(a) The Fee shall be deposited in the General Fund.
(b) Use of Funds. The proceeds of the Fee shall be used solely for costs incurred by, or on behalf of, the City and County of San Francisco, to administer and enforce Article 22.
(Added by Ord. 172-10, File No. 100711, App. 7/23/2010)
(Added by Ord. 172-10, File No. 100711, App. 7/23/2010; repealed by Ord. 257-14
, File No. 141053, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
(a) Public Complaints. The Enforcing Agency shall receive complaints from members of the public as to an Operator's failure to comply with the provisions of this Article. Where the Enforcing Agency determines that an Operator may have violated the terms of this Article, in addition to any other action that the Enforcing Agency may take pursuant to this ordinance, the Enforcing Agency will notify the District Attorney so that it may pursue its own investigation and take appropriate action. Whenever a written or oral complaint is made to the Enforcing Agency that there has been a violation of this Article, the Enforcing Agency shall refer the complaint to the District Attorney's Office and may also investigate the complaint or allegation itself or refer the matter to the City Attorney.
(b) Rates Posted. The Operator shall post the rates for Rent in effect at the time the Occupant enters the Parking Station at the entrance to the Parking Station, and at every place where the Occupant pays Rent, including cashiers booths and Pay Stations. An Operator shall not charge an Occupant more than the Rent posted for the Occupant's actual Occupancy Period. Rent rates shall be posted no further than 8 feet from every entrance of the Parking Station, in a manner and in a typeface that can be easily read from a distance of 4 feet.
(c) Notice to Occupants of Receipt Requirement. In addition to the signage requirements of California Vehicle Code Section 22658 and other applicable sections of that Code, the Operator shall post a clear and conspicuous sign at every vehicle entrance to the Parking Station and at every location where Occupants pay Rent that informs Parkers of the Operator's obligation to provide a Receipt when requested and providing phone numbers to contact the Parking Facility's manager and the Enforcing Agency.
(Added by Ord. 234-06, File No. 060892, App. 9/14/2006; amended by Ord. 292-10, File No. 101100, App. 11/18/2010)
Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Article is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Article. The Board of Supervisors hereby declares that it would have enacted this Article and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, and word not declared invalid or unconstitutional without regard to whether any other portion of this Article would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional.