Public Buildings and Grounds; Administration and Protection. | |
City Hall Short Term License, Filming, and Tour Fees; Listed Caterers. | |
All-Gender Toilet Facilities in Buildings on City-Owned or Leased Land. | |
Installation of Vending Stands and Machines. | |
Installation of Vending Stands and Machines – City Hall. | |
Installation of Vending Stands and Machines – Exceptions. | |
Installation of Vending Stands and Machines – Deposit of Funds. | |
Installation of Vending Stands and Machines – Application of Federal and State Laws; Maintenance in Sanitary Condition. | |
Installation of Vending Stands and Machines – Insurance Against Claims for Damages. | |
Installation of Vending Stands and Machines – Duration of Installation Agreement; Revocation of Agreement. | |
Installation of Vending Stands and Machines – Issuance of Permits for Installation at San Francisco General Hospital. | |
Nutritional Standards for Vending Machines; Nutritional Guidelines for Food Served at City Meetings and Events; Recommended Nutritional Guidelines for Restaurants on City Property. | |
Use of City Seal on City-Owned Passenger Automobiles; Color. | |
City-Owned and Leased Vehicles; Fleet Management Program. | |
Telematic Vehicle Tracking Systems. | |
Use of City-Owned Vehicles. | |
Automobile Pool. | |
Automobile Self-Insurance. | |
Restriction on Use of Polluting Equipment. | |
Authorizing Conduct of Store in Laguna Honda Hospital. | |
Lenders of Personal Property to the City for Use on a Trial Basis Required to Save Harmless the City, Officers and Employees for Loss or Injury to Property – Approval of Purchaser of Supplies. | |
Use of City Property. | |
Tobacco Product and Alcoholic Beverage Advertising Prohibition. | |
General Advertising – Prohibition on the Exterior of City Buildings and on Street Furniture. | |
Naming the Civic Auditorium for Bill Graham. | |
Naming the Hall of Justice for Thomas J. Cahill. | |
Rental Deposits; Bill Graham Civic Auditorium and Moscone Center Convention Center. | |
Parking Fee for City Parking Facilities. | |
Naming the City-Owned Stadium at Candlestick Point. | |
Naming the City Hall Press Room for Barbara A. Taylor. | |
Naming the Second-Floor Rotunda in City Hall for Buck Delventhal. | |
Naming the Permanent Supportive Housing Development Located at 1321 Mission Street for Margot Antonetty. | |
The Director of Administrative Services shall have charge of all public buildings and grounds of the City and County not otherwise under the jurisdiction and control of an officer, board or commission of said City and County, including the allocation of office space therein, and shall have the power to prescribe rules and regulations for the administration and protection of any of said buildings and grounds.
Copies of any rule or regulation prescribed by the Director of Administrative Services pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the public building or grounds to which said rule or regulation applies.
(Added by Ord. 88-72, App. 4/7/72; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)
(a) Fee Schedule. The Director of Administrative Services, or his or her designated officer, (the "DAS") is hereby authorized to establish and charge fees for the use of City Hall in accordance with the following schedule:
(1) Short Term License Fees ("Event Fees"). The DAS shall charge a party (a "Licensee") who enters into a Short Term License Agreement for the use of City Hall for a particular activity lasting up to a maximum of ten hours (an "Event") up to $30,000, per Event, for use of the City Hall Rotunda (the "Rotunda"), with or without the use of the North and South Light Courts. Where the DAS contracts with a Licensee for the use of either or both of the North and South Light Courts, but not the use of the Rotunda, the DAS may charge the licensee up to $10,000 per light court per event. The DAS may establish and charge fees for the use of other areas within City Hall, other than the Board of Supervisors Chamber, provided that such fees shall not exceed the maximum rates authorized for use of the Rotunda under this section.
In addition, the DAS may also establish and charge other fees, including, but not limited to, fees for security, building personnel, cleaning, cleaning supplies, and kitchen equipment management that the DAS determines are necessary to cover the total costs to the City for each Event. The DAS, in its discretion, shall establish standard reduced fee rates for non-profit organizations.
(2) Fees for Filming and Photographing Activity. The DAS may charge fees for filming and photographing activities ("Filming Activity") that do not exceed the Event Fees under paragraph (1). The DAS may negotiate lower fees with a party interested in conducting Filming Activity in City Hall (a "Contractor") based on factors such as the duration, time period and space required for filming or photographing, the number of people involved in the Filming Activity, and the non-profit status of the Contractor.
(3) Fees for Tours of City Hall. The DAS may charge fees for docent-led group tours of City Hall, other than regularly scheduled free tours ("special group tours"). The DAS may charge up to $75 for special group tours of up to thirty people and up to $125 for special group tours of over thirty people. However, school group tours for students in kindergarten through twelfth grad shall be provided free of charge.
(b) Ratification of Prior Fees. All fees previously charged for the use of City Hall since its opening in January 1999 and before the effective date of this Section are hereby ratified.
(Added by Ord. 188-99, File No. 990690, App. 7/1/99)
This Section 4.1-3 shall apply to all buildings on land owned by the City and County of San Francisco ("City") and all buildings that are leased to or by the City, whether such buildings are new or existing. For existing buildings, the City department or agency with jurisdiction over the building shall have six months from the effective date of this Section to comply with the requirements.
(a) New Construction. At least one all-gender toilet facility shall be provided on each floor in any new building constructed on City-owned land or that is constructed by or for the City where toilet facilities are required or provided. For purposes of this subsection (a) and subsection (b), below, "all-gender toilet facility" means a toilet facility that is not restricted to use by persons of a specific sex or gender identity by signage, design, or installation of fixtures.
(b) Existing Buildings. Unless not allowed by an existing lease, whenever extensive renovations are made on one or more floors in any building on land that the City owns or in a building that is leased to or by the City, at least one all-gender toilet facility shall be provided on each floor where the renovations take place and toilet facilities are required or provided. For purposes of this subsection (b), "extensive renovations" shall mean a renovation where the renovation construction costs exceed 50% of the costs of providing toilet facilities that comply with the requirements of this Section 4.1-3.
(c) If there are five or more toilet facilities in the building that are designed for use by multiple occupants, at least one such facility in the building shall be identified as all-gender by the recognized California geometric symbol for such facilities so long as the minimum number of separate male and female toilet facilities required by Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations is maintained. The City official with management authority over the building shall decide which toilet facilities shall be designated.
(d) Nothing in this Section 4.1-3 shall be construed as requiring or authorizing (1) a reduction in the number of toilet facilities that are required by Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations or (2) a reduction in the number of toilet facilities accessible to persons with disabilities that are otherwise required under either Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations or the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act.
(a) This Section 4.1-4 shall apply to all buildings on land owned by the City and County of San Francisco (“City”) and all buildings that are leased to the City, and available for use by the public (collectively, “public buildings”), whether such buildings are new or existing. For existing public buildings, the City department or agency with jurisdiction over the building shall have 12 months from the effective date of this Section 4.1-4 to comply with the requirements; provided nothing in this Section 4.1-4 shall be interpreted or applied so as to violate or impair an existing contract or lease.
(b) Each City department or agency with jurisdiction over a public building shall install and maintain, at each floor level in the public building that includes restrooms available for use by the public, at least one Baby Diaper-Changing Accommodation that is available for use by women and one that is available for use by men, or a single Diaper-Changing Accommodation that is available for use by all genders. For purposes of this Section 4.1-4, a Baby Diaper-Changing Accommodation means a safe, sanitary, and convenient baby diaper-changing station, or similar amenity. Such accommodations may include, but are not limited to, work surfaces, stations, decks, and tables in women’s and men’s restrooms or all-gender restrooms. Each public building shall provide signage at or near its entrance indicating the location of the Baby Diaper-Changing Accommodations.
(c) The installation of all Baby Diaper- Changing Accommodations shall comply with City, State, and Federal laws relating to access to persons with disabilities.
(d) Waivers.
(1) For public buildings that are leased to and occupied by the City, the requirements of this Section 4.1-4 may be waived if the Director of the Department of Building Inspection or his or her designee, in consultation with the Mayor’s Office on Disability, determines that the building cannot install the Baby Diaper-Changing Accommodations required by this Section and comply with City, State, or Federal laws relating to access to persons with disabilities, including Section 11B-226.4 of the California Building Code, or that installation of the Baby Diaper-Changing Accommodation is otherwise infeasible due to spatial or structural limitations.
(2) For public buildings that are under the jurisdiction and control of a City department, the requirements of this Section 4.1-4 may be waived if the department head, in consultation with the Director of the Department of Building Inspection and the Mayor’s Office on Disability, determines that the public building cannot install the Baby Diaper-Changing Accommodations required by this Section and comply with City, State, or Federal laws relating to access to persons with disabilities, including Section 11B-226.4 of the California Building Code, or that installation of the Baby Diaper-Changing Accommodation is otherwise infeasible due to spatial or structural limitations.
(3) For all other public buildings, the requirements of this Section 4.1-4 may be waived if the Director of Administrative Services, in consultation with the Director of the Department of Building Inspection and the Mayor’s Office on Disability, determines that the public building cannot install the Baby Diaper-Changing Accommodations required by this Section and comply with City, State, or Federal laws relating to access to persons with disabilities, including Section 11B-226.4 of the California Building Code, or that installation of the Baby Diaper-Changing Accommodation is otherwise infeasible due to spatial or structural limitations.
(Added by Ord. 53-17, File No. 161353, App. 3/17/2017, Eff. 4/16/2017)
(a) Definitions. As used in this Chapter, the following words shall have the following respective meanings:
"Vending stand" shall mean a non-mechanical stand dispensing products or services, including food, beverages, tobacco products, newspapers and periodicals.
"Vending machine" shall mean an automated machine dispensing products or services, including food, beverages, tobacco products, newspapers and periodicals.
(b) The head of any department in charge of improved property controlled by the City, including a building or space therein, but excepting space inside and outside of offices in City Hall, may, when such arrangements seem to him or her desirable from the standpoint of both the department's operations and the welfare of the employees, and with the approval of the Director of Administrative Services, board or commission concerned, arrange through the Purchaser for the installation of vending stands or vending machines.
(Ord. No. 6562 (1939), Sec. 1; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)
The Director of Property shall have the exclusive right, with the approval of the Director of Administrative Services, to arrange for the installation of vending stands or vending machines in City Hall, both inside and outside of offices. Such arrangements shall be made through the Purchaser.
(Ord. 6562 (1939), Sec. 2; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Sections 4.2 through 4.9, the Public Utilities Commission, the Recreation and Park Commission, the Airport Commission, the Port of San Francisco, the Health Commission and the Board of Trustees of the War Memorial shall have the exclusive right to arrange for the installation of vending stands and vending machines on property under their respective jurisdictions.
(Ord. No. 6562 (1939), Sec. 3; amended by Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)
Except as provided in Section 4.9 of this Code, all funds received from the operation of vending stands and vending machines shall be deposited in the City treasury, to the credit of the funds of the department with jurisdiction over the property on which the stands or machines are located.
(Ord. No. 6562 (1939), Sec. 4; amended by Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)
All federal and State laws and regulations and all local ordinances and regulations, applicable to the installation and maintenance of vending stands and vending machines as provided by the four preceding sections, and the products offered for sale therein, shall be complied with by the person furnishing such installation. All such stands and machines, and the products offered therein, shall be installed and maintained in a sanitary condition.
(Ord. No. 6562 (1939), Sec. 5; amended by Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)