(a) Every resident of the City and County who procures a young dog over the age of two months from any animal shelter shall register such dog with the Department of Animal Care and Control, Tax Collector or other agency authorized to issue said certificate. Upon payment of a deposit equivalent to the amount of a license fee set pursuant to Section 41.15 of this Article, the owner or guardian of the young dog shall be issued a temporary identification tag and young dog certificate. The certificate shall be valid until the dog attains the age of four months, or has received an antirabies vaccination, whichever occurs first. Upon expiration of the certificate, the Tax Collector, the Department of Animal Care and Control, or other authorized licensing entity will notify the owner or guardian that the certificate has expired and upon satisfactory proof that the dog has been vaccinated in compliance with Section 41.18 of this Article, the owner or guardian shall be provided with a valid license for said dog as provided in this Article.
(b) If an owner or guardian fails to procure a license within one month after the expiration of the young dog certificate, the deposited license fee shall be forfeited and the owner or guardian shall be deemed to be in violation of Section 41.15 of this Article.
(Added by Ord. 280-92, App. 8/31/92; amended by Ord. 2-02, File No. 010491, App. 1/18/2002; Ord. 5-03, File No. 021645, App. 1/24/2003)
(a) Upon the payment of a dog license or cat registration fee, the owner or guardian of the animal shall obtain from the Tax Collector, the Department of Animal Care and Control or other authorized licensing entity a certificate stating (1) the period for which such license or registration fee has been paid, (2) the date of payment, (3) the name, residence address, and telephone number of the person to whom such license is issued, (4) the name, breed and sex of the dog or cat licensed or registered, (5) the number of the license or registration tag issued as provided for in this Article, and (6) a statement whether the animal has been spayed or neutered. Such certificate shall be delivered to the person paying such license or registration fee and duplicates or records thereof shall be kept in the office of the Department of Animal Care and Control until the registration or certificate expires. The Tax Collector shall periodically provide the Department of Animal Care and Control with updated information regarding current registrations.
(b) The certificates and tags described in this Section shall not be transferable from dog to dog, cat to cat, or from owner/guardian to owner/guardian.
(c) At the same time that the Tax Collector, the Department of Animal Care and Control, or other authorized licensing entity issues the certificate pursuant to this Section, he or she shall also issue and deliver to the person paying such license or registration fee a license tag of such form and design as the Department of Animal Care and Control shall designate, with the words "San Francisco Dog License" or "San Francisco Cat Tag" and a serial number.
(d) The owner, guardian or person having control or possession of the dog or cat for which said license or registration fee has been paid, and such tag issued, shall attach such license tag or registration tag securely to a collar around the neck of the cat or dog, or otherwise adequately secure such tag. License tags shall be securely displayed upon dogs at all times, except when the dog is confined to the owner's premises or displayed in any show or exhibition.
(Added by Ord. 280-92, App. 8/31/92; amended by Ord. 2-02, File No. 010491, App. 1/18/2002; Ord. 5-03, File No. 021645, App. 1/24/2003)
It shall be unlawful for any person to remove a license tag from any dog or cat not owned by him or her or not lawfully in his or her possession or under that person's control, or to place on any dog or cat any such license or registration tag not issued as above provided for the particular dog or cat, or to make or to have in possession or to place on a dog or cat any counterfeit or imitation of any license or registration tag provided for in Section 41.20 of this Article.
(Added by Ord. 280-92, App. 8/31/92)
(a) If any license or registration tag is lost or stolen, damaged or illegible, the person owning, possessing, or having control of the dog or cat for which the tag was issued shall be entitled to receive a duplicate tag by presenting to the Tax Collector or the Department of Animal Care and Control the damaged tag, the original certificate showing ownership of the tag, or an affidavit sufficiently showing that the tag was lost or stolen. Upon payment by the owner of a replacement fee of $5, the Tax Collector or the Department of Animal Care and Control shall issue a properly numbered duplicate tag, and shall keep on file the original affidavit, if any, upon which the duplicate tag was issued.
(b) If any license or registration tag is not received due to the United States Mail within 30 days after payment of fees, the person owning, possessing, or having control of the dog or cat for which the tag was issued shall be entitled to receive a duplicate tag by presenting to the Tax Collector or the Department of Animal Care and Control an affidavit sufficiently showing that the tag was not received due to the United States Mail within 30 days. The Tax Collector or the Department of Animal Care and Control, without additional fee, shall issue a properly numbered tag, and shall keep on file all original affidavits upon which duplicate tags were issued.
(Added by Ord. 280-92, App. 8/31/92; amended by Ord. 2-02, File No. 010491, App. 1/18/2002; Ord. 153-02, File No. 021077, App. 7/12/2002; Ord. 164-10, File No. 100712, App. 7/7/2010)
(1) Dogs or cats owned or in the custody of or under the control of persons who are nonresidents of the City and County, or temporarily sojourning therein for a period not exceeding 30 days;
(2) Dogs or cats brought to said City and County exclusively for the purpose of entering the same in any dog or cat show or exhibition, and which are actually entered in and kept at such show or exhibition;
(3) Dogs or cats owned by nonprofit zoological gardens open to the public;
(4) Dogs or cats owned by duly incorporated and qualified organizations and societies for the humane treatment and prevention of cruelty to animals;
(5) Dogs or cats owned by pet shops, circuses, animal exhibits, and other enterprises maintaining animals which have been granted business licenses and kennel licenses by the City and County;
(6) Dogs or cats used for teaching or diagnostic purposes or research in conformity with State or Federal laws.
(b) No license fee shall be levied for any dog license issued for any of the following:
(1) A professionally trained and certified guide dog owned by or in the custody of a blind or partially blind person;
(2) A signal dog owned by or in the custody of a deaf person or person whose hearing is impaired. A "signal dog" shall mean any dog trained to alert a deaf person, or a person whose hearing is impaired, to intruders or sounds, as defined in Section 54.1 of the California Civil Code;
(3) A service dog owned by or in the custody of a physically handicapped person. A "service dog" shall mean any dog individually trained to the physically disabled participant's requirements including, but not limited to, minimal protection work, rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items, as defined in Section 54.1 of the California Civil Code.
(Added by Ord. 280-92, App. 8/31/92)
(Added by Ord. 280-92, App. 8/31/92; amended by Ord. 5-03, File No. 021645, App. 1/24/2003)
(a) A violation of the provisions of Section 41.21 of this Article shall be a misdemeanor, and punishable by a fine of not more than $500.
(c) Administrative Citation. Violations of Sections 41.15, 41.19, and 41.21 of this Article may be punishable by administrative citation. Except as to the amounts of the citation penalties, Chapter 100 of the San Francisco Administrative Code is incorporated herein by reference. The City employees identified in Section 41.24 may issue administrative citations. The fine for violation of Sections 41.15 and 41.19 of this Article shall be $75. In addition, for violation of Section 41.15 and 41.19, the Animal Control Office shall assess a late charge under Section 41.17. The fine for violation of Section 41.21 of this Article shall be $100.
(Added by Ord. 280-92, App. 8/31/92; amended by Ord. 320-98, App. 10/23/98; Ord. 266-05, File No. 051605, App. 11/22/2005; Ord. 164-10, File No. 100712, App. 7/7/2010)
No later than April 15th of each year, the Department of Animal Care and Control shall submit its current fee schedule to the Controller, who shall apply the price index adjustment to produce a new fee schedule for the following year.
No later than May 15th of each year, the Controller shall file a report with the Board of Supervisors reporting the new fee schedule and certifying that: (a) the fees produce sufficient revenue to support the costs of providing the services for which each fee is assessed, and (b) the fees do not produce revenue which is significantly more than the costs of providing the services for which each fee is assessed.
(Added by Ord. 153-02, File No. 021077, App. 7/12/2002; Ord. 164-10, File No. 100712, App. 7/7/2010)
(a) "Vicious and dangerous dog" means:
(1) Any dog that when unprovoked inflicts bites or attacks a human being or domestic animal either on public or private property, or in a vicious or terrorizing manner, approaches any person in apparent attitude of attack upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public grounds or places; or
(2) Any dog with a known propensity, tendency or disposition to attack unprovoked, to cause injury or to otherwise endanger the safety of human beings or domestic animals; or
(3) Any dog which engages in, or is found to have been trained to engage in, exhibitions of dog fighting; or
(4) Any dog at large found to attack, menace, chase, display threatening or aggressive behavior or otherwise threaten or endanger the safety of any domestic animal or person.
(b) "Vicious and dangerous dog" does not mean:
(1) Any dog that attacks or inflicts bites upon a trespasser of a fully enclosed building; or
(2) Any dog used in the military or police if the bites or attack occurred while the dog was performing in that capacity.
(c) "Enclosure" means a fence or structure of at least six feet in height, forming or causing an enclosure suitable to prevent the entry of young children, and suitable to humanely confine a dog with adequate exercise area, and posted with an appropriate warning sign, in conjunction with other measures which may be taken by the owner or keeper.
(d) "Animal Control" means any person designated under the Administrative Code as the City Pound Keeper or Animal Control Officer.
(e) "Impounded" means taken into the custody of the City pound.
(f) "Person" means a natural person or any legal entity, including but not limited to, a corporation, firm, partnership or trust.
(g) "Hearing officer" means any designated representative of the Department of Public Health or the Police Department who conducts a hearing pursuant to Section 42.4.
(Added by Ord. 408-87, App. 10/9/87)
It shall be unlawful to fight-train, keep, harbor, transport through the limits of the City and County of San Francisco, own, or in any way possess a dog for the purpose of dog-fight exhibitions. Scars and wounds are rebuttable evidence of participation in dog-fight exhibitions or training. "Fight training" is defined to include but not be limited to:
(a) The use or possession of treadmills unless under the direction of a veterinarian;
(b) Actions designed to torment, badger or bait any dog for purpose of encouraging said dog for fight exhibitions;
(c) The use of weights on the dog unless under the direction of a veterinarian;
(d) The use of other animals for blood sport training;
(e) Any other activity the primary purpose of which is the training of dogs for aggressive or vicious behavior or dog-fight exhibitions.
(Added by Ord. 408-87, App. 10/9/87)