(a) The City’s Risk Manager is authorized to approve hold harmless agreements between the City and other persons or entities, if the Risk Manager determines that: (1) entering into such an agreement either (a) falls within normal business practices or (b) represents a prudent decision in light of all the circumstances; (2) the cost of the hold harmless provision is reflected in the price of the agreement; and (3) the hold harmless provision is necessary in order for the City to carry out a public purpose. The Risk Manager shall confer with the Controller and the City Attorney as necessary and appropriate in making his or her determinations in accordance with this Section 1.24.
(b) The Risk Manager may approve hold harmless agreements by specific transaction or by general category. Any prior authorization for hold harmless agreements granted by the Board of Supervisors, either for specific transactions or for general categories of transactions, shall remain in effect.
(c) The Risk Manager shall maintain a record of all hold harmless agreements the Risk Manager has approved and shall submit a copy of that list to the Board of Supervisors, with copies to the Controller and the City Attorney, on a quarterly basis.
(Added by Ord. 98-99, File No. 990407, App. 4/30/99; amended by Ord. 107-24, File No. 240301, App. 5/24/2024, Eff. 6/24/2024)
(a) Purpose. The City from time to time enters into agreements with other Government Entities. This Section 1.25
sets forth basic principles concerning such agreements.
(b) Exemption from Obligations. Agreements with Government Entities entered into pursuant to Chapter 2A: Article IX, Chapter 6, Chapter 21, and Chapter 23, are not subject to the provisions in the Municipal Code, including but not limited to the Administrative, Labor and Employment, Environment, or Police Codes, imposing obligations or other restrictions on contractors.
(c) List of Obligations. The City Administrator, in consultation with the City Attorney, is authorized to publish and maintain a list of obligations or other restrictions imposed upon parties entering into expenditure contracts with the City. Said list shall serve the purposes of reference and convenience, but shall not be deemed an authoritative statement of all such obligations. Failure to include an obligation on the list shall not be deemed a statement that the obligation is not within the exemption established in subsection (b).
(d) Government Entity Defined. For the purposes of this Section 1.25
, a “Government Entity” is any national, federal, state, regional, or local government agency, including but not limited to a joint powers authority, a special district and/or a utility district, a public health or public education district or institution, a public entity, a designee of a federal or state agency, or a quasi-governmental agency.
(Added by Ord. 107-24, File No. 240301, App. 5/24/2024, Eff. 6/24/2024)
The Chief of Police, District Attorney and Sheriff are hereby authorized to enter into contracts with the State of California, Department of Justice, in order to participate in the California Witness Protection Program.
(Amended by Ord. 99-81, App. 2/26/81)
Each member of a commission, committee, task force, council, or other body created by legislative action who is present at a meeting of such body when a question is put to a vote shall vote "yes" or "no" on the question, unless the member is excused from voting by a motion adopted by a majority of the members present or unless voting on the question would constitute a violation of applicable provisions of City or State law pertaining to conflict of interest.
(Added by Ord. 478-81, App. 9/21/81; amended by Ord. 98-99, File No. 990407, App. 4/30/99)
(a) The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute contracts with public utilities under the regulatory authority of any State or federal agency and beyond the jurisdiction of the police power of the City and County of San Francisco for the purpose of securing the removal from the City and County of San Francisco of the following hazardous materials:
1. Polychlorinated biphenols.
(b) Said contract shall secure the prompt removal from the City and County of San Francisco of the hazardous materials listed in Subsection (a).
(c) Said contract is subject to the review and approval or disapproval of the Board of Supervisors. Thereafter, the Mayor shall submit the contract to the state or federal agency for the approval necessary to ensure its enforcement.
(d) In negotiating a timetable for the prompt removal of the hazardous materials listed in Subsection (a), the Mayor shall consider, inter alia, the danger to the public posed by the presence of such material, the feasibility and cost of removal, the availability of alternative materials and devices, and the capability of the utility to accomplish the removal of such hazardous materials.
(Added by Ord. 500-83, App. 10/14/83)
The Police Commission, subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter, is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the State of California, acting by and through the California Highway Patrol, for the use of the Telpak Circuit System in connection with the reporting and recovery of stolen vehicles.
(Added by Ord. 70-65, App. 3/19/65; amended by Ord. 151-00, File No. 000803, App. 6/30/2000)
The Police Commission, subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter, is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the County Law Enforcement of Alameda, State of California, to provide for the participation of the San Francisco Police Department in the police information network system maintained by said county to serve participating law enforcement agencies.
(Added by Ord. 252-66, App. 9/27/66; amended by Ord. 151-00, File No. 000803, App. 6/30/2000)
(a) Findings. The Board of Supervisors hereby finds and declares that the establishment of a San Francisco City Store which sells surplus or salvage City goods and souvenir merchandise bearing City marks, logos, emblems and symbols to the public shall serve the purpose of increasing public awareness of and participation and civic pride in the City and County of San Francisco. It shall also help to promote the City as a worldwide tourist destination and convention center, thereby benefiting the overall economy of the City.
(b) Establishment of a City Store. The Director of Administrative Services or the Purchaser is hereby authorized to take all actions necessary to establish a San Francisco City Store for the purpose of selling to the public City surplus or salvage goods offered by any department or commission for such purpose, newly manufactured souvenir merchandise bearing City marks, logos, emblems, symbols and designs and duplicates of unique goods routinely purchased by the City to promote and advertise the City and County of San Francisco.
(1) The Director of Administrative Services or the Purchaser may also provide for the sale of City Store merchandise through direct mail catalogue programs and agreements with retailers and distributors.
(2) The Director of Administrative Services or Purchaser shall ensure that a portion of the profits from the sale of City surplus or salvage goods is credited to the department or commission which offered them for sale, with the exception that all revenues received by City from the sale of salvage goods which were originally purchased with monies from a special fund shall be credited to the account of such special fund.
(Added by Ord. 236-95, App. 7/7/95; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96)