It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep or cause to be kept, any beef cattle within the boundaries of the City and County of San Francisco, excepting as hereinafter provided:
For the sole purpose of loading, unloading and confining in corrals of beef cattle enroute to the slaughtering houses, the provisions of this Section shall not apply to that part of the City and County bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of the southerly line of Islais Creek with the southwesterly line of Authur Avenue and running thence southeasterly along the southwesterly line of Arthur Avenue to the northeasterly line of Ingalls Street; thence southwesterly along the northeasterly line of Ingalls Street to the southwesterly line of Galvez Avenue; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of Galvez Avenue to the southeasterly line of Third Street; thence southwesterly along the southeasterly line of Third Street to the northeasterly line of Jerrold Avenue; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly line of Jerrold Avenue to the northwesterly line of Phelps Street; thence along Phelps Street in a southerly direction to Newcomb Avenue; thence along Newcomb Avenue to Quint Street; thence along Quint Street in a southerly direction to Scotia Avenue; thence along Scotia Avenue to Silver Avenue; thence along Silver Avenue to Augusta Street; thence along Augusta Street to Elmira Street; thence along Elmira Street to Islais Creek Channel; thence westerly to the tracks of the Ocean Shore Railway; thence northerly along the tracks of the Ocean Shore Railway to Napoleon Street; thence along Napoleon Street to Islais Creek; thence along Islais Creek to Third Street; thence along Third Street to the point of commencement.
(a) Number of animals. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep or feed, or cause to be kept or fed, or permit to be kept or fed, on any premises over which any such person, firm or corporation may have control within residential districts, (1) more than three dogs of age six months or older without obtaining a proper permit and license to operate a dog kennel as defined in Section 220 of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code, and (2) more than a total of four of the following in any combination: dogs of age six months or older unless part of a dog kennel, hares, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, gerbils, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, doves, pigeons, game birds of any species, or cats. Nothing in this section, however, shall prohibit the feeding of any wild bird not specifically prohibited by this section unless such feeding creates a public health nuisance.
(b) Enclosures. Any person, firm or corporation, keeping, feeding, or causing to be kept or fed, or permitting to be kept or fed, on premises over which such person, firm or corporation may have control, four or less hares, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, gerbils, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, doves, pigeons, parrots of any species, game birds of any species or wild animals of any species except those animals prohibited by Section 50 of this Code, shall keep same in coops or enclosures that are approved by the Director of Public Health. Where the coops or enclosures are located on the outside of or on top of any buildings, premises or structures, the coops or enclosures shall be not less than 20 feet from any door or window of any building used for human habitation.
(c) Prohibition. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in the business of keeping, feeding, or breeding any hares, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, gerbils, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, doves, pigeons, parrots of any species, game birds of any species, dogs, cats, for commercial purposes, within the residential districts.
(d) Commercial Purposes. It is hereby declared to be unlawful to conduct for commercial purposes any establishment in which dogs, cats, hares, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, gerbils, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, doves, pigeons, parrots of any species, game birds of any species, are kept and maintained in the commercial or industrial districts without first obtaining from the Department of Public Health a permit so to do.
No permit shall be issued by the Department to any person, firm or corporation, to keep or maintain for commercial purposes any of the above named fowl, animals or birds within the commercial or industrial districts, unless said person, firm or corporation has complied in full with the following requirements:
(1) It shall be unlawful to establish hereafter any place of business for the sale of the fowl, animals or birds specified above within 25 feet of any door, window or other opening of any dwelling, apartment house or hotel if live fowl, animals or birds intended for sale are kept therein; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply if a wall, ceiling, floor or other impermeable barrier between the place of business and such habitation will prevent odors and noise from disturbing the occupants of the habitation. It shall be unlawful to keep said live fowl, animals or birds in any basement, sub-basement or cellar in any place of business unless such basement, sub-basement or cellar is adequately ventilated, as approved by the Director of Public Health and is also adequately lighted, completely rodent-proofed and complies fully with the sanitary requirements set forth in Section 440 of this Code.
(2) The floors of all such premises must be of waterproof material, smooth and of durable construction properly drained to the sewer. These floor surfaces shall be coved at the juncture of the floor and wall with a 3/8-inch minimum radius coving and shall extend up the wall at least four inches.
(3) The premises shall be rodent-proof, all openings properly fly-screened, and adequate provision must be made for the elimination of all odors.
(4) The walls and ceilings of all such premises must be of durable, smooth, nonabsorbent, washable surface, and be light-colored.
(5) In all premises where slaughtering of fowl, birds or animals is carried on in connection with the keeping of said fowl, birds or animals, the killing room must be entirely separate from that part of the premises occupied by the live fowl, animals or birds.
Refrigerating equipment must be installed for the reception of the dressed fowl, birds or animals, properly connected to the sewer. Toilet and lavatory facilities for the use of the employees engaged in the handling and slaughtering of such birds, animals or fowl must be installed in conformity with the provisions of the San Francisco Plumbing Code.
(e) Exceptions. The terms and provisions of this Section shall not apply to the keeping, liberation for exercise, or racing of homing or carrier pigeons which are not raised or kept for the market or for commercial purposes, and the lofts or pigeons houses wherein said homing or carrier pigeons are kept are elevated at least three feet above the ground or other foundation upon post-legs or pillars completely surrounded or covered by smooth, jointless galvanized sheet metal and within not less than 20 feet from the door or window of any building used for human habitation, and the entire floor and sides for at least two feet extending upwards from the bottom of the floor of said lofts or pigeons houses, are covered or protected by galvanized iron or its equivalent, concrete or 18 gauge wire mesh of not more than 1/2-inch and the interior of said lofts or pigeons houses, wherein such carrier or homing pigeons are kept, are registered by the owners thereof with the Department of Public Health and the said lofts or pigeon houses shall be inspected by the Department at least once a year.
(f) Definition. For the purposes of this Section, the terms "residential district," "commercial district," and "industrial district" shall have the same meanings as those found in the San Francisco Planning Code.
(Amended by Ord. 256- 90, App. 6/29/90; Ord. 185-00, File No. 000335, App. 8/11/2000; Ord. 125-01, File No. 010269, App. 6/15/2001)
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of Section 37 of this Article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100, or by imprisonment in the County Jail for not more than 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(a) Any person who owns and/or is in control of a dog that bites a human or other domestic animal shall provide his or her name and address and present his or her driver's license or other form of identification and information regarding the rabies vaccination of the biting dog to the person bitten or the person responsible for the animal bitten. The owner or the person in control of the biting dog shall provide his or her current residence address. If the person bitten is a minor, the owner or person in control of the biting dog shall provide the required information to the parent or guardian of the minor.
(b) In addition to the above requirements, it shall be the duty of any person having knowledge of any animal which has bitten a human being or other animal within the City and County to immediately, and in no case later than the end of the next business day, report the fact to the Department of Animal Care and Control and to furnish as much information as possible, including date, time and location of bite, description of animal or person bitten, name and license number of the biting animal, and rabies vaccination history of the biting animal.
(Added by Ord. 14-05, File No. 041555, App. 1/21/2005)
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having control or custody of any dog to permit the animal to defecate upon the public property of this City or upon the private property of another unless the person immediately remove the feces and properly dispose of it; provided, however, that nothing herein contained authorizes such person to enter upon the private property of another without permission.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to walk a dog on public property of this City or upon the private property of another without carrying at all times a suitable container or other suitable instrument for the removal and disposal of dog feces.
(c) Visually handicapped persons who use Seeing Eye Guide Dogs are exempt from this law.
(Amended by Ord. 420-78, App. 9/8/78)
It shall be unlawful to transport a dog in a motor vehicle upon any street within the City and County of San Francisco unless the dog is fully enclosed within the motor vehicle or is protected by a belt, tether, cage, container or other device that will prevent the dog from falling, jumping or being thrown from the motor vehicle.
(Added by 491-84, App. 12/13/84)
No dog or other animal shall be left completely enclosed in a parked vehicle without adequate ventilation, or in such a way as to subject the animal to extreme temperatures which may adversely affect the animal's health and welfare.
(Added by Ord. 166-85, App. 3/28/85)
"Animal" shall mean and include any bird, mammal, reptile, or other creature; except fish.
"Animal Control Officer" or "Animal Care and Control Officer" shall mean the Director of the Animal Care and Control Department.
"At large" shall mean any dog off the premises of its owners or guardians and not under restraint by a leash, rope or chain of not more than eight (8) feet in length, and any other animal not under physical restraint.
"Authorized Licensing Entity" shall mean an individual or entity that has entered into an agreement with the Director of Animal Care and Control to accept applications and payments for dog licenses, and issue such licenses to dog owners or guardians in accordance with the requirements of Sections 41.15 through 41.20. Such individuals or entities may include, but are not limited to, other departments of the City and County, licensed veterinarians practicing in the City and County, retailers of pet supplies and providers of animal care services engaged in business in the City and County, and nonprofit organizations engaged in promoting animal welfare.
"Barking Dog" is defined as a dog that barks, bays, cries, howls or makes any other noise continuously and incessantly for a period of 10 minutes to the disturbance of any other person.
"City and County" shall mean the City and County of San Francisco.
"Dog" shall include female as well as male dogs.
"Guardian" shall mean owner, and both terms shall be used interchangeably.
"Health Officer" shall mean the Director of the Department of Public Health of the City and County, or any employee of said Department or other person authorized by said officer to act on his or her behalf.
"Hoofed Animal" shall mean and include horse, mare, gelding, mule, burro, sheep, cow, goat or any other animal with a hoofed foot.
"Live release rate" shall mean the ratio of live animals impounded to live animals released per year.
"Owner" shall mean any person who possesses, has title to or an interest in, harbors or has control, custody or possession of an animal, and the verb forms of "to own" shall include all those shades of meaning.
"Person" shall mean and include corporations, estates, associations, partnerships and trusts, as well as one or more individual human beings.
(Added by Ord. 226-73, File No. 136-73-1, App. 6/22/73; amended by Ord. 386-75, File No. 312-75-1, App. 9/2/75; Ord. 182-89, File No. 97-89-14, App. 6/5/89; Ord. 2-02, File No. 010491, App. 1/18/02; Ord. 5-03, File No. 021645, App. 1/24/2003; Ord. 97-15
, File No. 150528, App. 6/25/2015, Eff. 7/25/2015)
There is hereby established a Commission to be known as the Commission of Animal Control and Welfare of the City and County of San Francisco (hereafter called "Commission"), consisting of 11 members.
The Commission of Animal Control and Welfare shall consist of the Director of the Animal Care and Control Department or his or her designated representative, seven members to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors and one City Department representative member appointed by each of the following: the Director of the Department of Public Health or his or her designated representative, the Chief of Police or his or her designated representative, and the General Manager of the Recreation and Park Department or his or her designated representative. The members appointed by the Board of Supervisors shall be six members representing the general public having interest and experience in animal matters and one licensed veterinarian practicing in San Francisco. Each member of the Commission of Animal Control and Welfare of the City and County of San Francisco shall be a resident of the City and County of San Francisco, except for the licensed veterinarian, who must practice in San Francisco, but who need not be a resident of San Francisco.
Voting members of the Commission shall consist only of the seven members appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The Director of the Animal Care and Control Department, the Director of the Department of Public Health, the Chief of Police, and the General Manager of the Recreation and Park Department, or their designated representatives, shall report to the Commission regarding their respective Department's activities, and participate in general discussions before the Commission as non-voting members.
Three of the members who are first appointed by the Board of Supervisors shall be designated to serve for terms of one year and three for two years from the date of their appointment. Thereafter, members shall be appointed as aforesaid for a term of two years, except that all of the vacancies occurring during a term shall be filled for the unexpired term. A member shall hold office until his or her successor has been appointed and has qualified. The Commission shall elect a chairman from among its appointed members.
Any member who misses three regularly scheduled meetings of the Commission during each two-year term without the express approval of the Commission given at a regularly scheduled meeting will be deemed to have resigned from the Commission.
The term of office as chairman of the Commission shall be for the calendar year or for the portion thereof remaining after each such chairman is elected. No member of the Commission shall receive compensation for serving thereon.
No two individuals on the Commission shall be representatives, employees or officers of the same group, association, corporation, organization, or City Department.
(Added by Ord. 226-73, File No. 136-73-1, App. 6/22/73; amended by Ord. 59-82, File No. 66-80-3, App. 2/19/82; Ord. 182-89, File No. 97-89-14, App. 06/05/89; Ord. 394-89, File No. 118-89-4, App. 11/6/89; Ord. 107-99, File No. 990211, App. 5/7/99)
In addition to any other powers and duties set forth in this Article, the Commission shall have the power and duty to:
(a) Hold hearings and submit recommendations regarding animal control and welfare to the Board of Supervisors and the City Administrator.
(b) Study and recommend requirements for the maintenance of animals in public, private, and commercial care.
(c) Work with the Tax Collector, the Director of the Animal Care and Control Department, and authorized licensing entities to develop and maintain dog licensing procedures and make recommendations on fees.
(Added by Ord. 226-73, File No. 136-73-1, App. 6/22/73; amended by Ord. 59-82, File No. 66-80-3, App. 2/19/82; Ord. 182-89, File No. 97-89-14, App. 06/05/89; Ord. 182-89, File No. 97-89-14, App. 06/05/89; Ord. 2-02, File No. 010491, App. 1/18/02)
The Commission shall render a written report of its activities to the Board of Supervisors quarterly. Such report shall include:
(a) Recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor, and the Chief Administrative Officer for the development of policies and procedures which will further the objectives of animal welfare and control.
(b) Recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor, and the Chief Administrative Officer of additional legislation deemed by the Commission to be necessary for animal welfare and control.
(c) Recommendations of actions to be taken by any agency, board, officer of this City and County for the purposes of furthering the objectives of animal welfare and control.
(Added by Ord. 226-73, File No. 136-73-1, App. 6/22/73; amended by Ord. 182-89, File No. 97-89-14, App. 06/05/89)