Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of maintaining, conducting or operating a motor fuel dispensing facility that requires a permit from the Fire Department shall pay an annual license fee of $359.
The license fee for the Fire Department permit shall be paid annually on or before March 31, in accordance with the provisions of Section 76.1 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code.
Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of maintaining, conducting or operating a self-service motor fuel dispensing facility that requires a permit from the Fire Department, and jointly administered by the Fire and Health Departments, shall pay an annual license fee of $359.
The license fee for the Fire Department permit shall be paid annually on or before March 31, in accordance with the provisions of Section 76.1 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code.
Every person, firm or corporation conducting, carrying on or managing a boxing or wrestling exhibition, shall pay a license fee of $10 for each such exhibition.
Provided that no license shall be exacted from bona fide athletic organizations where boxing or wrestling exhibitions are given for the entertainment of the members thereof and to which no admission fee is charged, directly or indirectly.
Every proprietor, lessee or manager of any uncovered enclosure wherein baseball games are held, where an admission fee is charged, shall pay a license fee of $150 per quarter; provided that this Section shall not apply to baseball grounds under the control of any religious, benevolent or educational institution.
Every owner, manager or lessee of a hammam or Turkish bathing establishment, or of a public bathing tub, or tubs, will pay the inspection fee to the Health Department of $10 provided for in Section 35 of this Part III of the Municipal Code for a first inspection and will pay the following license fee annually, in advance: $25.
The license fees prescribed by this Section are due and payable on a calendar-year basis starting January 1, 1961. Fees for new licenses issued prior to January 1, 1961, or after the first of January in that calendar year or in any subsequent calendar year shall be prorated to the end of the calendar year on a monthly basis.
(Amended by Ord. 193-61, App. 7/27/61)