(a) As used in this Section:
(1) "Credit card" means any card, plate or other credit device existing for the purpose of being used from time to time upon presentation to obtain money, property, labor or services on credit.
(2) "Debit card" means any card, plate or other device existing for the purpose of being used from time to time upon presentation to electronically transfer money from a financial institution account of the debit card holder to the payee.
(3) "Automatic teller machine card" ("ATM card") means any card, plate or other device existing for the purpose of being used from time to time at automated teller machines and other related on-line networks to conduct a range of standard banking transactions electronically, including, but not limited to, transferring funds between financial institution accounts, making deposits into financial institution accounts, withdrawing funds from financial institution accounts, and paying bills.
(b) All officers, boards, commissions and departments of the City and County authorized by law to collect fees, taxes or other charges are hereby authorized to accept credit cards, debit cards and ATM cards for the payment of such fees, taxes or other charges in excess of $10. Credit card and debit card payments shall be made in person, by mail, over the telephone or by other electronic means. ATM card payments are restricted to in-person payments with valid identification. Any officer, board, commission or department electing to accept credit cards, debit cards or ATM cards for the payment of fees, taxes or other charges shall obtain prior approval of the Treasurer and Controller.
(Added by Ord. 5-90, App. 1/5/90; amended by Ord. 360-92, App. 12/21/92; Ord. 53-97, App. 2/27/97; Ord. 113-97, App. 3/28/97)
All negotiable paper received under the provisions of the preceding section shall be submitted for collection to the Treasurer of the City and County not later than the next business day after it is received.
(Ord. No. 2334(1939), Sec. 1)
In the event that the negotiable paper tendered under the provisions of the two preceding sections is insufficient in amount, or deficient in any other respect, it shall be returned to its sender not later than the next business day after its receipt. Each department and office shall maintain a register in which shall be chronologically recorded each item so returned. There shall also be recorded in the register the date, amount, identity of the negotiable paper, name and address of the sender, and the date and reason for its return.
(Ord. No. 2334(1939), Sec. 1)
If any personal check offered in payment for any license, permit, fee or fine, or in payment of any obligation owing to the City and County or subdivision, department, board, commission, body or agency thereof, is returned without payment, for any reason, a reasonable charge for the returned check not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) based upon the actual costs as determined by the Controller may be imposed on the person who issued the check by the Treasurer of the City and County, as well as any other penalties authorized under California Civil Code Section 1719. This charge may be added to and become part of any underlying obligation other than an obligation which constitutes a lien on real property; and a different method of payment of that payment and future payments by the person who issued the check may be prescribed by the Treasurer. Any charge imposed for a returned check by either the Treasurer or a court shall be deposited in the General Fund of the City and County.
(Added by Ord. 179-79, App. 4/20/79; amended by Ord. 313-00, File No. 001908, App. 12/28/2000; Ord. 133-03, File No. 030627, App. 5/30/2003; Ord. 186-06, File No. 060767, App. 7/21/2006)
When negotiable paper is honored and paid upon presentation and the proceeds thereof deposited in the Treasury of the City and County in the usual course of business, then and not before, the obligation for which it was tendered shall be deemed paid as at the date of receipt of the negotiable paper.
(Ord. No. 2334(1939), Sec. 1)
In the event the proceeds collected from negotiable paper are in excess of the amount of the obligation to be paid, refund of the amount of the excess may be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the permit procedure ordinance of the City and County.
(Ord. No. 2334(1939), Sec. 1)
Except for Section 10.13-1, the provisions of Sections 10.10 through 10.15 shall not apply to the collection and refunding procedure of the offices of the Tax Collector and Assessor-Recorder, to collections of the Superior Courts, nor to the collection of revenues of the Public Utilities Commission, which revenues are the result of utility rates fixed pursuant to the provisions of Section 2A.134 of this Code.
(Amended by Ord. 179-79, App. 4/20/79; amended by Ord. 313-00, File No. 001908, App. 12/28/2000)
To comply with income tax or other related tax provisions of the government of the United States or the State, the Controller is hereby directed, and it shall be his or her duty, to render the required accounting and reporting in the manner and within the time limitations established by law.
(Ord. No. 1883(1939), Sec. 1)
All offices, boards and commissions of the City and County shall keep such records and render to the Controller such reports as the Controller may require to comply with the provisions of the preceding section. The failure of any officer to keep such records and to furnish the reports to the Controller upon the demand of the latter shall be deemed dereliction of duty and the failure shall be reported by the Controller to the Mayor.
(Ord. No. 1883(1939), Sec. 3)
The Board of Supervisors, by ordinance, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Treasurer and the Controller, may designate any bank, qualified to be a depositary, to be the clearinghouse representative of the City and County; and, the City and County may pay a reasonable fee for the service thereof. The necessary procedure shall be provided by ordinance.
(Added by Ord. 439-96, App. 11/8/96)
The fees or licenses to be charged for the use of obstruction of or encroachment on public streets end places, exclusive of the granting of franchises governed by other provisions of this or other codes or of the Charter, and for the operation of businesses or exercise of privileges which effect the health, fire prevention, firefighting, crime, policing, welfare or zoning conditions of or in the City, and County, and for such other matters as the Board of Supervisors may deem advisable shall not be less than the cost to the City and County of regulation and inspection; provided, that insofar as the regulation and inspection of foodstuffs or articles of food for human consumption are concerned, the fees or licenses to be charged for such regulation and inspection shall be as determined by the Board of Supervisors, but the same shall not exceed the cost of said regulation and inspection.
(Added by Ord. 439-96, App. 11/8/96)
(a) Findings.
1. The Board of Education and the Superintendent of the San Francisco Unified School District have indicated their strong commitment to accountability at all levels of District operations and have taken measures over the past year to investigate, audit, and review the past spending practices of the District's Facilities Department with respect to school construction bond funds; and,
2. The District has stated that it welcomes continued input and assistance from the community and from City and State government officials and is engaged in an ongoing effort to restructure the District's Facilities Department; and,
3. Two School Board Commissioners, Commissioners Wynns and Cruz, have introduced two resolutions that are currently pending before the Board of Education to strengthen the District's oversight of school construction bond funds; and,
4. Each of these resolutions has been introduced and been read once, and is expected to be adopted by the Board of Education at a regularly scheduled Board meeting early in calendar year 2002; and,
5. The first of these resolutions, if adopted, would provide that the District exceed state statutory requirements for the oversight of school construction bond funds and institute the highest level of oversight that the District has ever had over the use of school construction bond funds by establishing the District's School Facilities Citizen's Oversight Committee; and,
6. The first resolution provides that the School Facilities Citizen's Oversight Committee provide advice and recommendations to the District regarding the expenditure of funds for bond related projects, actively review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers' money for school construction and to take any necessary action in furtherance of its purpose, including, but not limited to, receiving and reviewing copies of annual independent financial audits and deferred maintenance proposals, inspecting school facilities and grounds, and receiving and reviewing cost-saving measures designed to reduce the costs of professional fees and site preparation.
7. The second resolution would establish a Bond Program Advisory Council to report to the Board of Education and provide information to City and State officials, and make recommendations regarding policies to the Board of Education surrounding the effective and efficient implementation of school bond construction funds.
(b) The San Francisco Unified School District ("the District") through its Facilities and Planning Department must submit written reports to the Budget Analyst's Office, the City's Public Finance Office, the Department of Public Works, and the Controller's Office, on a quarterly basis to update these City departments on the status of the use of the 2002 bond proceeds. Should the School District not do so, these departments shall notify the Board of Supervisors. Prior to the appropriation of 2002 school bond proceeds by the Board of Supervisors, the District shall provide to the City Treasurer, the Director of Public Finance and the Budget Analyst of the Board of Supervisors, a written timeline and expenditure plans for each of the projects to be funded with these bond funds in order to determine whether the appropriations of these bond funds are necessary and/or appropriate.
(Added by Ord. 12-02, File No. 012185, App. 1/25/2002)