When adequate facilities are not available in any of the institutions enumerated in Section 111 of this Article, the Chief Administrative Officer may contract with other hospitals for the admission and care of persons enumerated in Section 115 of this Article, for in-patient or out-patient care. The Chief Administrative Officer shall not enter into any such agreement until after the Board of Supervisors has made an appropriation to provide funds for the payment to such hospitals, and the rates agreed to be paid such hospitals in any such agreement for in-patient care shall not exceed the cost of maintaining and caring for like classes of person at the San Francisco General Hospital. In any such agreement for out-patient care other than psychiatric care the rates agreed to be paid each hospital shall not exceed said hospital's actual costs or $12, whichever is the lesser as determined and approved by the Controller of the City and County of San Francisco. In any such agreement for out-patient psychiatric care the rates agreed to be paid each hospital shall not exceed said hospital's actual costs or $16, whichever is the lesser as determined and approved by the Controller of the City and County of San Francisco.
(Amended by Ord. 149-66, App. 6/22/66)