The Administrator shall publish quarterly on the website any failure by the Department Liaison to comply with this ordinance.
(Added by Ord. 265-10, File No. 101008, App. 11/5/2010; amended by Ord. 50-12, File No. 120044, App. 3/26/2012, Eff. 4/25/2012)
(a) Definitions. For purposes of this Section:
“United Nations Plaza” shall mean the area comprised of Fulton Street between Hyde and Market Streets and Leavenworth Street between McAllister and Fulton Streets, previously closed to vehicular traffic by the Board of Supervisors.
“Hallidie Plaza” shall mean the area bounded by the northwesterly line of Market Street, the southerly line of Eddy Street and the westerly line of Lot 13, Assessor’s Block 341.
(b) Permitting Authorities. Permits for the use of United Nations Plaza and Hallidie Plaza shall be issued by the Recreation and Park Department according to the procedures and standards established for the issuance of permits for the use of property under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Commission; provided, however, that the Recreation and Park Department shall only issue permits for activities that are recreational in nature or that are engaged in primarily for the purpose of espousing or advocating causes or ideas, which activities are generally recognized as protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Permits to engage in any other type of activity in United Nations or Hallidie Plaza, including permits for Vending under Article 5.9 of the Public Works Code, shall be issued in accordance with the procedures in Articles 8B and 8C of the Park Code..1
This section 1.58 does not alter the authority of the Art Commission to issue certificates for the sale of an art or craft under Article 24 (Regulating Street Artists) of the Police Code.
(c) Appeals. An appeal from the denial of a permit application by the Recreation and Park Department for the use of United Nations Plaza or Hallidie Plaza shall be made to the Recreation and Park Commission pursuant to Article 7 of the Park Code and any procedures for the filing and processing of permit applications that may be adopted by the Recreation and Park Commission. An appeal from the denial of a permit application by the Department of Public Works shall be made to the Board of Appeals according to the same procedures that would otherwise apply to the denial of permits on property under the permitting jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works.
(d) Procedures; Restitution. All procedures and standards for permits issued by the Recreation and Park Department for the use of United Nations Plaza and Hallidie Plaza shall be the same as they are for permits issued for the use of park property. If a permittee uses United Nations Plaza or Hallidie Plaza and damages it, or fails to clean up after the permitted event, or otherwise leaves the property in a manner that requires the expenditure of labor or money to restore the Plaza, the City and County of San Francisco may bill the permittee and seek any remedy authorized by law.
(e) No Transfer of Jurisdiction. Nothing in this action shall be construed as evidence of an intent to render United Nations Plaza or Hallidie Plaza “park land” or “park property” as those terms are used in the Charter or to place United Nations Plaza or Hallidie Plaza under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Commission.
(Added by Ord. 148-00, File No. 000633, App. 6/30/2000; amended by Ord. 44-22, File No. 211292, App. 3/22/2022, Eff. 4/22/2022)
The Director of the Department of Public Health and the Sheriff are authorized to enter into an interagency agreement to transfer the Institutional Police Department from the Department of Public Health to the Sheriff consistent with the management agreement contained on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in File No. 021997. The Controller and the Director of the Department of Human Resources are authorized to take all steps necessary to effectuate the transfer authorized by this Section, including, but not limited to, the transfer of funds and personnel.
(Added by Ord. 45-03, File No. 021997, App. 4/3/2003)
(a) No later than April 1, 2018, and every fifth year after that, the Mayor's Office of Housing or any successor agency shall submit to the Board of Supervisors: (1) a comprehensive report on the implementation and impacts of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund created in Charter section 16.110, including subsections (d), (e), and (f); (2) an evaluation of any programs funded through the Housing Trust Fund; and, (3) any recommendations for improvements to the programs or the charter amendment. The Mayor's Office of Housing shall include in the report and the program evaluations a review of the impact of the implementation of Charter Section 16.110 and of the programs funded through the Housing Trust Fund on households at different income levels, including very low income households, low income households, and moderate income households. The Board will hold a public hearing within 3 months of the submission of the report at a Board committee.
(b) No later than April 1, 2018, and every fifth year after that, the Planning Department shall submit to the Board of Supervisors a comprehensive report on the implementation and impacts of the provisions of Charter Section 16.110 addressing on-site inclusionary affordable housing requirements, including subsections (g), (h), and (i), and any implementing or supporting legislation, including the impact of any thresholds and exemptions for on-site inclusionary affordable housing requirements on achieving the City's housing policies and production goals, balancing the City's desire to create viable economic housing policies for small builders in context with the City's other housing production goals. The Planning Department shall include in the report a review of the impact of the implementation of the provisions of Charter section 16.110 addressing on-site inclusionary affordable housing requirements and of any supporting legislation on households at different income levels, including very low income households, low income households, and moderate income households. The Board will hold a public hearing within 3 months of the submission of the report at a Board committee.
(c) This section shall terminate by operation of law and be repealed on July 1, 2043.
(a) In all permit applications for residential or mixed-use projects often dwelling units or more that the Planning Department or Planning Commission processes except for environmental evaluation applications, the Planning Department shall include the following questions:
(1) Does the applicant or sponsor, including the applicant or sponsor's parent company, subsidiary, or any other business or entity with an ownership share of at least 30% of the applicant's company, engage in the business of developing real estate, owning properties, or leasing or selling individual dwelling units in States or jurisdictions outside of California?
(2) If the answer to Subsection (1) is in the affirmative, in which States?
(3) If the answer to Subsection (1) is in the affirmative, does the applicant or sponsor, as defined in Subsection (1), have policies in individual States that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the sale, lease, or financing of any dwelling units enforced on every property in the State or States where the applicant or sponsor has an ownership or financial interest?
(4) If the answer to Subsection (1) is in the affirmative, does the applicant or sponsor, as defined in Subsection (1), have a national policy that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the sale, lease, or financing of any dwelling units enforced on every property in the United States where the applicant or sponsor has an ownership or financial interest in property?
(5) If the answer to Subsections (3) or (4) is in the affirmative, please provide a copy of that policy or policies as part of the application to the Planning Department.
(b) The Planning Department shall not accept an application as complete unless the applicant answers the application questions identified in Subsection (a). The Planning Department's and Planning Commission's processing of and recommendations or determinations regarding an application shall be unaffected by the applicant's answers to the questions identified in Subsection (a).
(c) If the project permittee or sponsor changes prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy, the new permittee or sponsor shall notify the Planning Department and provide answers to the application questions identified in Subsection (a).
(d) The Board of Supervisors delegates to the Planning Department the authority to: (1) determine how such questions shall be presented in application forms, (2) modify the language of the questions to facilitate the Department's receipt of information concerning an applicant's or sponsor's policies prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the sale, lease, or financing of any dwelling units, and (3) compile information regarding the responses to the questions presented in Subsection (a).
(e) On an annual basis after the effective date of this Section 1.61, the Planning Department shall submit to the Human Rights Commission all relevant information from the previous year regarding the responses to the questions presented in Subsection (a).
(f) Upon receipt of the information from the Planning Department, the Human Rights Commission, within ninety (90) days of receipt of the information, shall prepare and submit a written report to the Board of Supervisors on the data gathered in the responses to the questions presented in Subsection (a).
To coordinate with Visit California's annual celebration of Restaurant Month in the State of California, the last ten days of January each year shall be Restaurant Week in the City and County of San Francisco.
(a) The Chief Data Officer (CDO) shall develop a pilot program for expanding notice of significant projects and permitting decisions for the convenience of the general public and to facilitate Board oversight. This program will supplement, rather than replace, other official notice requirements.
(b) The program shall consist of a system through which the City sends, by e-mail or other electronic means and on a periodic basis, information regarding City projects and permitting decisions to members of the public who sign up for the service, and a website where members of the public may find information from responsible City departments regarding City projects and permitting decisions for a particular supervisorial district.
(c) The target date for starting the pilot program is 12 months after the acquisition of project resources by the CDO.
(d) The program initially shall cover significant projects and permitting decisions in the areas of:
(1) Construction and infrastructure repair work;
(2) Public health and safety services and facilities; and,
(3) Transportation.
(e) The program shall not include notices by the Planning Department regarding the following categories of projects and permitting decisions: Environmental Review, Discretionary Review, Conditional Use, Planning Code Section 311 ("Residential Permit Review Procedures for RH, RM, and RTO Districts"), and Planning Code Section 312 ("Permit Review Procedures for All NC, RED, and Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts").
(f) All City officers and agencies shall cooperate with the CDO in the development and implementation of the program. The CDO may adopt rules and regulations to implement this Section 1.63, including, but not limited to, processes and guidelines for City departments to provide requested information in a compatible format and on a regular schedule to the CDO. The CDO may, in his or her discretion, excuse a City department from participation in the pilot program, in whole or in part, where the CDO determines that it is not currently feasible to provide the department's notices in machine-readable data formats on a regular basis.