The Human Rights Commission shall consist of eleven members appointed by the Mayor, pursuant to Section 3.100, for four-year terms. Members may be removed by the Mayor.
The Commission shall:
1. Investigate complaints of unlawful discrimination against any person;
2. Ensure the civil rights of all persons;
3. Ensure that the affirmative action plans of each department of the City and County are current and are being properly implemented; and report on the implementation of such affirmative action plans to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors;
4. Promote understanding among the residents of the City and County and work cooperatively with governmental agencies, community group and others to eliminate discrimination and the results of past discrimination by furnishing information, guidance and technical assistance;
5. Study, investigate, mediate and make recommendations with respect to the solving of community- wide problems resulting in intergroup tensions and discrimination;
6. Implement the provisions of ordinances prohibiting discrimination in all contracts and subsequent subcontracts, franchises, leases, concessions or other agreements for or on behalf of the City and County; and
7. Issue such rules and regulations for the conduct of its business, and prepare such ordinances with respect to human rights for consideration by the Board of Supervisors as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.
In performing its duties, the Commission may hold hearings, issue subpoenas to require witnesses to appear and require the production of evidence, administer oaths, take testimony and issue appropriate orders and petitions for court orders in such manner as may be prescribed by law.
The Fire Commission shall consist of five members appointed by the Mayor, pursuant to Section 3.100, for four-year terms. Members may be removed by the Mayor. In addition to any other powers set forth in this Charter, the Fire Commission is empowered to prescribe and enforce any reasonable rules and regulations that it deems necessary to provide for the efficiency of the Department, provided that the civil service and ethics provisions of this Charter shall control in the event of any conflict with rules adopted under this section.
(Amended November 2003)
The Police Commission shall consist of seven members appointed pursuant to this section. The Mayor shall nominate four members to the commission, at least one of whom shall be a retired judge or an attorney with trial experience. The Rules Committee of the Board of Supervisors, or any successor committee thereto, shall nominate three other members to the commission. Each nomination shall be subject to confirmation by the Board of Supervisors, and the Mayor's nominations shall be the subject of a public hearing and vote within 60 days. If the Board of Supervisors rejects the Mayor's nomination to fill the seat designated for a retired judge or attorney with trial experience, the Mayor shall nominate a different person with such qualifications. If the Board of Supervisors fails to act on a mayoral nomination within 60 days of the date the nomination is transmitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, the nominee shall be deemed confirmed. Appointments to fill a vacancy on the commission shall become operative on the date the Board of Supervisors adopts a motion confirming the nomination, or on the 61st day following the date a mayoral nomination is transmitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors if the Board of Supervisors fails to vote on the nomination prior to such date. Confirmations of nominations to fill a vacancy that will be created upon the expiration of a sitting member's term shall become operative upon the expiration of the sitting member's term, or, if the Board of Supervisors fails to act on a mayoral nomination to fill such anticipated vacancy, on the 61st day following the date the nomination was transmitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors or on the expiration of the sitting member's term, whichever occurs later. The terms and tenures of all members sitting on the commission as of the effective date of the amendments to this section approved at the November 2003 election shall terminate at 12 noon on April 30, 2004. To stagger the terms of the seven members thereafter, of the first four members nominated by the Mayor, two members shall serve terms of two years and two members shall serve terms of four years, and of the three members nominated by the Rules Committee, one member shall serve a term of one year, one member shall serve a term of two years, and one member shall serve a term of three years. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall designate such initial terms by lot. All subsequent appointments to the commission shall be for four-year terms.
The tenure of each member shall terminate upon the expiration of the member's term. The Mayor shall transmit a nomination or renomination to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors no later than 60 days prior to the expiration of the term of a member nominated by the Mayor. For vacancies occurring for reasons other than the expiration of a member's term, within 60 days following the creation of such vacancy, the Mayor shall nominate a member to fill such vacancy if the vacancy is for a seat filled by nomination of the Mayor.
The District Attorney, Sheriff and Public Defender may recommend persons to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors for nomination or appointment to the Police Commission.
The Mayor, with the consent of the Board of Supervisors, may remove a member the Mayor has nominated. The Board of Supervisors may remove a member the Rules Committee has nominated.
Notwithstanding any other provision of the Charter, the Chief of Police may be removed by the Commission or the Mayor, acting jointly or separately of each other. In addition to any other powers set forth in this Charter, the Police Commission is empowered to prescribe and enforce any reasonable rules and regulations that it deems necessary to provide for the efficiency of the Department, provided that the civil service and ethics provisions of this Charter shall control in the event of any conflict with rules adopted under this section.
(Amended November 2003)
The Health Commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the Mayor, pursuant to Section 3.100, for four-year terms. The Commission shall have less than a majority of direct care providers. Members may be removed by the Mayor only pursuant to Section 15.105. The Commission shall control the property under its jurisdiction.
The Commission and the Department shall manage and control the City and County hospitals, emergency medical services, and in general provide for the preservation, promotion and protection of the physical and mental health of the inhabitants of the City and County, except where the Charter grants such authority to another officer or department. The Commission and the Department may also determine the nature and character of public nuisances and provide for their abatement.
(a) The Public Utilities Commission shall consist of five members appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the Board of Supervisors. Each of the members shall serve for a term of four years. Members may be removed by the Mayor only pursuant to Section 15.105.
(b) Seat 1 on the Commission shall be a member with experience in environmental policy and an understanding of environmental justice issues. Seat 2 shall be a member with experience in ratepayer or consumer advocacy. Seat 3 shall be a member with experience in project finance. Seat 4 shall be a member with expertise in water systems, power systems, or public utility management, and Seat 5 shall be an at-large member.
(c) The respective terms of office of members of the Public Utilities Commission who old office on August 1, 2008 shall expire at noon on that date, and the members appointed pursuant to the amendments to this Section approved at the June 2008 election shall succeed to said office at that time. In order to provide for staggered terms, the members appointed to Seats 2 and 4 shall serve for an initial term of two years from August 1, 2008. The remaining three members appointed to Seats 1, 3, and 5 shall serve for an initial term of four years from August 1, 2008, and thereafter the terms of all members shall be four years.
(d) The Commission shall have charge of the construction, management, supervision, maintenance, extension, operation, use and control of all water and energy supplies and utilities of the City as well as the real, personal and financial assets, which are under the Commission's jurisdiction on the operative date of this Charter, or assigned pursuant to Section 4.132.
(Amended by Proposition E, Election 6/3/2008)
Pursuant to the policies and directives set by the Commission and under the direction and supervision of the General Manager, the Recreation and Park Department shall manage and direct all parks, playgrounds, recreation centers and all other recreation facilities, avenues and grounds under the Commission's control or placed under its jurisdiction thereafter, unless otherwise specifically provided in this Charter.
The Department shall promote and foster a program providing for organized public recreation of the highest standard.
The Department shall issue permits for the use of all property under the Commission's control, pursuant to the policies established by the Commission.
As directed by the Commission, the Department shall administer the Park, Recreation and Open Space Fund pursuant to Section 16.107 of this Charter.
The Department shall have the power to construct new parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, recreation facilities, squares and grounds, and to erect and maintain buildings and structures on parks, playgrounds, square, avenues and grounds, except as follows:
1. No building or structure, except for nurseries, equipment storage facilities and comfort stations, shall be erected, enlarged or expanded in Golden Gate Park or Union Square Park unless such action has been approved by a vote of two-thirds of the Board of Supervisors;
2. No park land may be sold or leased for non-recreational purposes, nor shall any structure on park property be built, maintained or used for non-recreational purposes, unless approved by a vote of the electors. However, with permission of the Commission and approval by the Board of Supervisors, subsurface space under any public park, square or playground may be used for the operation of a public automobile parking station under the authority of the Department of Parking and Traffic, provided that the Commission determines that such a use would not be, in any material respect or degree, detrimental to the original purpose for which a park, square or playground was dedicated or in contravention of the conditions of any grant under which a park, square or playground might have been received. The revenues derived from any such use, less the expenses incurred by the Department of Parking and Traffic in operating these facilities, shall be credited to Recreation and Park Department funds.
3. The Commission shall have the power to lease or rent any stadium or recreation field under its jurisdiction for athletic contests, exhibitions and other special events and may permit the lessee to charge an admission fee.
(Amended March 2000)