Disclosure Category 2. Persons in this category shall disclose all investments in any business entity and income from any source which leases, rents, or operates from property under the jurisdiction of the Port Commission, or which provides, or contracts with the City and County of San Francisco or the Port Commission to provide, services (including construction, repair and maintenance), equipment, materials, supplies, vehicles, or other items of use to the Port Commission, or which may foreseeably do so in the future, or which has done so within two years prior to any time period covered by a statement of economic interest, and his or her status as a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holder of any management position in any such business entity.
Designated Positions | Disclosure Categories |
Designated Positions | Disclosure Categories |
Port Commissioners | 1 |
Port Director (Executive Director) | 1 |
Deputy Director, I | 1 |
Deputy Director, II | 1 |
Deputy Director, III | 1 |
Deputy Director IV (Chief Operating Officer) | 1 |
Manager V (IS Director) | 1 |
Manager V | 2 |
Manager IV (Fiscal Officer) | 1 |
Manager IV | 2 |
Manager III | 2 |
Manager II | 2 |
Manager I | 2 |
Chief Building Inspector | 2 |
Senior Building Inspector | 2 |
Building Inspector | 2 |
Construction Inspector | 2 |
Senior Property Manager | 2 |
Property Manager | 2 |
Maritime Marketing Representative | 2 |
Marine Operations Specialist | 2 |
Wharfinger II | 2 |
Wharfinger I | 2 |
Planner V | 2 |
Planner IV | 2 |
Planner III | 2 |
Principal Administrative Analyst | 2 |
Principal Administrative Analyst II | 2 |
Senior Administrative Analyst | 2 |
Senior Engineer | 1 |
Principal Engineer | 2 |
Street Environmental Services Operations Supervisor | 1 |
Project Manager I | 1 |
Project Manager II | 1 |
Project Manager III | 1 |
Project Manager IV | 1 |
Project Manager V | 1 |
Chief Stationary Engineer | 2 |
Public Relations Manager | 2 |
Technology Expert | 2 |
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; amended by Ord. 58-01, File No. 001951, App. 4/13/2001; Ord. 73-03, File No. 022027, App. 4/25/2003; Ord. 99-05, File No. 041570, App. 5/25/2005; Ord. 80-07, File No. 070122, App. 4/19/2007; Ord. 93-08, File No. 090199, App. 6/10/2009; Ord. 9-13, File No. 120964, App. 2/4/2013, Eff. 3/6/2013, Oper. 1/1/2013; Ord. 256-14
, File No. 141003, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015; Ord. 251-16, File No. 161158, App. 12/22/2016, Eff. 1/21/2017; Ord. 278-18, File No. 180934, App. 11/20/2018, Eff. 12/21/2018; Ord. 7-21, File No. 201219, App. 1/22/2021, Eff. 2/22/2021, Oper. 2/22/2021; Ord. 13-23, File No. 221025, App. 2/9/2023, Eff. 3/12/2023)
(Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 58.290)
(Added by Ord. 93-08, File No. 090199, App. 6/10/2009; repealed by Ord. 256-14
, File No. 141003, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
(Former Sec. 3.1-350 added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; amended by Ord. 58-01, File No. 001951, App. 4/13/2001; Ord. 73-03, File No. 022027, App. 4/25/2003; Ord. 99-05, File No. 041570, App. 5/25/2005; Ord. 80-07, File No. 070122, App. 4/19/2007; repealed by Ord. 93-08, File No. 090199, App. 6/10/2009)
(a) Disclosure Category 2. Persons in this category shall disclose all investment and business positions in business entities and income from all laboratories, clinics, hospitals, rest homes, nursing homes, and outpatient care facilities, all medical, surgical, psychiatric, psychological, and related practices, all medical supply firms, drug companies, and insurance companies; all child or adult care facilities; all medical or social service consulting firms; and any source which provides, or contracts with the City and County of San Francisco and its Public Health Department to provide services, supplies, materials, machinery or equipment to the Public Health Department.
(b) Disclosure Category 3. Persons in this category shall disclose all investment and business positions in business entities, interests in real property, and income from any source subject to the regulatory, permit or licensing authority of the Department of Public Health.
Designated Positions | Disclosure Categories |
Designated Positions | Disclosure Categories |
Health Commissioner | 1 |
Board Commission Member, Health Commissions | 1 |
Department Head V, Director of Public Health | 1 |
Secretary, Health Commission | 2 |
Executive Secretary III, Director of Public Health | 2 |
Accountant III / Senior Accountant | 3 |
Accountant IV / Senior Systems Accountant | 3 |
Administrator – ZSFG | 2 |
Administrator – DPH | 2 |
Agricultural Inspector | 2 |
Assistant Director of Clinical Services I | 3 |
Assistant Director of Clinical Services II | 3 |
Assistant General Services Manager | 3 |
Assistant Materials Coordinator | 3 |
Assistant Purchaser | 3 |
Building/Grounds Maintenance Supervisor | 2 |
Chief Dietician | 3 |
Deputy Director I | 2 |
Deputy Director II | 2 |
Deputy Director III | 2 |
Deputy Director IV | 2 |
Deputy Director V | 2 |
Deputy Sealer of Weights and Measures | 2 |
Director Activity/Therapy/Volunteers | 2 |
Director, Medical Records | 2 |
EMS Agency Specialist | 3 |
Environmental Health Inspector | 3 |
Epidemiologist I | 3 |
Epidemiologist II | 3 |
Executive Assistant to Administration ZSFG | 3 |
Financial Systems Supervisor | 2 |
Food Service Manager Administrator | 2 |
Health Program Coordinator III | 3 |
Imaging Supervisor | 3 |
Industrial Hygienist | 3 |
Industrial Injury Investigator | 3 |
Information Systems Administrator-Supervisor | 3 |
Information Systems Manager | 2 |
Information Systems Project Director | 3 |
Inspector, Weights & Measures | 2 |
Manager I | 3 |
Manager II | 3 |
Manager III | 2 |
Manager IV | 2 |
Manager V | 2 |
Manager VI | 2 |
Manager VII | 2 |
Manager VIII | 2 |
Manager, DPH | 2 |
Materials Coordinator | 2 |
Medical Social Worker Supervisor | 3 |
Nurse Manager | 3 |
Nursing Supervisor | 2 |
Nursing Supervisor, Psychiatry | 2 |
Painting Supervisor I | 3 |
Patient Accounts Manager | 2 |
Patient Accounts Supervisor | 3 |
Payroll Supervisor | 3 |
Porter Assistant Supervisor | 3 |
Porter Supervisor I | 3 |
Principal Administrative Analyst | 3 |
Principal Administrative Analyst II | 3 |
Principal Disease Control Investigator | 2 |
Principal Environmental Health Inspector | 2 |
Principal Human Resources Analyst | 2 |
Project Manager I | 2 |
Project Manager II | 2 |
Project Manager III | 2 |
Project Manager IV | 2 |
Public Relations Officer | 3 |
Purchaser | 2 |
Recruiter | 3 |
Research Psychologist | 3 |
Safety Analyst | 3 |
Safety Officer | 2 |
Senior Behavioral Health Clinician | 3 |
Senior Disease Control Investigator | 2 |
Senior Environmental Health Inspector | 3 |
Senior Industrial Hygienist | 2 |
Senior Materials & Supplies Supervisor | 3 |
Senior Medical Social Worker | 3 |
Senior MFC Counselor | 3 |
Senior Morgue Attendant | 2 |
Senior Occupational Therapist | 3 |
Senior Physical Therapist | 3 |
Senior Physician Specialist (Contracting Authority Only) | 3 |
Senior Social Worker | 3 |
Special Assistant XVI | 3 |
Stores & Equipment Assistant Supervisor | 3 |
Supervising Clinical Psychologist | 3 |
Supervising Pharmacist | 3 |
Supervising Physician Specialist | 2 |
(Added as Sec. 3.1-265 by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; amended by Ord. 73-03, File No. 022027, App. 4/25/2003; Ord. 99-05, File No. 041570, App. 5/25/2005; redesignated and amended by Ord. 80-07, File No. 070122, App. 4/19/2007; amended by Ord. 93-08, File No. 090199, App. 6/10/2009; Ord. 320-10, File No. 101272, App. 12/23/2010; Ord. 256-14
, File No. 141003, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015; Ord. 251-16, File No. 161158, App. 12/22/2016, Eff. 1/21/2017; Ord. 13-23, File No. 221025, App. 2/9/2023, Eff. 3/12/2023)
Disclosure Category 2. Persons in this category shall disclose all investments and business positions in business entities and income from any source which provides services, supplies, materials, machinery, or equipment to, or contracts with, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.
Designated Positions
Disclosure Categories
Designated Positions
Disclosure Categories
Public Utilities Commission, Boards and Administration | |
Account Clerk (Prop Q) | 1 |
Accountant II (Prop Q) | 1 |
Accountant III (Prop Q) | 1 |
Accountant Intern (Prop Q) | 1 |
Accountant IV | 1 |
Administrative Analyst (Prop Q} | 1 |
Administrative Engineer | 1 |
Assistant Materials Coordinator (Prop Q) | 1 |
Assistant Purchaser | 2 |
Assistant Purchaser (Prop Q) | 1 |
Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Superintendent | 2 |
Chief Surveyor | 2 |
Chief Water Service Inspector | 2 |
Clerk (Prop Q) | 1 |
Commercial Division Assistant Supervisor | 1 |
Commissioner | 1 |
Communications Specialist | 2 |
Deputy Director IV | 1 |
Deputy Director V | 1 |
EEO Senior Specialist | 1 |
Engineer/Architect Principal | 1 |
Engineer/Architect/Landscape Architect Senior – Section Manager | 2 |
Executive Contract Employee | 1 |
Executive Director, SE Community Facility Commission | 1 |
Executive Secretary 1 (Prop Q) | 1 |
Executive Secretary 2 (Prop Q) | 1 |
Executive Secretary 3 (Prop Q) | 1 |
Forester | 2 |
General Manager | 1 |
Government and Public Affairs Manager | 1 |
Industrial Hygienist | 2 |
IS Business Analyst (Prop Q) | 1 |
IS Project Director | 1 |
Junior Administrative Analyst (Prop Q) | 1 |
Junior Management Assistant (Prop Q) | 1 |
Laboratory Services Manager | 2 |
Maintenance Manager | 2 |
Management Assistant (Prop Q) | 1 |
Manager I | 1 |
Manager II | 1 |
Manager III | 1 |
Manager IV | 1 |
Manager V | 1 |
Manager VI | 1 |
Manager VII | 1 |
Manager VIII | 1 |
Materials Coordinator | 2 |
Materials Coordinator (Prop Q) | 1 |
Payroll Supervisor | 1 |
Planner III | 2 |
Planner III-Environmental Review | 2 |
Planner IV | 2 |
Planner IV-Environmental Review | 2 |
Power Generation Supervisor | 2 |
Principal Account Clerk (Prop Q) | 1 |
Principal Administrative Analyst | 1 |
Principal Administrative Analyst II | 1 |
Principal Human Resources Analyst | 1 |
Project Manager 1 | 1 |
Project Manager 2 | 1 |
Project Manager 3 | 1 |
Project Manager 4 | 1 |
Public Relations Manager | 1 |
Public Service Aide - Associate To Professionals (Prop Q) | 1 |
Purchaser | 1 |
Rate Fairness Board Member | 1 |
Regulatory Specialist | 2 |
Residential Users Appeal Board Member | 1 |
Revenue Bond Oversight Committee Member | 1 |
Safety Analyst | 2 |
Safety Officer | 1 |
Secretary 2 (Prop Q) | 1 |
Senior Account Clerk (Prop Q) | 1 |
Senior Administrative Analyst | 2 |
Senior Administrative Analyst (Prop Q) | 1 |
Senior Clerk (Prop Q) | 1 |
Senior Clerk Typist (Prop Q) | 1 |
Senior Industrial Hygienist | 1 |
Senior Management Assistant (Prop Q) | 1 |
Senior Parts Storekeeper (Prop Q) | 1 |
Sewage Treatment Plant Superintendent | 2 |
Southeast Community Facility Commissioner | 1 |
Storekeeper (Prop Q) | 1 |
Superintendent of Water Treatment Facilities | 2 |
Technology Expert II | 1 |
Utility Analyst (Prop Q) | 1 |
Utility Services Representative (Prop Q) | 1 |
Utility Services Representative Supervisor (Prop Q) | 1 |
Utility Specialist | 2 |
Utility Specialist (Prop Q) | 1 |
Water Conservation Administrator | 2 |
Water Construction & Maintenance Superintendent | 2 |
Watershed Forester | 2 |
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; amended by Ord. 58-01, File No. 001951, App. 4/13/2001; Ord. 35-02, File No. 011875, App. 3/29/2002; Ord. 73-03, File No. 022027, App. 4/25/2003; Ord. 99-05, File No. 041570, App. 5/25/2005; Ord. 80-07, File No. 070122, App. 4/19/2007; Ord. 93-08, File No. 090199, App. 6/10/2009; Ord. 320-10, File No. 101272, App. 12/23/2010; Ord. 9-13, File No. 120964, App. 2/4/2013, Eff. 3/6/2013, Oper. 1/1/2013; Ord. 256-14
, File No. 141003, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015; Ord. 251-16, File No. 161158, App. 12/22/2016, Eff. 1/21/2017; Ord. 278-18, File No. 180934, App. 11/20/2018, Eff. 12/21/2018; Ord. 7-21, File No. 201219, App. 1/22/2021, Eff. 2/22/2021, Oper. 2/22/2021; Ord. 13-23, File No. 221025, App. 2/9/2023, Eff. 3/12/2023; Ord. 89-24, File No. 240016, App. 5/10/2024, Eff. 6/10/2024)
(Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 58.315)
Designated Positions
Disclosure Categories
Designated Positions
Disclosure Categories
Commission | |
Public Works Commission, Member | 1 |
Department-wide | |
Manager I | 1 |
Manager II | 1 |
Manager III | 1 |
Manager IV | 1 |
Manager V | 1 |
Manager VI | 1 |
Manager VII | 1 |
Manager VIII | 1 |
Principal Architect | 1 |
Principal Engineer | 1 |
Proposition Q Initiator | 1 |
Director’s Office | |
Director of Public Works | 1 |
Deputy Director of Public Works for Infrastructure and City Engineer | 1 |
Deputy Director of Public Works for Buildings and City Architect | 1 |
Deputy Director of Public Works for Operations | 1 |
Deputy Director of Public Works for Financial Management and Administration | 1 |
Director of Policy and Communications | 1 |
Assistant to the Director | 1 |
Public Relations Manager | 1 |
Deputy Communications Director | 1 |
Finance | |
Finance Bureau Manager | 1 |
Budget Section Manager | 1 |
Accounting Section Manager | 1 |
Accounting Section Assistant Manager | 1 |
Commodity Procurement Manager | 1 |
Contract Administration Section Manager | 1 |
Information Technology | |
Information Technology Bureau Manager | 1 |
Operations Section Manager | 1 |
Applications Section Manager | 1 |
Administration | |
Administration Bureau Manager | 1 |
Contract Administration Section Manager | 1 |
Performance Management Section Manager | 1 |
Building Design and Construction (BDC) | |
BDC Bureau Manager | 1 |
Director of Project Management | 1 |
BDC Director of Operations | 1 |
Senior Architect | 1 |
Architect | 1 |
Architectural Administrator | 1 |
Project Manager I | 1 |
Project Manager II | 1 |
Project Manager III | 1 |
Project Manager IV | 1 |
Senior Landscape Architect | 1 |
Landscape Architect | 1 |
Landscape Architectural Associate I | 1 |
Landscape Architectural Associate II | 1 |
Senior Engineer | 1 |
Administrative Engineer | 1 |
Engineer | 1 |
Associate Engineer | 1 |
Building Inspector | 1 |
Senior Building Inspector | 1 |
Assistant Construction Inspector | 1 |
Construction Inspector | 1 |
Senior Construction Inspector | 1 |
Disability Access Coordinator | 1 |
Human Resources | |
Human Resources Bureau Manager | 1 |
Employee Labor Relations Section Manager | 1 |
Talent Acquisition Section Manager | 1 |
Health and Safety Section Manager | 1 |
Training Section Manager | 1 |
Bureau of Building and Street Repair (BBSR) | |
BBSR Bureau Superintendent | 1 |
BBSR Assistant Bureau Superintendent | 1 |
BBSR Section Manager | 1 |
BBSR Operations Section Manager | 1 |
BBSR Street Repair Supervisor II | 1 |
BBSR Sewer Repair Supervisor | 1 |
Infrastructure Design and Construction (IDC) | |
IDC Bureau Manager | 1 |
IDC Deputy Bureau Manager | 1 |
IDC Director of Operations | 1 |
Project Manager I | 1 |
Project Manager II | 1 |
Project Manager III | 1 |
Project Manager IV | 1 |
Senior Engineer | 1 |
Engineer | 1 |
Administrative Engineer | 1 |
Associate Engineer | 1 |
Structural Engineer | 1 |
Disability Access Coordinator | 1 |
Manager, Regulatory and Environmental Affairs | 1 |
Assistant Construction Inspector | 1 |
Construction Inspector | 1 |
Senior Construction Inspector | 1 |
Regulatory Specialist | 1 |
BSES Bureau Superintendent | 1 |
BSES Assistant Bureau Superintendent | 1 |
Street Environmental Services Operations Supervisor | 1 |
Program Support Analyst | 1 |
Outreach and Enforcement Section Manager | 1 |
Apprentice Programs Section Manager | 1 |
Public Information Officer, Outreach and Enforcement | 1 |
Public Relations Assistant, Outreach and Enforcement | 1 |
Project Controls and Services (PCS) | |
PCS Bureau Manager | 1 |
PCS Assistant Bureau Manager | 1 |
Senior Engineer | 1 |
Administrative Engineer | 1 |
Engineer | 1 |
Associate Engineer | 1 |
Assistant Construction Inspector | 1 |
Construction Inspector | 1 |
Senior Construction Inspector | 1 |
Cost Estimator | 1 |
Regulatory Specialist I | 1 |
Bureau of Street Use and Mapping (BSM) | |
BSM Bureau Manager | 1 |
BSM Assistant Bureau Manager | 1 |
BSM Section Manager | 1 |
Senior Plan Checker | 1 |
Senior Engineer | 1 |
Associate Engineer | 1 |
Chief Surveyor | 1 |
Engineering Associate II | 1 |
Street Inspector | 1 |
Senior Street Inspector | 1 |
Street Inspection Supervisor | 1 |
Project Manager I | 1 |
Project Manager II | 1 |
Project Manager III | 1 |
Project Manager IV | 1 |
Bureau of Urban Forestry (BUF) | |
BUF Bureau Superintendent | 1 |
BUF Assistant Bureau Superintendent | 1 |
Cement Finisher Supervisor II | 1 |
Urban Forester | 1 |
Contract and Grant Manager | 1 |
Landscape Supervisor | 1 |
Arborist Technician Supervisor II | 1 |
BUF Bureau Superintendent | 1 |
BUF Assistant Bureau Superintendent | 1 |
Cement Finisher Supervisor II | 1 |
Urban Forester | 1 |
Contract and Grant Manager | 1 |
Landscape Supervisor | 1 |
Arborist Technician Supervisor II | 1 |
Central Operations (CO) | |
CO Bureau Superintendent | 1 |
CO Assistant Superintendent | 1 |
Cost Estimator | 1 |
Project Manager I | 1 |
Program Support Analyst | 1 |
Senior Storekeeper | 1 |
Storekeeper | 1 |
Assistant Storekeeper | 1 |
Heavy Equipment Operations Supervisor | 1 |
Assistant Heavy Equipment Operations Supervisor |
1 |
CO Bureau Superintendent | 1 |
CO Assistant Superintendent | 1 |
Cost Estimator | 1 |
Project Manager I | 1 |
Program Support Analyst | 1 |
Senior Storekeeper |
1 |
Storekeeper |
1 |
Assistant Storekeeper |
1 |
Heavy Equipment Operations Supervisor |
1 |
Assistant Heavy Equipment Operations Supervisor | 1 |
(Added as Sec. 3.1-375 by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; amended by Ord. 58-01, File No. 001951, App. 4/13/2001; Ord. 73-03, File No. 022027, App. 4/25/2003; Ord. 99-05, File No. 041570, App. 5/25/2005; redesignated as Sec. 3.1-252 and amended by Ord. 80-07, File No. 070122, App. 4/19/2007; amended by Ord. 256-14, File No. 141003, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015; Ord. 251-16, File No. 161158, App. 12/22/2016, Eff. 1/21/2017; Ord. 278-18, File No. 180934, App. 11/20/2018, Eff. 12/21/2018; Ord. 7-21, File No. 201219, App. 1/22/2021, Eff. 2/22/2021, Oper. 2/22/2021; redesignated and amended by Ord. 84-22, File No. 200315, App. 5/31/2022, Eff. 7/1/2022, Oper. 7/1/2022; Ord. 13-23, File No. 221025, App. 2/9/2023, Eff. 3/12/2023; Ord. 89-24, File No. 240016, App. 5/10/2024, Eff. 6/10/2024)
(Former Sec. 3.1-370 added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; repealed by Ord. 58-01, File No. 001951, App. 4/13/2001)
(Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 58.320)
1. So in Ord. 13-23.
(Former Sec. 3.1-375 added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; amended by Ord. 58-01, File No. 001951, App. 4/13/2001; Ord. 73-03, File No. 022027, App. 4/25/2003; Ord. 99-05, File No. 041570, App. 5/25/2005; redesignated as Sec. 3.1-252 and amended by Ord. 80-07, File No. 070122, App. 4/19/2007)
(Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 58.325)