The Sealer of Weights and Measures is hereby authorized to execute an annual agreement between the Director of Agriculture of the State of California and the City and County of San Francisco to provide services for quantity control of prepackaged items and maintain a viable weights and measures program.
(Added by Ord. 314-87, App. 7/17/87; amended by Ord. 57-89, App. 3/9/89)
The President of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to execute an annual contract between the Director of Agriculture of the State of California and the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco to provide services for inspection of kosher food records.
(Added by Ord. 328-87, App. 7/31/87)
The Sealer of Weights and Measures is hereby authorized to execute an annual agreement between the Director of Agriculture of the State of California and the City and County of San Francisco to provide services for inspection of establishments that sell or distribute petroleum products.
(Added by Ord. 57-89, App. 3/9/89)
The President of the Board of Supervisors or his or her designee is hereby authorized to execute an annual contract between the City and County of San Francisco and the California Department of Food and Agriculture to authorize the County Agricultural Commissioner-Sealer of Weights and Measures to perform exotic pest detection and trapping on behalf of the State of California.
(Added by Ord. 318-96, App. 8/8/96; amended by Ord. 187-04, File No. 040759, App. 7/22/2004)
It shall be unlawful for any person, at any place of business in the City and County, to advertise, offer for sale or sell, or to cause or knowingly permit the advertising, offering for sale or selling of any smoked, fresh or pickled meats, poultry, rabbits or fish, except shanks, offal, heads and plucks, other than by weight, determined on a scale by weight or a beam, properly sealed by the Sealer of Weights and Measures.
(Bill No. 891, Ord. No. 11.1 71 (C.S.), Sec. 1)
All itinerant peddlers and hawkers using scales, balances, weights or measures shall take the same to the office of the Sealer of Weights and Measures, before any use is made thereof, and have the same sealed and adjusted annually. Tax Collector shall issue a license to such peddlers only upon a certificate from the Sealer of Weights and Measures that this Section has been complied with.
(Ord. No. 2698 (N.S.), Sec. 8)
(a) For purposes of this Section, the term "commercial purposes" shall have the meaning prescribed in Section 12500 of the California Business and Professions Code.
(b) Pursuant to the California Business and Professions Code, Division 5, Chapter 2, Article 2, Sections 12210(b) and 12210.5, the Board of Supervisors hereby directs the County Agricultural Commissioner-Sealer of Weights and Measures to calibrate, test, weigh, and measure, and certify to the accuracy of, weights and measures and weighing and measuring devices and instruments, tools and accessories connected therewith, whether or not used for commercial purposes, upon the written request of any person. The Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the County Agricultural Commissioner-Sealer of Weights and Measures to establish a schedule of fees for testing of weighing and measuring devices initiated by written request. Pursuant to Section 12210.5 of the California Business and Professions Code, the fee schedule established shall be in accordance with those fees established by the Director of Agriculture of the State of California. The fee schedule shall be ratified by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
(c) After any commercial weighing or measuring instrument or device has been tested as prescribed by Section 12210(a) of the California Business and Professions Code and found to be outside the tolerances or specifications set by the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the County Agricultural Commissioner-Sealer of Weights and Measures may reinspect, retest and recertify such an instrument or device in order to determine if it is within those tolerances and specifications. Owners or operators of commercial weighing or measuring devices that fail such an initial test shall be charged for any required retesting the same fee established for tests conducted upon written request.
(d) Immediately upon the approval of a change in the fees by the State of California, the County Agricultural Commissioner-Sealer of Weights and Measures shall forward to the Board of Supervisors, for the Board's ratification, the change in the fees.
(Added by Ord. 155-81, App. 4/3/81; amended by Ord. 449-88, App. 10/6/88; Ord. 417-93, App. 12/23/93; Ord. 187-04, File No. 040759, App. 7/22/2004)