Department of Public Works. |
(a) The Department of Public Works shall administer all capital improvement and construction projects, except projects solely under the Airport, Port, Public Utilities, or Recreation and Park Commissions, or the Municipal Transportation Agency’s Board of Directors.
(b) All examinations, plans, estimates, and construction administration services required by the City and County in connection with any public improvements, exclusive of those made by the Airport, Port, Public Utilities, or Recreation and Park Commissions, or the Municipal Transportation Agency’s Board of Directors, shall be made by the Director of Public Works, and the Director shall, when requested to do so, furnish information and data for the use of the Board of Supervisors.
(c) The Director of Public Works shall designate a deputy or other employee as City Engineer. The City Engineer shall possess the same power in the City and County as is or may from time to time be given by law to city engineers, and the official acts of the City Engineer shall have the same validity and be of the same force and effect as are or may be given by law to those of city engineers.
(d) The Director of Public Works shall designate a deputy or other employee as County Surveyor. The County Surveyor shall possess the same power in the City and County in making surveys, plats and certificates as is or may from time to time be given by law to county surveyors, and the official acts and all plats, surveys and certificates of the County Surveyor shall have the same validity and be of the same force and effect as are or may be given by law to those of county surveyors.
(e) Any and all references to the “Bureau of Architecture,” “Bureau of Engineering,” or “Bureau of Construction Management” in the San Francisco Municipal Code is deemed to be a reference to the “Department of Public Works.” Any reference to “San Francisco Public Works” or “Public Works” in the Municipal Code is deemed to be a reference to the Department of Public Works.
(f) The Director of Public Works shall be authorized to adopt regulations and to perform official acts within the regulatory authority of the Department of Public Works by approval and issuance of an order.
Department of Emergency Management. |
* | *Editor's note Ord. 261-06, File No. 061116, Approved October 13, 2006, amended § 2A.200 from "Department of Emergency Communications" to "Department of Emergency Management." Therefore, at the discretion of the editor, the title of Art. XII has been amended to reflect said change. |
(a) Department of Emergency Management; Director. There is hereby created a Department of Emergency Management. The Mayor shall appoint a Director of the Department of Emergency Management who shall serve as department head and appointing officer for the Department. The Director, at the time of appointment, must have a total of at least ten years of employment, experience, or professional service in any of the following fields: firefighting, law enforcement, public health, or military service, or in the fields of disaster management or emergency preparedness and relief at the local, state, or federal level. At least five years of that employment, experience or professional service shall be at a management level. The Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and shall report directly to the Mayor. The Department shall include such officers and employees as are authorized pursuant to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(b) Divisions. The Department shall include two divisions: (i) Emergency Communications and (ii) Emergency Services, each headed by a deputy director appointed by the Director of the Department of Emergency Management, with each Deputy Director reporting directly to the Director.
(c) Emergency Communications. The Emergency Communications division of the Department shall manage the Combined Emergency Communications Center and related systems, and shall direct all operations related to taking calls from members of the public seeking emergency police, fire and medical assistance and related to the dispatch of emergency police, fire and medical services. The Deputy Director of the Department of Emergency Management for Emergency Communications shall have experience in the field of emergency communications, including experience at a management level in a large municipal, county, or military communications center, and sufficient professional training and/or experience to manage the operations of the Combined Emergency Communications Center and related systems.
(d) Emergency Services. The Emergency Services Division of the Department shall be responsible for supporting and overseeing the Emergency Services of San Francisco, as further provided in Chapter 7 of this Code. The Deputy Director for the Department of Emergency Management for Emergency Services shall have experience in the field of emergency preparedness and relief, preferably at a management level.
(Added by Ord. 286-98, App. 9/18/98; Ord. 261-06, File No. 061116, App. 10/13/2006)
Public Guardian Designated – Qualification for Services. | |
Attorney for Public Guardian. | |
Public Administrator/Public Guardian Representative Payee Program. | |
Administrative Officer for Veterans' Interment Designated. | |
Consolidation of Duties of the County Agricultural Commissioner and the Sealer of Weights and Measures. |
Editor's Note:
Subsequent to the addition of this Article to the Code, Ord. 261-14 enacted a new article ("Office of Early Care and Education") also designated as Chapter 2A, Article XIII. In order to avoid conflicting with this Article, the editor codified the material added by the later ordinance as Chapter 2A, Article XXIII. That designation was made official by Ord. 6-17.
Subsequent to the addition of this Article to the Code, Ord. 261-14 enacted a new article ("Office of Early Care and Education") also designated as Chapter 2A, Article XIII. In order to avoid conflicting with this Article, the editor codified the material added by the later ordinance as Chapter 2A, Article XXIII. That designation was made official by Ord. 6-17.
(a) Pursuant to the provisions of Section 27432 of the Government Code of the State of California, the Public Administrator is hereby designated ex officio Public Guardian.
(b) Neither the amount of funds, nor value of an estate, of any person who qualifies for the services of the Public Guardian under Section 2900 of the Probate Code of the State of California may serve as the basis for determining whether the Public Guardian will make application for appointment as guardian of such person pursuant to said section.
(Amended by Ord. 281-81, App. 5/29/81; Ord. 70-00, File No. 000357, App. 4/28/2000)