(a) The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute contracts with public utilities under the regulatory authority of any State or federal agency and beyond the jurisdiction of the police power of the City and County of San Francisco for the purpose of securing the removal from the City and County of San Francisco of the following hazardous materials:
1. Polychlorinated biphenols.
(b) Said contract shall secure the prompt removal from the City and County of San Francisco of the hazardous materials listed in Subsection (a).
(c) Said contract is subject to the review and approval or disapproval of the Board of Supervisors. Thereafter, the Mayor shall submit the contract to the state or federal agency for the approval necessary to ensure its enforcement.
(d) In negotiating a timetable for the prompt removal of the hazardous materials listed in Subsection (a), the Mayor shall consider, inter alia, the danger to the public posed by the presence of such material, the feasibility and cost of removal, the availability of alternative materials and devices, and the capability of the utility to accomplish the removal of such hazardous materials.
(Added by Ord. 500-83, App. 10/14/83)
The Police Commission, subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter, is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the State of California, acting by and through the California Highway Patrol, for the use of the Telpak Circuit System in connection with the reporting and recovery of stolen vehicles.
(Added by Ord. 70-65, App. 3/19/65; amended by Ord. 151-00, File No. 000803, App. 6/30/2000)
The Police Commission, subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter, is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the County Law Enforcement of Alameda, State of California, to provide for the participation of the San Francisco Police Department in the police information network system maintained by said county to serve participating law enforcement agencies.
(Added by Ord. 252-66, App. 9/27/66; amended by Ord. 151-00, File No. 000803, App. 6/30/2000)