(a) The Controller shall annually make a complete financial report which shall be audited and distributed as provided in Charter Section 2.115.
(b) The Controller shall also produce reports that summarize City revenues and expenditures during the first six- and nine-month periods of each fiscal year, and during any other portion of the fiscal year that the Controller deems appropriate. Such summaries shall include the General Fund and selected funds and accounts of the City and shall include assets, liabilities, income, expenditures, appropriations and funds, in such manner as to show the financial condition of the City and County and of each department, office, bureau or division thereof, for the period covered, and with comparative figures for the similar period in the preceding fiscal year. The reports shall include statements showing the cash position of the City and County and the unencumbered balance in each fund. For each department with separate overtime appropriations in its annual operating fund under Administrative Code Section 3.17, the report shall include a statement showing the amount the department has expended to pay for overtime during the portion of the fiscal year covered by the report.
(c) The Controller shall also prepare monthly and transmit to all department heads concerned, reports showing the allowances, expenditures, encumbrances and unencumbered balances of each revenue and expenditure appropriation.
(d) The Controller shall transmit a copy of each report prepared under the Section 2A.19 to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors.
(a) The Controller shall audit the accounts of all boards, officers and employees of the City and County charged in any manner with the custody, collection, or disbursement of funds. The Controller shall audit all accounts of money coming into the hands of the Treasurer, the frequency of which shall be governed by State law.
(b) The Controller shall have the authority to audit the operations of all boards, commissions, officers and departments to evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency. The Controller shall have access to, and authority to examine all documents, records, books and other property of any board, commission, officer or department.
(c) When requested by the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, or any board or commission for its own department, the Controller shall audit the accounts of any officer or department.
(d) Surveillance Technology Audit.
(1) For purposes of this subsection (d), “Department,” “Surveillance Technology,” “Surveillance Technology Policy,” and “Annual Surveillance Report” have the meanings set forth in Section 19B.1 of the Administrative Code.
(2) Acting as City Services Auditor, and beginning in fiscal year 2019-2020, the Controller shall audit annually the use of Surveillance Technology by Departments. Such an audit shall include a review of whether a Department has operated and is operating in compliance with an approved Surveillance Technology Policy ordinance, and has completed an Annual Surveillance Report, and such other information as the Controller determines helpful to assess the Surveillance Technology Policy. At the completion of the audit and in consultation with the City Attorney, the Controller may recommend any changes to any Surveillance Technology Policy ordinance and its implementation to the Board of Supervisors.
(A) There is hereby created within the Department of Administrative Services a Mayor's Office on Disability. The Mayor's Office on Disability shall assist City departments in making all programs, services, benefits, activities, and facilities owned, operated, or funded by the City and County of San Francisco accessible to and useable by individuals with disabilities, as may be required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336) and other disability rights laws and disability access regulations and codes.
(B) The Mayor's Office on Disability may issue policies and procedures with respect to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336) and other disability rights laws and disability access regulations and codes. The Mayor's Office on Disability may, at its discretion, consult with City departments on the development of these policies and procedures. Such policies and procedures shall be subject to approval by ordinance of the Board of Supervisors and upon approval shall be binding on all City departments.
(Added by Ord. 3-05, File No. 041487, App. 1/8/2005)
Any city administered or funded construction project requiring the Mayor's Office on Disability plan review or site inspection for compliance with Federal disability access laws and regulations shall pay a fee consistent with this section. For the purpose of this section, "plan review" includes reviewing and approving architectural drawings, site plans, and construction plans for compliance with Federal disability access laws and regulations prior to the commencement of work. For the purpose of this section, "site inspection" includes inspecting and approving all work for compliance with Federal disability access laws and regulations during the construction phase of the project.
(a) Plan Review and Site Inspection Fees. At the time the project sponsor submits its architectural drawings, site plans, and construction plans to the Mayor's Office on Disability, the project sponsor shall pay to the Mayor's Office on Disability a fee as set forth below.
Fee Schedule – New Construction:
Total Project Valuation | Fee | # of Plan Reviews included in fee | # of Site Inspections included in fee | Additional Plan Reviews or Site Inspections |
Up to $200,000 | Hourly rate of $150/hr | 2 | 2 | $150/hr |
$200,000- $999,999 | $2200 + $310 per each additional $100,000 over the initial $200,000 | 3 | 3 | $150/hr |
$1-$5 million | $4400 + $75 per each additional $100,000 over the initial $1 million | 3 | 4 | $150/hr |
$5-10 million | $7400 + $22 per each additional $100,000 over the initial $5 million | 3 | 5 | $150/hr |
$10 million and up | $8500 + $13.50 per each additional $100,000 over the initial $10 million | 3 | 9 | $150/hr |
Fee Schedule – Alterations:
Total Project Valuation | Fee | # of Plan Reviews included in fee | # of Site Inspections included in fee | Additional Plan Reviews or Site Inspections |
Up to $200,000 | Hourly rate of $150/hr | 2 | 2 | $150/hr |
$200 K- $999 K | $2640 + $340 per each additional $100,000 over the initial $200,000 | 3 | 3 | $150/hr |
$1-$5 million | $5040 + $85 per each additional $100,000 over the initial $1 million | 3 | 4 | $150/hr |
$5-10 million | $8440 + $24 per each additional $100,000 over the initial $5 million | 3 | 5 | $150/hr |
$10 million and up | $9640 + $15 per each additional $100,000 over the initial $10 million | 3 | 9 | $150/hr |
For the purposes of this section, "Total Project Valuation" shall mean the amount as determined under San Francisco Building Code Section 107.2. In the absence of a waiver under subsection (b), this ordinance does not require the Mayor's Office on Disability to review the architectural drawings, site plans, and construction plans or conduct any site inspections until the project sponsor pays the fee established by this section.
(b) Waiver. The Director of the Office on Disability may waive the fees received under this section where the project sponsor demonstrates in a written application that payment of such fees would present an undue financial hardship on the project sponsor.
(c) Adjustment of fees by the Controller. No later than July 1st of each year, the Controller shall adjust the fee schedule to ensure that: (1) each fee produces sufficient revenue to support each fee category's costs for the next year, and (2) each fee does not produce revenue which is projected to materially exceed each fee category's costs for the next year. The Controller shall provide a copy of any adjusted fee schedule under this Section 2A.22.1 to the Mayor's Office on Disability. The Mayor's Office on Disability shall post the adjusted fee schedule on its website. The Controller's annual adjustment shall become operative on July 1st of each year.
(Added by Ord. 190-05, File No. 051002, App. 7/29/2005; amended by Ord. 168-12, File No. 120606, App. 7/27/2012, Eff. 8/26/2012)
(a) It is the policy of the City and County of San Francisco ("City") to provide reasonable modifications in its policies, practices, and procedures for all qualified people with disabilities and to provide these modifications quickly, easily, and with minimum burden to the person with the disability. Denial of a modification should occur only in situations for which the policy modification would fundamentally alter the program, service, or activity, or would constitute an undue financial and/or administrative burden.
(b) All City departments shall take the following steps to implement the City's reasonable modification policy for the benefit of the public:
(1) Provide notice, in accessible formats, to members of the public of their rights to ask for a modification in policies, practices, and procedures or the use of an auxiliary aid or service in order to accommodate a disability.
(2) Respond to a request for a reasonable modification in a timely manner within – 72 hours, if feasible. A department should never delay providing life-preserving modifications.
(3) Provide adequate communication devices for people with disabilities requesting communication assistance, such as qualified interpreters, note-takers, computer-aided transcription services, written materials, audio recordings, computer disks, large print and Brailed materials, and assistive listening systems to ensure that the City will be able to communicate effectively with individuals with disabilities, and that individuals with disabilities will be able to participate in the range of services and programs offered by the City.
(4) Provide appropriate training to staff members who will respond to requests for reasonable modifications.
(c) In working with a person who has a disability to address a reasonable modification request, City departments and their contractors shall not:
(1) Require a person with a disability to fill out a form, or provide medical documentation, in order to request or receive a reasonable modification, except as provided in subsection (c)(2), below.
(2) Inquire about the specific diagnosis or medical history of the requestor's disability. Most requests for reasonable modification to policies, practices and procedures to City services shall be granted readily unless a City department or contractor can demonstrate that doing so would constitute a fundamental alteration to the nature of its program or service or an undue financial and/or administrative burden.
Medical or written documentation shall be required only in cases where the reasonable modification request appears unusual given the circumstances, exceeds the level of excellent customer service expected of City staff and contractors or there is no apparent nexus between the disability and the requested modification. Medical inquiries shall be limited to documentation of specific functional limitations, including an explanation of how the functional limitation necessitates the need for the requested modification.
(d) The Mayor's Office on Disability ("MOD") shall maintain on its website a list of City-approved vendors who can provide auxiliary aids and services necessary for effective communication with individuals with disabilities. MOD shall also provide guidance and technical assistance to City departments that have questions about the appropriate response to a request for reasonable modification.
(Added by Ord. 90-10, File No. 10024, App. 4/30/2010)
(a) There is hereby created within the Department of Administrative Services an Office of Labor Standards Enforcement. The Office of Labor Standards Enforcement shall enforce the City’s Minimum Wage Ordinance ( of the Labor and Employment Code), Minimum Compensation Ordinance ( of the Labor and Employment Code), Health Care Accountability Ordinance ( of the Labor and Employment Code), Prevailing Wage Ordinances, and shall carry out any additional duties and functions as assigned by Charter or ordinance. The Office of Labor Standards Enforcement may enforce the provisions of the California Labor Code to the extent permitted by State law. The Office of Labor Standards Enforcement may impose penalties and take any and all appropriate action to enforce the requirements of such provisions, including but not limited to those set forth in San Francisco Labor and Employment Code , to the extent permitted by State law.
(b) The Office shall be administered by the Labor Standards Enforcement Officer, who shall be appointed by, and shall serve at the pleasure of, the Mayor. In appointing the Labor Standards Enforcement Officer, the Mayor shall consider, among other relevant factors, the individual's experience enforcing labor standards, including prevailing wage requirements, and the diversity of San Francisco in the construction industry. The Labor Standards Enforcement Officer shall coordinate his or her activities with federal and state labor standards agencies.
(c) All City departments shall cooperate with the Labor Standards Enforcement Officer and his or her designees. The Labor Standards Enforcement Officer shall have the authority to subpoena the production of books, papers, records or other items relevant to investigations under the jurisdiction of the Office of Labor Standards Enforcement.
(Added by Ord. 5-06, File No. 051652, App. 1/20/2006; Ord. 205-06, File No. 060247, App. 7/25/2006)
The Office of the City Administrator shall be a department of the City. The City Administrator shall be appointed and may be removed as provided in the Charter. The department shall include such officers and employees as are authorized pursuant to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(Added by Ord. 204-04, File No. 040754, App. 8/5/2004)
Department Heads. | |
Department Responsibility for Workers' Compensation Costs. | |
Persons Designated to Certify as to Oath of Allegiance. | |
Roster of Officers and Employees Serving on Any Board, Commission or Committee. |
Each elective officer in charge of an administrative office, the chief executive under a board or commission, the Controller, the City Administrator and each department head appointed by the Mayor shall have the powers and duties of a department head, except as otherwise specifically provided in the Charter.
Each department head shall be immediately responsible for the administration of his or her department, and shall file an annual report and make such other reports, estimates and recommendations at the time and in the manner required by law, or as required by the Mayor, board or commission.
The department head shall act as the "appointing officer" under the civil service provisions of the Charter for the appointing, disciplining and removal of such officers, assistants and employees as may be authorized. On the written direction of the department head concerned, the head of any utility, institution, bureau or other subdivision of such department may be designated as the "appointing officer" for such utility, institution, bureau or other subdivision. Non-civil service appointments and any temporary appointments in any department or subdivision thereof, and all removals therefrom shall be made by the department head, bureau head or other subdivision head designated as the appointing officer.
The department head shall issue or authorize all requisitions for the purchase of materials, supplies and equipment required by such department, provided that, on the written direction of the department head concerned, the head of any utility, institution, bureau or other subdivision of a department may likewise be vested with such power. Each department head or the head of a utility, institution, bureau or other subdivision of each department shall be responsible for the proper checking of all materials, supplies and equipment ordered for its purposes, and for the approval or disapproval of bills for claims rendered for such materials, supplies or equipment.
The head of any department, through the Mayor if part of the Executive Branch under the Charter, shall recommend to the Board of Supervisors such ordinances as may be required to carry out the powers vested and the duties imposed, and to establish or readjust fees or charges for permits issued to or work performed for persons, firms or corporations when these are subject to the department's jurisdiction.
Each department head, through the Mayor if part of the Executive Branch under the Charter, may suggest the creation of positions subject to the provisions of the Charter, and may reduce the forces under his or her jurisdiction to conform to the needs of the work for which he or she is responsible.
(Added by Ord. 277-96, App. 7/3/96; amended by Ord. 204-04, File No. 040754, App. 8/5/2004)