In applying for a permit under Section 52 of this Chapter, the applicant must provide assurance that he is in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations regarding such wild and potentially dangerous animals.
(Added by Ord. 81-78, App. 2/10/78)
Copies of any application for permit under Section 52 of this Chapter shall be sent by the Director to the Police Department, the Animal Control Officer, the City Planning Department and the Zoo Director for their approval, and no permit shall be granted without the receipt of these approvals. The filing of an application constitutes agreement by the applicant to allow inspection of the premises where the animal is kept or will be kept for the purpose of determining approval or disapproval of the permit application as well as the continued compliance with the provisions of this ordinance by all participating agencies.
(Added by Ord. 81-78, App. 2/10/78)
No permit shall be granted except with such conditions attached as shall, in the opinion of the Director, reasonably insure the health, safety, and general welfare of the public and said animal referred to in the permit application. The applicant must show knowledge and ability to properly care for said animal, and no permit shall be issued to any person who has been found guilty of cruelty to animals. The permit shall be nontransferable; it shall apply only to the animal described therein which is confined at the location stated therein and shall be valid only to the person named as owner of said animal therein.
(Added by Ord. 81-78, App. 2/10/78)
No permit required by Section 52 of this Chapter shall be granted for a period in excess of one year. An application for a new permit shall be made not less than 45 days prior to the expiration of the prior permit.
(Added by Ord. 81-78, App. 2/10/78)
The Director may, for good cause, revoke any permit or provisions thereof. In the event it is reasonably necessary to protect against an immediate threat or danger to the public health or safety, the Director may suspend any permit or portion thereof without hearing, for a period not to exceed 30 days, and in such case the animal referred to in said permit will be taken into protective custody by the Animal Control Officer.
(Added by Ord. 81-78, App. 2/10/78)
The provisions of Sections 50 through 66 of the Chapter shall not prohibit the selling, having, keeping, maintaining, possessing, or controlling of any wild and potentially dangerous animals within the City and County of San Francisco by any of the following: zoos, circuses, museums, educational institutions, veterinary hospitals, the public pound, or film and video productions, provided that said animals are had, kept, maintained, possessed or controlled in compliance with other local, state and federal regulations and said animals are confined in a manner deemed by the Director to protect the public from harm, and a California Board-certified veterinarian is present to insure the wellbeing of said animals.
(Added by Ord. 81-78, App. 2/10/78; amended by Ord. 331-93, App. 10/22/93)
The provisions of Sections 50 through 66 of this Chapter shall not apply to any wild and potentially dangerous animal, when such person, with the permission of the Department of Public Health, is transporting such animal through the City and County, has taken adequate safeguards to protect the public and has notified the Department of Public Health, the Police Department and the Animal Control Officer of the proposed route of transportation and time thereof.
(Added by Ord. 81-78, App. 2/10/78)
Any person who has, keeps, or maintains a wild and potentially dangerous animal as permitted in Section 52 of this Chapter that escapes from its confinement shall immediately notify the Department of Public Health, the Police Department and the Animal Control Officer of such escape.
(Added by Ord. 81-78, App. 2/10/78)
Any wild and potentially dangerous animal as defined in Section 51 of this Chapter which is found running loose in the City and County of San Francisco shall be impounded by the Animal Control Officer.
(Added by Ord. 81-78, App. 2/10/78)