Department of Convention Facilities. |
(a) Department of Convention Facilities. There shall be a Department of Convention Facilities. The City Administrator with the concurrence of the Mayor, shall appoint and may remove a Director who shall serve as department head and appointing officer for the Department. The Department shall include such officers and employees as are authorized pursuant to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(b) Duties and Functions. The Department shall be responsible for the management and administration of City-owned or operated convention facilities, and such other duties and functions as assigned pursuant to the Charter or by ordinance.
(Added by Ord. 205-04, File No. 040755, App. 8/5/2004)
Economic and Workforce Development Department. |
(a) Economic and Workforce Development Department. There shall be an Economic and Workforce Development Department. The Mayor shall appoint a Director who shall serve as department head and appointing officer for the Department. The Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. The Department shall include such officers and employees as are authorized pursuant to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(b) Duties and Functions. The Department shall be responsible for economic and workforce development, including, among other things:
(1) attracting, retaining and assisting businesses;
(2) strengthening the economic vitality of neighborhoods and commercial corridors;
(3) restoring contaminated sites to productive reuse ("brownfields");
(4) fostering international trade;
(5) developing and implementing workforce development and jobs training programs;
(6) coordinating major City projects, including public-private partnerships and military base conversions;
(7) administering the City's public debt and related public finance matters;
(8) processing the forms and supporting documentation submitted by employers to establish eligibility for San Francisco Enterprise Zone tax credits established under California Administrative Code Title 25, Division 1,Chapter 7, Subchapter 21, Enterprise Zone Program; and
(9) such other duties and functions as assigned pursuant to the Charter or by ordinance.
(c) Fee to process forms for San Francisco Enterprise Zone tax credits. The Department is authorized to charge a fee of $80 for each form and supporting documentation submitted by an employer to establish eligibility for San Francisco Enterprise Zone tax credits established under California Administrative Code Title 25, Division 1, Chapter 7, Subchapter 21, Enterprise Zone Program.
(Added by Ord. 183-04, File No. 040746, 7/22/2004; Ord. 165-10, File No. 100722, App. 7/7/2010)