(a) The County Adult Assistance Programs consist of the General Assistance Program, the Personal Assisted Employment Services (PAES) Program, the Cash Assistance Linked to Medi-Cal (CALM) Program, the Supplemental Security Income Pending (SSIP) Program, and the Family General Relief Program.
(b) The General Assistance program is established pursuant to California Welfare and Institutions Code Division 9, Part 5, Chapter 1, commencing with Section 17000.
(c) Any amendments to the above authority, adopted subsequent to the effective date of this Article VII, shall not invalidate any provisions of this Article. Any amendments to the Welfare and Institutions Code that may be inconsistent with the administration of the General Assistance Program, as set forth in this Article, shall govern.
(d) The provisions of this Article VII shall govern in relation to all other ordinances of the City and County of San Francisco and rules and regulations pursuant thereto. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of this Article and other provisions of the Administrative Code, the most specific shall prevail.
(e) The PAES, CALM, SSIP, and Family General Relief Programs, as set forth in this Article VII, are not established pursuant to Chapter 1, Part 5, Division 9 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code and may be amended or terminated by the Board of Supervisors at any time, for any reason. In the event that PAES, CALM, SSIP, and/or Family General Relief are terminated, all Applicants for and participants in those programs shall be transitioned to the General Assistance Program without need to reapply, in accordance with the rules and regulations of that program.
(As Sec. 20.55.1, amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/8/98; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-2 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
For the purposes of this Article VII:
“Applicant” is a person who is in the process of applying for benefits under the County Adult Assistance Programs.
“CalFresh” means the food assistance program as defined in Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 18900) of Part 6 of Division 9 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code, or any successor program.
“CALM” means the Cash Assistance Linked to Medi-Cal Program as set forth in this Article VII.
“CalWORKs” means the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids as defined in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11200) of Part 3 of Division 9 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code or any successor program.
“CAPI” means the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants as defined in Chapter 10.3 (commencing with Section 18937) of Part 6 of Division 9 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code or any successor program.
“City” means the City and County of San Francisco.
“Decrease” means any reduction in a Recipient’s current cash grant amount.
“Denial” means a determination, based on a County Adult Assistance Programs application, that the Applicant is not eligible for aid.
“Department” means the Department of Human Services of the City and County of San Francisco.
“Discontinuance” means the termination of a person’s entitlement to aid.
”Electronic benefit transfer” means a method of transferring benefits through a centralized computer system so that an Applicant/participant may obtain his or her benefits at facilities such as automated teller machines (ATM) and point-of-sale (POS) terminals using an access device such as a magnetic stripe plastic card. “Electronic benefit transfer” includes direct deposits.
“Executive Director” means the Executive Director of the Department of Human Services of the City and County of San Francisco.
“Guaranteed Income Pilot Program” means an income distribution program that provides unconditional, regular cash payments over a specified period of time to a specified participant population, provided that the Department has approved the program’s research and evaluation plan.
“PAES” means the Personal Assisted Employment Services Program as set forth in this Article VII.
“Recipient” is a person who is receiving assistance under this Article VII.
“Recoupment” means the collection of past overpayments by making deductions from current grants.
“Resident of a state or private institution” shall mean that the Applicant/Recipient is staying in a facility that provides housing and three meals a day.
“SSI/SSP” means Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program for Aged, Blind, and Disabled Californians as defined in California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 12000, et seq.
“SSIP” means the Supplemental Security Income Pending Program as set forth under this Article VII.
“State” means the State of California.
“TANF” means Temporary Assistance to Needy Families as defined in Part A (commencing with Section 601) of Subchapter 4 of Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the United States Code.
“Withholding” means the retention of aid payments.
(Amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; repealed by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
(a) This Article VII is enacted to establish rules and requirements for the administration of aid to the indigent and dependent poor of the City and to adopt standards and conditions for such aid.
(b) The purpose of General Assistance is to provide short-term financial or in-kind assistance and other services to indigent residents of the City and County who are unable to support themselves and have exhausted their own means of support; and are not residents of state or private institutions. General Assistance is intended to enable and encourage persons aided to:
(1) Find employment if employable;
(2) Receive support from other federal or State sources; and
(3) Reduce or eliminate the conditions that have led to indigency and dependency.
(c) The purposes of the PAES Program are: (1) to provide quality evaluation of vocational experience, qualifications, strengths, and needs; and (2) to provide the participant with the supportive services and activities necessary to assist the participant in obtaining paid employment.
(d) The purpose of the CALM Program is to provide cash payments to those individuals who have been determined to be eligible for Medi-Cal, the State health care program, as set forth in California Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 14000 et seq., on the basis of being aged, blind, or disabled, and who meet specific financial criteria, but who are not eligible for federal or State support.
(e) The purpose of the SSIP Program is to provide cash payments to those individuals with medical verification of a permanent disabling condition pending their application for federal disability benefits.
(f) The purpose of the Family General Relief Program is to provide assistance to indigent families with minor children who are ineligible for CalWORKs as a result of the application of the income deeming rule for sponsored noncitizens.
(g) Assistance is to be administered in a manner which is consistent with and will help achieve basic program purposes and which respects individual privacy and personal dignity. The following policies and principles govern the public social services:
(1) Assistance is to be administered promptly and humanely, without discrimination on account of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, or political affiliation.
(2) Assistance is to be so administered as to encourage self-respect, self-reliance, and the desire to be a productive citizen.
(3) Assistance is to be administered with courtesy, consideration, and respect, and without attempting to elicit any unnecessary information.
(4) Duties should be performed in such a manner as to secure for every Applicant or Recipient the amount of aid to which he or she is entitled under the law.
(5) Duties should be performed in a manner that usefully assists all employable Recipients in seeking employment and all unemployable Recipients in obtaining other appropriate public benefits.
(6) There is to be no question, inquiry, or recommendation relating to the political or religious opinions or affiliations of any Applicant or Recipient.
(7) Assistance is to be administered in the most cost-effective manner possible.
(As Sec. 20.55.4, amended by Ord. 271-81, App. 5/21/81; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/8/98; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-4 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
(a) The Board of Supervisors has authority for establishing the policies under which the County Adult Assistance Programs are administered, and any change or exceptions, except as otherwise provided, may be made only upon its authorization.
(b) The Department shall administer the County Adult Assistance Programs. The Executive Director shall establish rules and regulations for the proper administration of the County Adult Assistance Programs.
(c) In actual emergencies, the Executive Director may make exceptions to policies pending action by the Board of Supervisors. Such action shall be reported to the Board of Supervisors within five working days.
(As Sec. 20.55.5, amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/8/98; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-5 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
SEC. 20.55.6. [REPEALED.]
(Amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/12/98; repealed by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
(a) Aid, services, or both shall be granted under the provisions of this Article VII and subject to the regulations of the Department to individuals and to families, as that term is defined in Section 20.7-21 of this Article.
(b) Eligibility for General Assistance. Applicants and Recipients shall be eligible for benefits under the General Assistance Program if they meet the eligibility standards set forth in this Article VII
, and any rules or regulations promulgated thereunder.
(c) Eligibility for the PAES Program. Applicants and Recipients shall be eligible for benefits under the PAES Program if they meet the eligibility standards set forth in this Article VII
, and any rules or regulations promulgated thereunder, and:
(1) Have been determined to be employable based on the Department’s assessment of their physical and mental health, and their ability to perform work;
(2) Meet the residency requirement set forth in Section 20.7-11; and
(3) Agree to fulfill the job readiness activities required of PAES participants as set forth in Section 20.7-26.
(d) Eligibility for the CALM Program. Applicants and Recipients shall be eligible for benefits under the CALM Program if they meet the eligibility standards set forth in this Article VII
, and any rules or regulations promulgated thereunder, and:
(1) Submit to the Department a complete Medi-Cal application; and
(2) Are determined to be eligible for Medi-Cal benefits for the aged, blind, or disabled, based upon State eligibility criteria.
(e) Eligibility for the SSIP Program. Applicants and Recipients shall be eligible for benefits under the SSIP Program if they meet the eligibility standards set forth in this Article VII
, and any rules or regulations promulgated thereunder, and have a permanent disability, as determined by the Department.
(f) Eligibility for the Family General Relief Program. Applicants and Recipients shall be eligible for benefits under the Family General Relief Program if:
(1) There is a minor in the Applicant household;
(2) The Applicant household has demonstrated that it would be eligible for CalWORKs cash assistance, but for application of the deeming rule for sponsored noncitizens, as set forth in California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 11008.135, as such sections may be amended from time to time; and
(3) The Applicant household has no other source of income.
(g) Eligibility criteria applicable to all Applicants and Recipients of the General Assistance, PAES, CALM, and SSIP Programs.
(1) Unemployment due to a bona fide strike, lockout, or other labor dispute in and of itself shall have no effect on eligibility for assistance under this Article VII, provided the Applicant or Recipient meets all other eligibility requirements and actively seeks and accepts offers of employment.
(2) Initial aid payments shall be conditional upon attendance at Department orientation programs.
(3) All Applicants shall seek other means of federal or State support, where available, including, but not limited to, support available under State and federal programs such as SSI/SSP, CalWORKs, CAPI, Medi-Cal, Supplemental Security Income, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, CalFresh or any successor program administered under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
(4) Residents of a state or private institution shall be ineligible for assistance under this Article VII, per California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 17000.
(5) An individual serving a sanction for fraud under any of the County Adult Assistance Programs set forth in this Article VII is ineligible to receive benefits under any of the other County Adult Assistance Programs until that sanction period is completed.
(As Sec. 20.56, amended by Ord. 271-81, App. 5/21/81; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/12/98; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-6 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
(a) The Department of Human Services shall administer the Family General Relief Program.
(b) For each eligible individual or for each eligible family of two or more persons who qualify for aid under the Family General Relief program, the maximum monthly amount of aid to which such Recipients are entitled shall be equal to the maximum monthly grant to which a household of the same size is eligible under the CalWORKs program. For purposes of this subsection (b), household size shall be determined based on the number of minors who are eligible for Family General Relief.
(c) The Department of Human Services shall promulgate regulations for the administration of the Family General Relief Program. The regulations shall be aimed at meeting the needs of households with minors and shall promote the efficient administration the program. The regulations shall establish procedures for determining eligibility for Family General Relief, processing applications, recertifications, sanctions, discontinuances, notices and administrative appeals, and such other procedures as the Director determines would serve the interest of the program.
(Added by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016; Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
(Amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/12/98; repealed by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
The income of any person under a contract of employment who works and receives income from such contract shall be prorated over the period of the contract for the purposes of this Article VII.
(Amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/12/98; repealed by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
(Amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/12/98; repealed by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
Status as a full-time student shall create a rebuttable presumption that such person is unavailable for, or unable to accept, offers of employment. The presumption may be rebutted by satisfactory evidence presented to the Department of the student’s opportunity, availability, and intent to seek employment on a full-time basis.
(As Sec. 20.56.5, amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/12/98; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-9 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)