(a) The Human Services Agency shall create a worksheet that lists the general criteria for eligibility for each Public Benefit. The Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing shall provide this worksheet to all Housing Providers and shall post this worksheet on its website. The Human Services Agency shall regularly update this worksheet to reflect any changes that are made to the laws regarding eligibility for Public Benefits.
(b) The Human Services Agency shall create a consent to release information form that allows the Housing Providers, other service providers, the Human Services Agency, and the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to exchange information regarding the public aid status of the Client. The Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing shall provide this release to all Housing Providers and shall post this release on its website.
Nothing in this Article VI shall be interpreted or applied so as to create any requirement, power, or duty in conflict with any federal or state law.
In enacting and implementing this Article VI, the City is assuming an undertaking only to promote the general welfare. It is not assuming, nor is it imposing on its officers and employees, an obligation for breach of which it is liable in money damages to any person who claims that such breach proximately caused injury.
(Added by Ord. 3-21, File No. 201185, App. 1/15/2021, Eff. 2/15/2021)
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Article VI, or any application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of the Article. The Board of Supervisors hereby declares that it would have passed this Article and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, and word not declared invalid or unconstitutional without regard to whether any other portion of this Article or application thereof would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional.
(Added by Ord. 3-21, File No. 201185, App. 1/15/2021, Eff. 2/15/2021)
Editor’s Note: As part of the revision and consolidation of Administrative Code provisions relating to indigent aid programs, Ordinance 153-16
(approved 8/1/2016, effective 8/31/2016, operative 1/1/2017) repealed former Articles IX, X, and XI, and incorporated successor provisions into this Article, which was amended essentially in its entirety.
Title. | |
Authority and Mandate. | |
Definitions. | |
Purposes and Principles. | |
Policy and Administration. | |
Eligibility for Aid. | |
Administration of Family General Relief Program; Maximum Grant Amount; Promulgation of Program Rules. | |
Proration of Income Over Contract Period. | |
Rebuttable Presumption of Ineligibility – Students. | |
Rebuttable Presumption of Ineligibility – Current Income or Expenses. | |
Residency Requirement. | |
Allowable Real Property. | |
Allowable Personal Property. | |
Exempt Income or Resources. | |
Reimbursement Agreement. | |
Identification. | |
Finger-Imaging and Photo- Imaging. | |
Exemption for Terminal Illness. | |
Ineligibility of Fleeing Felons. | |
Ineligibility of Individuals who Have Reached the Time Limit for Receipt of CalWORKs Aid Under State Law. | |
Computation and Payment of Aid Grants; Amounts Payable. | |
Housing. | |
Basic Needs; Personal Needs. | |
Special Allowances; Income-in-Kind Value Exceeds Monthly Maximum Grant. | |
Continuing Eligibility. | |
Work Requirements and Exemptions. | |
Substance Abuse Screening, Evaluation, and Treatment. | |
Intensive Employment Services Program. | |
Termination of Employment. | |
Good Cause. | |
Use of Minimum Hourly Wage Rate to Calculate Maximum Number of Hours of Service. | |
Emergency Aid Payments. | |
Aid Payments; In General. | |
Aid Payments; Mandatory Direct Rent Payment Program. | |
Aid Payments; In-Kind Aid. | |
Aid Payments; To Whom Paid and Delivered. | |
Aid Payments; Administrative Discontinuance. | |
Aid Payments; Lost, Forged or Stolen Warrants; Loss or Theft of Warrant Proceeds. | |
Fair Administration; Disclosures; Overpayment. | |
Quality Control Program; Requirements. | |
Quality Control Program; Reports. | |
Records; Maintenance of. | |
Records; Confidentiality. | |
Records; Destruction of. | |
Fraud in Obtaining Aid. | |
Hearing; Opportunity. | |
Notice of Proposed Action. | |
Request for Hearing. | |
Aid Paid Pending. | |
Hearing; Notice of Hearing; When Held. | |
Impartial Hearing Officer. | |
Hearing; Hearing Rights. | |
Informality, Evidence, Appearance, and Counsel. | |
Hearing Decision. | |
Hearing; Finality; Effect of Nonappearance. | |
Funding. | |
Evaluation. | |
Severability. | |
Promotion of the General Welfare. | |
This Article VII shall be known as the “County Adult Assistance Programs of the City and County of San Francisco.”
(As Sec. 20.55, amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/8/98; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-1 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)