Each member of a commission, committee, task force, council, or other body created by legislative action who is present at a meeting of such body when a question is put to a vote shall vote "yes" or "no" on the question, unless the member is excused from voting by a motion adopted by a majority of the members present or unless voting on the question would constitute a violation of applicable provisions of City or State law pertaining to conflict of interest.
(Added by Ord. 478-81, App. 9/21/81; amended by Ord. 98-99, File No. 990407, App. 4/30/99)
(a) The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute contracts with public utilities under the regulatory authority of any State or federal agency and beyond the jurisdiction of the police power of the City and County of San Francisco for the purpose of securing the removal from the City and County of San Francisco of the following hazardous materials:
1. Polychlorinated biphenols.
(b) Said contract shall secure the prompt removal from the City and County of San Francisco of the hazardous materials listed in Subsection (a).
(c) Said contract is subject to the review and approval or disapproval of the Board of Supervisors. Thereafter, the Mayor shall submit the contract to the state or federal agency for the approval necessary to ensure its enforcement.
(d) In negotiating a timetable for the prompt removal of the hazardous materials listed in Subsection (a), the Mayor shall consider, inter alia, the danger to the public posed by the presence of such material, the feasibility and cost of removal, the availability of alternative materials and devices, and the capability of the utility to accomplish the removal of such hazardous materials.
(Added by Ord. 500-83, App. 10/14/83)
The Police Commission, subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter, is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the State of California, acting by and through the California Highway Patrol, for the use of the Telpak Circuit System in connection with the reporting and recovery of stolen vehicles.
(Added by Ord. 70-65, App. 3/19/65; amended by Ord. 151-00, File No. 000803, App. 6/30/2000)
The Police Commission, subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter, is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the County Law Enforcement of Alameda, State of California, to provide for the participation of the San Francisco Police Department in the police information network system maintained by said county to serve participating law enforcement agencies.
(Added by Ord. 252-66, App. 9/27/66; amended by Ord. 151-00, File No. 000803, App. 6/30/2000)
(a) Findings. The Board of Supervisors hereby finds and declares that the establishment of a San Francisco City Store which sells surplus or salvage City goods and souvenir merchandise bearing City marks, logos, emblems and symbols to the public shall serve the purpose of increasing public awareness of and participation and civic pride in the City and County of San Francisco. It shall also help to promote the City as a worldwide tourist destination and convention center, thereby benefiting the overall economy of the City.
(b) Establishment of a City Store. The Director of Administrative Services or the Purchaser is hereby authorized to take all actions necessary to establish a San Francisco City Store for the purpose of selling to the public City surplus or salvage goods offered by any department or commission for such purpose, newly manufactured souvenir merchandise bearing City marks, logos, emblems, symbols and designs and duplicates of unique goods routinely purchased by the City to promote and advertise the City and County of San Francisco.
(1) The Director of Administrative Services or the Purchaser may also provide for the sale of City Store merchandise through direct mail catalogue programs and agreements with retailers and distributors.
(2) The Director of Administrative Services or Purchaser shall ensure that a portion of the profits from the sale of City surplus or salvage goods is credited to the department or commission which offered them for sale, with the exception that all revenues received by City from the sale of salvage goods which were originally purchased with monies from a special fund shall be credited to the account of such special fund.
(Added by Ord. 236-95, App. 7/7/95; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96)
The officers of the City and County shall be the officers elected by vote of the people, members of the Board of Education, members of boards and commissions appointed by the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors, members of the Building Inspection Commission, members of the Ethics Commission, members of the Elections Commission, members of the Retirement Board, members of the Health Service Board, members of the Retiree Health Care Trust Fund Board, members of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, members of the Youth Commission, members of the Small Business Commission, members of the Board of Law Library Trustees, the Superintendent of Schools, the executive appointed as the chief executive officer under each board or commission, the Controller, the City Administrator, the head of each department under the Mayor, and such other officers as may hereafter be provided by law or so designated by ordinance.
(Added by Proposition E, 11/4/2003; amended by Ord. 46-15
, File No. 131122, App. 4/17/2015, Eff. 5/17/2015)
(Former Sec. 1.50 added by Ord. 277-96, App. 7/3/96; amended by Ord. 98-99, File No. 990407, App. 4/30/99; Ord. 186-00, File No. 000859, App. 8/11/00; repealed by Proposition E, 11/4/2003)
Where a procedure for the exercising of any rights and powers belonging to a city, or a county, or a city and county, relative to the establishment or change of grades and the layout, extension, opening, widening, changing, closing, vacating, paving, repaving or otherwise improving streets and highways and public places and constructing sewers, drains, conduits and culverts, subways, tunnels, viaducts, and bridges, or other public improvements incidental or appurtenant thereto, to planting trees, constructing parking and removing weeds or the executing of any other public work or improvement hereby or hereafter placed under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works, and the payment of damages, or levying of special assessment to defray the whole or part of the cost of such works or improvements is provided by statute of the State of California, such procedure shall control and be followed, unless a different procedure is provided in or under authority of the Charter or by ordinance continued by the Charter or any such ordinance hereafter amended or by ordinance passed by the Board of Supervisors, and the Board of Supervisors is hereby empowered to provide by ordinance for any such purpose.
(Added by Ord. 439-96, App. 11/8/96)
When any roadway of a street or portion thereof for not less than one continuous block has been paved in accordance with the specifications of the Department of Public Works, and is in good condition, and sewer, gas and water pipes have been laid therein, the same shall be accepted by the Supervisors by ordinance on the written certificate of the City Engineer, and thereafter such portion of the roadway of said street shall be kept in repair and improved by the City and County. It shall be the duty of the owner of any property fronting on a public street to keep the sidewalk in front thereof in good repair and condition and the Board of Supervisors is hereby empowered to provide by ordinance for the repair of such sidewalks in all cases where the owner fails and neglects to repair the same.
Nothing herein contained shall relieve any railway company from making repairs to the roadway of any street in conformity with the terms of its franchise or as provided by law.
(Added by Ord. 439-96, App. 11/8/96)