Director of Property. | |
Recreation and Park; New Facilities. |
The Director of Property shall have the charge of the purchase of real property and improvements required for all City and County purposes, and the sale and lease of real property and improvements thereon owned by the City and County, except as otherwise provided by the Charter. In the acquisition of property required for street opening, widening or other public improvements, the Director shall make preliminary appraisals of the value of the property sought to be condemned or otherwise acquired, and report thereon to the responsible officer. It shall be his or duty, in addition, to assist in such proceedings on the request of the responsible officer.
Except for the Convention Facilities Management Department, each department authorized by the approval of bond issues or by annual or supplemental appropriation ordinances to purchase or lease property or improvements needed for the purposes of such department shall make such purchases or leases through the Director of Property. The Director of Property shall make a preliminary valuation of the property to be acquired or leased and report the same to the department requiring such property. For such purposes the Director of Property may employ independent appraisers. The Director of Property shall conduct negotiations with the owner or owners thereof, at the conclusion of which the Director shall report the terms on which such sale or lease may be concluded, together with his or her recommendations thereon. The head of the department concerned may report to the Board of Supervisors and recommend acceptance or that proceedings in eminent domain be instituted for the acquisition of such property.
The Director of Property shall maintain complete records and maps of all real property owned by the City, which shall show the purchase price, if known, and the department in charge of each parcel, with reference to deeds or grants establishing the City's title.
The Director of Property shall annually report to the Mayor, the Controller, the Director of Administrative Services, and the Supervisors, the estimated value of each parcel and improvement. The Director of Property shall make recommendations to the Mayor and Director of Administrative Services relative to the advantageous use, disposition, or sale of real property not in use.
(Added by Ord. 277-96, App. 7/3/96)
The Recreation and Park Department shall have power to construct new parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, recreation facilities, squares and grounds, and to erect and maintain buildings and structures on parks, playgrounds, squares, avenues and grounds. Pursuant to Charter Section 16.107, the Recreation and Park Commission shall have the authority to prepare and approve the plans, specifications and estimates for all contracts and orders, and to award, execute and manage all contracts and orders for capital projects on real property under its jurisdiction or management.
(Added by Ord. 352-96, App. 9/11/96; amended by Ord. 118-00, File No. 000478, App. 6/2/2000)
Public Utilities; Powers and Duties. | |
Public Utility; Hetch Hetchy Project. | |
Public Utility Accounting. | |
Public Utilities; Foreign Trade Zones. | |
Public Utility Rates. |
The Public Utilities Department shall locate and determine the character and type of all construction and additions, betterments and extensions to utilities under its control, and shall determine the policy for such construction or the making of such additions, betterments and extensions from the public funds under its jurisdiction; provided that in each such case it shall secure the recommendation of the Manager of Utilities, which shall be presented in writing and shall include analyses of cost, service and estimated revenues of all proposed or feasible alternatives in cases where it is deemed by the manager that such alternatives exist.
The Department shall also have power to enter into contract for the furnishing of heat, light and power for municipal purposes, and to supervise the performance and check the monthly bills under such contract. The Department shall provide adequate electric power to the municipal railway for its prudent use in providing transit services and related activities.
The Department shall have full power and authority to enter into such arrangements and agreements as it shall deem proper for the joint use with any other person, firm or corporation owning or having jurisdiction over poles, conduits, towers, stations, aqueducts, and reservoirs for the operation of any of the utilities under its jurisdiction.
The Department shall observe all City and County ordinances and the regulations of the Department of Public Works relative to utility openings, structures and poles in streets and other public places, as well as all ordinances and regulations relative to barricades, construction lights, refilling excavations and replacing and maintaining street pavements; and in connection with all such matters the said Department shall be subject to the same inspection rules and pay fees to the proper department in the same manner and at the same rates as any private person or corporation.
The Department shall have charge of all valuation work relative or incidental to purchase proceedings initiated by the City and County for the acquisition of any public utility.
(Added by Ord. 352-96, App. 9/11/96)
The Hetch Hetchy Project shall not be deemed completed until a specific finding of completion thereof has been made by the Public Utilities Commission and approved by the Board of Supervisors by a two-thirds vote of all members.
(Added by Ord. 352-96, App. 9/11/96)
The Public Utilities Department shall maintain separate accounts for each utility in such manner as to exhibit exact and complete financial results of ownership, management and operation; the actual cost of each utility; all costs of maintenance, extension and improvement; all operating expenses of every description; the general expenses of the Commission and bureaus thereof apportioned to each such utility; the amount paid or set aside for depreciation, insurance, interest and sinking fund; and estimates of the amount of taxes that would be chargeable against such property and the revenue thereof if privately owned and operated. All accounts shall be maintained in accordance with forms and requirements for public utilities engaged in like character of service, insofar as these shall be applicable to publicly owned and operated utilities.
(Added by Ord. 352-96, App. 9/11/96)
The Public Utilities Department shall propose to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors rates, charges or fares for the furnishing of service by any utility under its jurisdiction. The Public Utilities Department shall have power to collect by appropriate means all amounts due for said service, and to discontinue service to delinquent consumers and to settle and adjust claims arising out of the operation of any said utilities.
Rates may be fixed at varying scales for different classes of service or consumers. The Department may provide for the rendition of utility service outside the limits of the City and County and the rates to be charged therefor which may include proportionate compensation for interest during the construction of the utility rendering such service.
Before proposing any schedule of rates or fares, the Commission shall publish in the official newspaper of the City and County for five days notice of its intention so to do and shall fix a time for a public hearing or hearings thereon, which shall be not less than 10 days after the last publication of said notice, and at which any resident may present his or her objection to or views on the proposed schedule of rates, fares or charges.
Rates for each utility shall be proposed so that the revenue therefrom shall be sufficient to pay, for at least the succeeding fiscal year, all expenses of every kind and nature incident to the operation and maintenance of said utility, together with the interest and sinking fund for any bonds issued for the acquisition, construction or extension of said utility.
(Added by Ord. 352-96, App. 9/11/96)