(a) Staffing Support. Subject to the fiscal and budgetary provisions of the Charter, the City shall provide staff to the Council ("Council Staff") for administrative, organizational, policy, and research support. Funding for Council Staff shall come from the General Fund; provided, however, that SFUSD, participating City departments, and members of the public may provide additional support and contributions.
(b) Staff Roles and Responsibilities. Subject to the direction of the Council, Council Staff shall:
(1) Provide administrative, organizational, policy, planning, and research support to the Council and its outcomes framework;
(2) Engage department heads from the City and SFUSD to coordinate the implementation of services;
(3) Provide support for the Council, including developing a joint data-sharing agreement between the City and SFUSD, monitoring the planning cycle, providing technical support, and developing policy briefs on key issues relevant to implementation of the Plan;
(4) Support the development of an inventory of all Citywide services for children and youth, including state and federally funded programs; and,
(5) Support the development of the Children and Families First Progress Report.
(c) Funding. It shall be the policy of the City to provide sufficient funding and administrative support for the Council and Council Staff to perform these functions. Funding for administrative support for the Council shall come from the General Fund; provided, however, that SFUSD, participating City departments, and members of the public may provide additional support and contributions. Funding for administrative support for the Council shall not be included in the Children and Youth Fund Baseline calculation.
(Added November 2014; amended by Proposition J, Approved 11/5/2024)
(Added November 2014; amended by Proposition J, Approved 11/5/2024)
(a) The Initiative shall provide support for the Council by providing data and information relevant to the Council’s decisions, by preparing drafts of the Outcomes Framework and the Plan, by implementing alignment of systems and coordination of services, and by evaluating submissions from City departments and SFUSD under this Section 16.127-8.
(b) The Initiative shall ensure that various community groups, agencies, and organizations responsible for providing support, including SFUSD, other government agencies, and community partners, work together in aligned, coherent, and effective ways.
(c) The Initiative shall ensure that the City maximizes opportunities to receive available funding for children and youth from the State and Federal governments. As part of their biennial budget submission under Article IX, City departments that provide services to children, youth, and families shall report on any State or Federal funding for which the department has applied or received funding.
(d) The Board of Supervisors by ordinance shall designate a department, commission, or other City entity to assume primary responsibility for supporting the Initiative and establish the responsibilities of constituent City departments and commissions within the Initiative. Funding for administrative support for the Initiative shall not be included in the Children and Youth Fund Baseline calculation.
(Added by Proposition J, Approved 11/5/2024)
(a) Citywide Community Needs Assessment. The Initiative shall assist the Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families (“DCYF”) in developing a Citywide Community Needs Assessment (“CCNA”) for children, youth, and families. The CCNA shall supplement and expand upon the CNA described in Section 16.108(i)(1), and the Initiative and its constituent departments, commissions, and SFUSD shall use the CCNA to develop the San Francisco Children and Families Plan (the “Plan”) and Outcomes Framework. DCYF shall prepare the CCNA using the same process and timeline described in Section 16.108(i)(1).
(b) The San Francisco Children and Families Plan and Outcomes Framework. The Initiative shall support the Council in crafting the Plan and Outcomes Framework described in Section 16.127-5 and identifying relevant goals and strategies to align and coordinate the services to children and families provided by City departments, SFUSD, and community partners, and to maximize support for children and families. Through the Initiative, the Mayor shall invite SFUSD to participate in the planning process for the Plan and the Outcomes Framework.
(Added by Proposition J, Approved 11/5/2024)
(a) Outcomes Framework Analysis. By January 1, 2028 and at least once every five years thereafter in alignment with the beginning of the Five-Year Planning Cycle described in Section 16.108(i), the Initiative, in consultation with the Controller, shall develop a policy to help the Initiative evaluate whether the following types of expenditures are consistent with the Outcomes Framework: (1) expenditures that are included in, or are eligible to be included in, the Children and Youth Fund Baseline described in Section 16.108(h), and (2) expenditures from the Public Education Enrichment Fund (“PEEF”) and the annual PEEF Baseline appropriation (“PEEF Baseline”) described in Section 16.123-2.
(b) Budget Review and Approval for Proposed Appropriations in the Children and Youth Baseline, Public Education Enrichment Fund, and Public Education Enrichment Fund Annual Baseline Appropriations.
(1) By February 21 each year, beginning in 2026, each City department that anticipates expending funds for eligible services in the Children and Youth Fund Baseline, the PEEF, or the PEEF Baseline in the subsequent fiscal year shall submit a written report with its anticipated expenditures to the Initiative for review. The Initiative may request that City departments provide additional reports on expenditures as the Initiative deems necessary.
(2) Beginning in Fiscal Year 2028-2029, the Initiative shall review and determine whether each department’s proposed expenditures under subsection (b)(1) and SFUSD’s annual report under Section 16.123-6(d) are consistent with the Plan and Outcomes Framework. The Initiative shall also review the department’s and SFUSD’s expenditures for eligible services in the Children and Youth Fund Baseline, the PEEF, or the PEEF Baseline for the current and prior fiscal year, if any, to determine whether those expenditures were consistent with the Outcomes Framework. By April 30 each year, the Initiative shall provide a written report to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors evaluating whether each department’s current and prior year expenditures were consistent with the Outcomes Framework and stating whether the department’s proposed expenditures for the subsequent fiscal year are consistent with the Outcomes Framework. By April 30 each year, the Initiative also shall provide a written report to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors evaluating whether SFUSD’s current and prior year expenditures were consistent with the Outcomes Framework and stating whether SFUSD’s proposed expenditures for the subsequent fiscal year are consistent with the Outcomes Framework.
(3) In preparing the biennial budget under Article IX of this Charter, the Mayor shall consider the Initiative’s written report. In its evaluation of the proposed biennial budget, the Board of Supervisors also shall consider the Initiative’s written report and shall hold a public hearing on the Initiative’s report before finally approving the budget. The Initiative may provide an addendum or update to the report based on new information it receives following its initial report regarding the budget.
(4) By no later than the date of final enactment of the biennial budget, beginning with the biennial budget for Fiscal Year 2029-2030, the Board of Supervisors shall, by resolution, find that all anticipated expenditures for services in the Children and Youth Fund Baseline and City department and SFUSD expenditures under the PEEF and the PEEF Baseline in the biennial budget are, on balance, consistent with the Outcomes Framework as provided in subsection (l)(2), or that specified expenditures are not consistent with the Outcomes Framework but otherwise serve an overriding public purpose.
(c) The Board of Supervisors by ordinance may modify the deadlines in this Section 16.127-10.
(d) For purposes of Section 16.127-10(b)(2), the Controller and the Board of Supervisors’ Budget Analyst shall jointly be responsible for approving the final determinations and reports of the Initiative. The Board of Supervisors by ordinance may designate a different City entity to perform the duties of the Initiative for the purposes of that subsection.
(Added by Proposition J, Approved 11/5/2024)
1. So numbered in Proposition J, 11/5/2024.
(a) No later than February 21 of each year, beginning in 2026, each City department that anticipates expending funds from the City’s General Fund to procure or otherwise support any services related to children and youth in the subsequent fiscal year, other than funds for eligible services in the Children and Youth Fund Baseline, the PEEF, or PEEF Baseline, shall submit to the Initiative a written report describing its anticipated expenditures. Beginning in Fiscal Year 2028-2029, the Initiative may evaluate whether the anticipated expenditures are consistent with the Plan and Outcomes Framework, and may provide a written report to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors detailing the expenditures that it has concluded are consistent with the Plan and Outcomes Framework and the expenditures that it has concluded are inconsistent with the Plan or Outcomes Framework and the reasons for such conclusions.
(b) The Board of Supervisors by ordinance may modify the deadlines and the reporting requirements in this Section 16.127-11.
(Added by Proposition J, Approved 11/5/2024)
If, by June 30, 2026, the Council ceases to exist, the Initiative shall assume the Council’s responsibilities described in Sections 16.127-1, 16.127-3, 16.127-5, and 16.127-6; provided that if those sections have been removed from the Charter by the voters, the City shall enact an ordinance designating the Initiative or a different City entity to assume the Council’s responsibilities.
(Added by Proposition J, Approved 11/5/2024)