Institutions. | |
Emergency Medical Services. | |
Functions. | |
Mental Health Service. | |
Admission to Hospitals, Allied Institutional Facilities or Services of City and County. | |
Priority of Admission to Institutions of the Department of Public Health. | |
Unit Cost. | |
Controller to Prescribe Forms, Etc. | |
Investigation of Patients. | |
Billing. | |
Fees for Emergency Medical Services Waived. | |
Billing to County of Residence. | |
Billing to Retirement System. | |
Penalty. | |
Reimbursement for Aid Granted. | |
Value of Aid Rendered. | |
Agreement to Reimburse. | |
Evaluation of Institutional Care – Laguna Honda Hospital. | |
Liens. | |
Liens on Actions Against Third Party. | |
Chief Administrative Officer Authorized to Contract with Other Hospitals. | |
Professional Fee of Physicians and Dentists. | |
Disposal of Unclaimed Personal Property at Laguna Honda Hospital. | |
Patient Rates. | |
Patient Rates/Fire Department EMS Services. | |
Charity Care Policy Reporting and Notice Requirement. | |
Definitions. | |
Reporting to the Department of Public Health. | |
Notification. | |
Authority to Adopt Rules and Regulations. | |
Enforcement. | |
City Undertaking Limited to Promotion of General Welfare. | |
Severability. | |
Preemption. | |
Annual Report to the Health Commission. | |
Written Informed Consent and Pre-Test Counseling Prior to HIV Testing. | |
Findings. | |
Definitions. | |
Reporting to the Department of Public Health. | |
Promotion of the General Welfare. | |
The Department of Public Health is hereby authorized and directed to maintain the institutions to be known as Hassler Hospital, formerly known as Hassler Health Home, Laguna Honda Hospital (for Rehabilitation and Chronic Care), formerly known as Laguna Honda Home, and San Francisco General Hospital, formerly known as San Francisco Hospital.
(Added by Ord. 75-66, App. 4/11/66)
The Fire Department is hereby authorized to provide emergency medical services with the approval of the Health Commission and subject to such conditions and requirements as the Health Commission may establish pursuant to Charter Section 4.110. The Department of Public Health shall determine which Fire Department personnel may provide emergency medical services and shall determine the standards, policies and medical protocols that shall govern the Fire Department in its operations with respect to these services. Nothing herein is intended to affect the authority granted to the San Francisco Emergency Medical Services Agency, which serves as the local emergency medical services agency under State law.
(Added by Ord. 171-97, App. 5/2/97)
The functions of the institutions may include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) care of the sick and injured as in-patients, or out-patients, (2) prevention of disease and disability, (3) care of certain persons for public health necessity, (4) promotion of health, (5) education of medical personnel, nurses, and paramedical personnel, (6) advancement of research and scientific medicine.
(Added by Ord. 75-66, App. 4/11/66)
A Community Mental Health Service in the City and County shall be administered by the Director of Public Health for the City and County, pursuant to the provisions of Division 8 of the Welfare and Institutions Code of the State (the Short-Doyle Act) and Chapter 15 of the San Francisco Administrative Code. The Department of Public Health is hereby authorized and directed to establish and maintain psychiatric services wherever necessary and feasible, in accordance with this Section. Such services may be established and maintained whether they are reimbursable under the Short-Doyle Act or not.
Patients shall be charged in whole or in part for services and treatment given them as provided in this Section and in accordance with their ability to pay as determined by the Director of Public Health after investigation. Maximum charges shall be as proposed by the Chief Administrative Officer, concurred in by the controller, and adopted in a resolution by the Board of Supervisors.
(Added by Ord. 75-66, App. 4/11/66)
There shall be admitted to the institutions defined in Section 111 the following:
(1) An indigent sick person or a dependent poor person of the City and County of San Francisco who possesses the required residence qualifications, upon application and after investigation and approval by the Director of Public Health.
(2) A narcotic addict or habitual inebriate temporarily in custody.
(3) A physically defective and physically handicapped person under the age of 21 years when the parents or guardian of such person are not financially able to secure proper care or treatment and when such person's admission and treatment has been duly authorized in the manner provided by law.
(4) A prisoner confined to the City and County Jail who requires medical or surgical treatment necessitating hospitalization where such treatment cannot be furnished or supplied at such jail when any court of the City and County shall have ordered the removal of such prisoner to the San Francisco General Hospital.
(5) A person in need of immediate hospitalization on account of accident or sudden sickness or injury or mental disorder or by reason of sickness or injury caused by or arising in a public emergency or calamity or disaster.
(6) A person who has or who is suspected of having any communicable disease, or a person who is or who is suspected of being a carrier or other potential source of infectious disease.
(7) A person to be isolated in the San Francisco General Hospital by order of the Health Officer because he has or is suspected of having a communicable or infectious disease or because he is or is suspected of being a carrier of such a disease.
(8) An expectant mother who is unable to pay for her necessary care.
(9) An indigent sick person or dependent poor person from another county whose care is reimbursable by the county of residence, as provided in Section 1475 of the Health and Safety Code of the State.
(10) A City and County employee who is judged by the Retirement Board to have suffered an injury arising out of and in the course of his employment by the City and County, when hospitalization is reasonably required to cure and relieve the effects of such injury.
(11) Members of the San Francisco Disaster Corps who are determined under the provisions of the State Labor Code to have suffered an injury arising out of and in the course of performance of duties as members of the San Francisco Disaster Corps, when hospitalization is reasonably required to cure and relieve the effects of such injury.
(12) Any authorized volunteer or trainee assigned by the Director of Public Health, or Administrator of an institution and (a) assisting in the care and treatment of patients in any of the said institutions, or (b) assisting under supervision in any Bureau, Division, or Service of the Department of Public Health, who is judged by the Retirement Board to have suffered injury while actually serving as such volunteer in any of such services, when hospitalization is reasonably required to cure or relieve the effects of such injury.
(13) Any juvenile committed to Log Cabin Ranch School or in custody in the Youth Guidance Center who requires medical or surgical treatment which cannot be furnished in such facility and who is adjudged by the Retirement Board to have suffered injury while actually performing duties assigned by the Chief Probation Officer of the Juvenile Court when hospitalization is reasonably required to cure or relieve the effects of such injury.
(14) Any authorized volunteer including student interns assigned by the Chief Probation Officer of the Juvenile Court and rendering volunteer service at the Youth Guidance Center or Log Cabin Ranch School who is adjudged by the Retirement Board to have suffered injury while actually performing volunteer service, when hospitalization is reasonably required to cure or relieve the effect of such injury.
(15) Any juvenile committed to Log Cabin Ranch School or in custody of Youth Guidance Center who requires medical or surgical treatment which cannot be furnished in such facility when the Juvenile Court shall have ordered removal of such juvenile person.
(16) A person sent by an Agency of the United States Government under conditions as may be contracted for between the Director of Public Health and the United States Government.
(17) A person recommended for admission to special investigative units operated solely with funds of State and/or Federal Government, pursuant to agreement therewith, and such persons shall not be subjected to a financial investigation and shall not be required to have residential qualifications.
(18) A person in need of services not readily available elsewhere in the City and County of San Francisco.
(19) Any patient who becomes mentally ill while in the San Francisco General Hospital may be transferred to the Psychiatric In-patient Service, with the approval of the Chief of that Service or his duly authorized representative.
(20) Any person suspected of being mentally ill who is in the City Prison or County Jail. Such person may be examined in those places or in any appropriate facility of the Department upon an order of any judge of the Superior and Municipal Courts for observation, examination or treatment and for return to the Prison or Jail as medically indicated.
(21) Any resident of the City and County of San Francisco suffering from mental illness may be admitted as a voluntary patient to the Psychiatric Service. Financial investigation shall be made under the rules and regulations of the Department of Public Health. Such a patient must be, at the time of making application for admission, in such a state of mind as to render him competent to make such application. Any person so received and detained shall be deemed a voluntary patient. Such patient shall not be detained in said Psychiatric Service for more than seven days after having given notice in writing of his desire to leave to the person in charge, and in no case shall a patient remain for a period longer than 90 days.
(22) Any mentally disturbed person brought into the Psychiatric Service by the police, City ambulance, relatives or friends, transferred from any of the institutions of the City and County may be accepted for temporary hospitalization on the certification by the Chief of Psychiatric Service, or his duly authorized representative, that emergency detention is necessary. The person may be cared for and treated for a period not to exceed 72 hours, excluding Sundays and nonjudicial days at which time such person shall be discharged unless a petition of mental illness is presented to a judge of the Superior Court and the Court issues an order for detention of such person, or unless he requests treatment pursuant to Subsection (21) above.
Provided, nothing in Subsections (1) to (22) inclusive hereof shall be construed as restraining the Director of Public Health from obeying or carrying out or giving effect to any law that may exist or be hereafter passed, relating to the hospitalization of patients in County institutions.
(Added by Ord. 75-66, App. 4/11/66)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, any sick, disabled, or injured person may be admitted to the institutions of the Director of Public Health of the City and County of San Francisco as an in-patient or out-patient. The Director of Public Health shall give preference in the admission of patients in the following order of priority.
1. Sick or injured persons in need of emergency care.
2. Sick, medically indigent residents of the City and County of San Francisco.
3. Sick persons certified by the San Francisco Department of Social Services as eligible for benefits under Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 14000) and Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 14500) of Part 3 of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
4. Sick residents of the City and County of San Francisco.
5. The determination of residence under this Article shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Sections 17100 through 17105 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(Added by Ord. 75-66, App. 4/11/66)
The Director of Public Health each year shall compute the unit cost of maintaining, treating, and caring for each type of patient at the institutions and their out-patient services, the definition or classification of types of patients to be determined by the Director of Public Health. The method of said computation of unit cost with respect to each type of patient cared for in each institution shall be as approved by the Controller of the City and County of San Francisco. The unit cost so determined shall be approved by the Chief Administrative Officer and the Board of Supervisors.
(Added by Ord. 75-66, App. 4/11/66; repealed by Ord. 106-03, File No. 030624, App. 5/23/2003)