The Director of Property shall have the exclusive right, with the approval of the Director of Administrative Services, to arrange for the installation of vending stands or vending machines in City Hall, both inside and outside of offices. Such arrangements shall be made through the Purchaser.
(Ord. 6562 (1939), Sec. 2; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Sections 4.2 through 4.9, the Public Utilities Commission, the Recreation and Park Commission, the Airport Commission, the Port of San Francisco, the Health Commission and the Board of Trustees of the War Memorial shall have the exclusive right to arrange for the installation of vending stands and vending machines on property under their respective jurisdictions.
(Ord. No. 6562 (1939), Sec. 3; amended by Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)
Except as provided in Section 4.9 of this Code, all funds received from the operation of vending stands and vending machines shall be deposited in the City treasury, to the credit of the funds of the department with jurisdiction over the property on which the stands or machines are located.
(Ord. No. 6562 (1939), Sec. 4; amended by Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)
All federal and State laws and regulations and all local ordinances and regulations, applicable to the installation and maintenance of vending stands and vending machines as provided by the four preceding sections, and the products offered for sale therein, shall be complied with by the person furnishing such installation. All such stands and machines, and the products offered therein, shall be installed and maintained in a sanitary condition.
(Ord. No. 6562 (1939), Sec. 5; amended by Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)
In every case of installation and maintenance of vending stands and vending machines by a contractor, the City shall be protected by satisfactory insurance against any claim for damages in connection therewith and the articles offered for sale therein.
Such insurance shall be in such form and amount satisfactory to the contracting officer, in consultation with the City's Office of Risk Management.
(Ord. No. 6562 (1939), Sec. 6; amended by Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)
No agreement covering a vending stand or vending machine installation shall bind the City beyond the end of the fiscal year in which the agreement is executed. Any such agreement shall be revocable by the City for cause, without notice, and without cause on 30 days' notice.
(Ord. No. 6562 (1939), Sec. 7; amended by Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)
Permits for the installation of vending stands and vending machines may also be issued to the Volunteer Auxiliary to San Francisco General Hospital. No charge shall be made for such permit, nor shall there be any rental or other charge in connection with the operation of such machines by the Volunteer Auxiliary. The Director of Public Health shall have the exclusive right to arrange through the Purchaser for the installation of said stands or machines. The net proceeds from the operation and sales from such vending stands and vending machines shall be used only for the benefit of patients at the hospital as approved by the Director of Public Health. The net proceeds shall be expended for the purposes set forth herein not later than June 30th of the succeeding fiscal year. Any remaining funds not so expended, if any, shall be deposited in the city treasury to the credit of the Department of Public Health not later than 60 days after the close of the fiscal year. The Volunteer Auxiliary shall file an annual report with the Director of Public Health on forms approved by the Controller, showing the proceeds received, any disbursements made and the purposes for which the proceeds have been expended.
Installation pursuant to the provisions of this Section may be made for any vending stand or vending machine and for any other items approved by the Director of Public Health.
(Amended by Ord. 47-67, App. 2/9/67; Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; Ord. 191-99, File No. 990878, App. 7/1/99)