The Controller of the City and County of San Francisco shall collect, apportion and disburse property taxes for fiscal 1993-94 in accordance with Section 2 unless and until the Board of Supervisors by resolution directs another method.
(Added by Ord. 156-93, App. 5/28/93)
In accordance with the findings and intent of Section 10.7-2, this ordinance will become operative, and property taxes shall be collected, apportioned and disbursed in accordance herewith, in the event the State enacts legislation that would result in the aforesaid confiscation of property taxes collected in the City and County of San Francisco in fiscal 1993-94.
(Added by Ord. 156-93, App. 5/28/93)
Negotiable paper shall mean, for the purposes of the six following sections, a draft, bank or personal check; and express or post office money order; provided, that the City and County is the payee named on the face of the instrument, and such instrument is payable in full on demand.
"Obligation" shall mean, for the purposes of the six following sections, any tax, assessment, license, fee or other account in which money is owed or is payable to the City and County.
(Ord. No. 2334(1939), Sec. 1)
All officers, boards and commissions of the City and County may receive negotiable paper for collection, when the proceeds are to be used in payment of an obligation to the City and County; provided, that the proceeds thereof shall be not less than the amount of the determined obligation.
(Ord. No. 2334(1939), Sec. 1)