Aid payments made under this Article VII may be provided in the form of in-kind benefits, in-kind orders, vouchers, checks, electronic benefit transfers, or warrants.
(As Sec. 20.59.1, amended by Ord. 271-81, App. 5/21/81; Ord. 93-07, File No. 070208, App. 4/27/2007; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-32 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
The Department may require those Applicants and Recipients who have not secured their own housing to participate in a mandatory direct rent payment program. Under such a program, notwithstanding Section 20.7-35(b), the Department may pay housing costs for an Applicant or Recipient directly to the housing provider, or to a third party with whom the Department may contract on behalf of the housing provider. Such direct rent payment shall be deducted from the maximum grant amount, as specified in this Article VII, for which an Applicant or Recipient is eligible. The Department shall adopt regulations to provide a mechanism for payment to the Applicant or Recipient of the balance of any grant amount to which he or she is entitled, and may adopt additional regulations as necessary to implement this program.
For purposes of this Section 20.7-33, the Department may adopt regulations to define “housing” which would qualify for this program to include, but not be limited to, public and private rental housing, supportive housing managed by community organizations or public agencies, transitional housing, or other means of accommodation as determined appropriate by the Executive Director, and which conforms to applicable health, building, and safety codes.
Refusal to accept placement in housing provided under this program, subject to the provisions of Section 20.7-22(b) of this Article VII, constitutes grounds for denial or discontinuance of aid.
(As Sec. 20.59.2, amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; amended by Proposition N, 11/8/94; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/8/98; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-33 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
Assistance in the form of in-kind benefits, in-kind orders, electronic benefit transfers, or emergency checks shall be used:
(a) As aid payments.
(b) For Applicants and Recipients who declare themselves to be homeless. Applicants and Recipients are required to provide a verifiable rent receipt, or verifiable documentation of shared housing, or verifiable documentation of rent-free housing. Self-declared homeless applicants and Recipients shall receive in-kind benefits for housing, utilities, and meals. If in-kind benefits are not available, such Applicants and Recipients shall receive the cash assistance equivalent to the income-in-kind value of housing, utilities, and/or meals, whichever is not available, if otherwise eligible for these amounts. Failure to comply with the rules of a housing program that results in ejection from that housing program will be considered failure to satisfy the requirements for continuing eligibility for aid and will result in discontinuance from the County Adult Assistance Programs, subject to the notice and hearing provisions of this Article VII.
(c) For Eligible persons awaiting transportation arrangements, provided that aid shall not exceed one week.
(d) For Eligible homeless persons awaiting admission into a hospital or institution.
(e) For Persons who have demonstrated inability to handle cash payments for necessities of life.
(As Sec. 20.59.3, amended by Ord. 271-81, App. 5/21/81; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/8/98; Proposition N, 11/5/2002; Ord. 193-03, File No. 030871, App. 7/25/2003; Ord. 93-07, File No. 070208, App. 4/27/2007; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-34 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
(a) Aid payments may be mailed directly to the Recipient or substitute payee. The Department may require that aid payments be picked up at a designated location. Aid payments shall not be mailed to a post office box, a mail receiving agency, or an address outside of San Francisco, except upon approval of the Executive Director.
(b) Aid payments may be made payable only to the Recipient or his designated co-payee and Recipient jointly.
(c) No aid shall be paid or delivered unless the Recipient is physically present and lawfully residing in the City.
(Added as Sec. 20.59.4 by Ord. 271-81, App. 5/21/81; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/8/98; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-35 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
(Added by Ord. 271-81, App. 5/21/81; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/8/98; repealed by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
Aid shall be discontinued without timely notice under any of the following circumstances:
(a) Verified death of Recipient.
(b) Abandonment of residency in San Francisco, as declared by the Recipient.
(c) Recipient requests that his or her aid be discontinued.
(As Sec. 20.59.6, amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-36 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
(Amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; repealed by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
(a) Lost, forged, or stolen warrants may be replaced only in accordance with specific procedures adopted by the Department.
(b) If a warrant has been cashed and the money lost or stolen, no replacement of the warrant or issuance of orders shall be permitted.
(As Sec. 20.59.8, amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-37 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
(Amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; repealed by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
The Department shall administer this program fairly to the end that all eligible persons who apply for assistance shall receive aid promptly, with due consideration for the needs of the Applicant/Recipient and the safeguard of public funds.
(a) Any Applicant for, or Recipient or payee of, aid under this Article VII shall be informed as to the provisions of eligibility and his or her responsibility for reporting facts material to a correct determination of eligibility, continuing eligibility and grant.
(b) Any Applicant for, or Recipient or payee of, aid under this Article VII shall be responsible for reporting accurately and completely all facts required of him or her pursuant to subdivision (a) and for reporting promptly any changes of those facts.
(c) Any person who makes full and complete disclosure of those facts as explained to him or her pursuant to subsection (a) is entitled to rely upon the aid granted as being accurate, and the warrant he or she receives as correctly reflecting the grant award except as provided in subsections (d), (e), and (f).
(d) Overpayment due to an Applicant or Recipient’s negligent failure to report facts required by this Article VII or department regulations may be recouped by deducting from the current grant not more than 10% until the overpayment is collected in full.
(e) Overpayment due to false statement or representation or by impersonation or other fraudulent device or by intentional failure to report facts required by this Article VII or Department regulations (“Fraud”) shall be recouped by deducting from current grants not more than 40% with an administrative determination of Recipient Fraud and an administrative evaluation of the Recipient’s current ability to pay housing costs until collected in full, following discovery of overpayment.
(f) Overpayment due to false statement or representation or by impersonation or other fraudulent device or by intentional failure to report facts as required by this Article or department regulations (“Fraud”) shall result in immediate discontinuance of aid subject to fair hearing procedures in Section 20.7-45
of this Article VII
. The case shall be referred to the Special Investigation Unit of the Department. Any aid granted under such circumstances shall be offset against any future aid by deducting from current grants not more than 40% with an administrative determination of Recipient Fraud and an administrative evaluation of the Recipient’s current ability to pay housing costs.
(As Sec. 20.59.10, amended by Ord. 271-81, App. 5/21/81; amended by Proposition V, 11/2/93; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/8/98; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-38 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017; amended by Ord. 250-18, File No. 180002, App. 11/2/2018, Eff. 12/3/2018)
(a) The Department shall conduct a thorough and reliable program of quality control with respect to the administration of assistance under this Article VII.
(b) The quality control program shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) The selection and full field review of a random, representative sample of cases drawn from all active County Adult Assistance Programs cases.
(2) The identification and analysis of administrative errors and discrepancies contained in the sample and the actual and projected fiscal impact thereof.
(3) The development and implementation of measures to correct or alleviate the errors and discrepancies.
(As Sec. 20.59.11, amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/8/98; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-39 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
(a) The Department may report quality control findings to the Human Services Commission.
(b) The report may contain, but not be limited to:
(1) The number of cases in the sample by month and year to date.
(2) The number of cases found ineligible, overpaid, or underpaid for the month and year to date.
(3) The actual and projected total fiscal impact resulting from ineligibility and overpayments for the month and year to date.
(4) The corrective actions proposed and the schedule of implementation for corrective actions.
(5) The status of previous corrective actions and any other information requested by the Board of Supervisors.
(As Sec. 20.59.12, amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; Ord. 152-98, App. 5/8/98; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-40 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)
The Department shall maintain a case record for every Recipient. The Department shall also maintain a record on those Applicants whose requests for assistance were denied; such record shall include name and address of Applicant and the reason(s) for denials.
(As Sec. 20.59.13, amended by Ord. 212-80, App. 5/16/80; redesignated as Sec. 20.7-41 and amended by Ord. 153-16, File No. 160636, App. 8/1/2016, Eff. 8/31/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)