General Provisions. | |
Surcharge on Certain License Fees. | |
Licenses Payable on March 31, Where Payable, Penalty for Nonpayment, Annual Adjustment. | |
Licenses Payable on March 31, Where Payable, Penalty and Interest for Nonpayment, Annual Adjustment. | |
Transfers of License. | |
Evidence of Liability. | |
License to be Exhibited. | |
Police Officers to be License Inspectors. | |
Animals and Birds. | |
Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities. | |
Self-Service Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities. | |
Boxing and Wrestling Exhibitions. | |
Baseball Parks. | |
Bathing Establishments. | |
Bowling Alleys. | |
Carpet Cleaning. | |
Concerts. | |
Exhibitions. | |
House Raising and Moving. | |
Laundries and Cleaning and Dyeing Works. | |
Laundry Delivery Businesses or Services. | |
Livery Stables. | |
Limousine and Sightseeing Bus Stands. | |
Refund of License Fees; Findings and Declaration. | |
Picture Film Exchanges. | |
Regulators, Gas. | |
Riding Academies. | |
Storage of Oils. | |
Theaters. | |
Drive-in Moving Picture Theaters. | |
Towel Companies. | |
Automobile Repairing, Special Branches of. | |
Vaudeville Houses. | |
Real Estate Signs. | |
Identification of Owner on Sign. | |
Identification of Owner on Vehicles. | |
Identification of Billposting Employee. | |
Dog Kennel Defined. | |
License Fees for Dog Kennels. | |
Legal Effect of License or Permit. | |
Animals Used in Business. | |
Special Animal Control and Welfare Fund. | |
Use of Open Flames and Candles. | |
Storage and Use of Battery Systems. | |
Waste Handling. | |
Maintenance of Fire Fighter Air Systems. | |
Combustible Dust Producing Operations. | |
Fruit and Crop Ripening. | |
Hot Work Operations. | |
Use of Liquid or Gas Fueled Vehicles or Equipment in Assembly Buildings. | |
Use of Refrigeration Equipment. | |
Amusement Buildings. | |
Covered Mall Buildings. | |
Pyroxylin Plastics. | |
Rooftop Heliports. | |
Tire Rebuilding Plants. | |
Places of Public Assembly and Open-Air Assembly. | |
Nitrocellulose Film and Plastics. | |
Storage of Certain Combustible Materials. | |
Storage and Use of Flammable or Combustible Liquids. | |
Fumigation and Fogging. | |
Storage and Use of Liquefied Gases and Compressed Gases. | |
Erection and Use of Acetylene Generators; Storage of Calcium Carbide. | |
Application of Flammable Finishes; and Use and Operation of Industrial Baking and Drying Ovens. | |
Processing of Magnesium. | |
Operating a Tank Vehicle. | |
Hazardous Materials. | |
Food Product and Marketing Establishments. | |
Food Preparation and Service Establishments. | |
Cottage Food Operations Fees. | |
School Food Concessions. | |
Salvage Goods and Merchandise. | |
Cigar and Mattress Factories. | |
Pet Shops, Dog Kennels, Hospitals for Sick Animals. | |
Vehicles for the Transportation of Refuse and Adjudication of Rate Disputes. | |
Swimming Pools. | |
Emergency Medical Services. | |
Use of Poisonous Gas, Etc. | |
Temporary and Annual Permits for Special Events: Fees. | |
Food Vending Machines. | |
Wells and Well Water. | |
Certified Testers. | |
Solid Waste Transfer Station License Fee. | |
Tobacco Sales License Fee. | |
Place of Entertainment. | |
Extended Hours Premises. | |
Mechanical Amusement Device. | |
Cannabis Business Permit and License Fees. | |
Food Facility Surcharge. | |
Caterers. | |
Mobile Food Facility Plan Check Fee. | |
Non-Potable Water Systems. | |
Body Art License Fees. | |
Every person, firm or corporation now or hereafter liable to pay any license, license tax, fee or money, under any Ordinance or Ordinances of the City and County of San Francisco heretofore, now or hereafter existing, shall be liable in a civil action, in the name of the City and County of San Francisco, for the amount of such license, license tax, fee or money.
The amount of any license, license tax, fee or money heretofore, now or hereafter required to be paid by any Ordinance or Ordinances of the City and County of San Francisco and now or hereafter remaining unpaid by the person, firm or corporation liable to pay the same, shall be deemed a debt due the City and County of San Francisco and the Tax Collector of the City and County of San Francisco is hereby authorized and empowered to direct suit to be brought by the City Attorney of the City and County of San Francisco, and upon such direction or request the City Attorney is hereby authorized and required to bring suit, in the name of the City and County of San Francisco, for the recovery of the amount of such license, license tax, fee or money, against any person, firm or corporation so liable to pay the same.
The City Attorney, or the Tax Collector of the City and County of San Francisco, on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco, may make the necessary affidavit for, and a writ of attachment may issue without any undertaking or bond given on behalf of the plaintiff; and in case of recovery by the plaintiff $25 damages must be added to the judgment as costs to be collected from the defendant or defendants.
Nothing herein contained shall bar or prevent a criminal prosecution for each and every violation of any Ordinance. No judgment in a civil suit or payment of the same, or payment of the license, shall bar or prevent such criminal prosecution.
All persons, firms or corporations must pay the license, license tax, fee or money to the proper officer and take out a license without any tender of such license, or demand for the license tax or fee or money.
In addition to the annual or quarterly license fees required in Sections 90, 93, 94, 97, 118, 141, 143, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244, 245 and 247, there is hereby required the payment of a $5 surcharge to be payable during the calendar year 1973 together with the specified license fee. The surcharge shall be paid at the same time the license fee is paid.
This surcharge shall be for the purpose of making a microfilm record system for all building records and providing for the necessary services, equipment, material and related costs attendant thereto. All surcharge fees collected shall be deposited into the Building Record Fund of the Department of Public Works as established in Section 319.2 of the Building Code.
(Added by Ord. 325-72, App. 11/9/72)
(Amended by Ord. 274-64, App. 10/16/64; repealed by Ord. 238-11, File No. 111101, App. 12/15/2011, Eff. 1/14/2012)