighborhood Commercial District at the lowest level occupied for dwelling, the site coverage shall be no more than 75%. The noncovered area requirement may be provided in a location other than the rear yard including balconies and rooftop terraces if the new structure does not significantly impede the access of light and air to adjacent properties, as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
Factors to be considered in such determination shall include, but shall not be limited to: preservation of light and air to existing windows and openings in the vicinity; usability of the noncovered space for residential open space purposes; and sun access to the noncovered space and ad-jacent sidewalks.
(Added by Ord. 131-87, App. 4/24/87; amended by Ord. 208-19, File No. 190594, App. 9/20/2019, Eff. 10/21/2019)
Section header and first undesignated paragraph amended; Ord. 208-19, Eff. 10/21/2019.