Every owner, manager or lessee of a hammam or Turkish bathing establishment, or of a public bathing tub, or tubs, will pay the inspection fee to the Health Department of $10 provided for in Section 35 of this Part III of the Municipal Code for a first inspection and will pay the following license fee annually, in advance: $25.
The license fees prescribed by this Section are due and payable on a calendar-year basis starting January 1, 1961. Fees for new licenses issued prior to January 1, 1961, or after the first of January in that calendar year or in any subsequent calendar year shall be prorated to the end of the calendar year on a monthly basis.
(Amended by Ord. 193-61, App. 7/27/61)
Every person, firm or corporation owning, leasing, maintaining or conducting any bowling alley establishment shall pay a license fee of $10 per quarter therefor.
The license issued under the provisions of this Section shall be issued for a period of three months, and shall date from the expiration of the last license or from the date upon which the applicant shall have commenced business.
Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of beating, cleaning or renovating carpets, who or which is not required to obtain a license for such business under the provisions of Section 120 of this Article, shall pay a license fee of $2.50 per quarter.
(Amended by Ord. 1460, App. 12/12/41)
Every person, firm or corporation holding, promoting or giving a concerts, shall pay a license fee for each day of such performance depending upon the seating capacity of the place, as follows:
Places with a seating capacity of less than 500, $5;
Places with a seating capacity of 500 or over, $10.
A "concert" within the meaning of this Section shall be an entertainment open to the public at large, the principal part of which shall be composed of vocal or instrumental music or both, and to which an admission fee is charged.