Notwithstanding any provisions of State law to the contrary, the apportionment of property taxes among the City and County, school districts (including community college district) and other districts therein shall be in the manner such apportionment was made for fiscal 1992-93 pursuant to Chapter 6 of Part 0.5 of Division 1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code of California.
(Added by Ord. 156-93, App. 5/28/93)
The Controller of the City and County of San Francisco shall collect, apportion and disburse property taxes for fiscal 1993-94 in accordance with Section 2 unless and until the Board of Supervisors by resolution directs another method.
(Added by Ord. 156-93, App. 5/28/93)
In accordance with the findings and intent of Section 10.7-2, this ordinance will become operative, and property taxes shall be collected, apportioned and disbursed in accordance herewith, in the event the State enacts legislation that would result in the aforesaid confiscation of property taxes collected in the City and County of San Francisco in fiscal 1993-94.
(Added by Ord. 156-93, App. 5/28/93)
Negotiable paper shall mean, for the purposes of the six following sections, a draft, bank or personal check; and express or post office money order; provided, that the City and County is the payee named on the face of the instrument, and such instrument is payable in full on demand.
"Obligation" shall mean, for the purposes of the six following sections, any tax, assessment, license, fee or other account in which money is owed or is payable to the City and County.
(Ord. No. 2334(1939), Sec. 1)
All officers, boards and commissions of the City and County may receive negotiable paper for collection, when the proceeds are to be used in payment of an obligation to the City and County; provided, that the proceeds thereof shall be not less than the amount of the determined obligation.
(Ord. No. 2334(1939), Sec. 1)
(a) As used in this Section:
(1) "Credit card" means any card, plate or other credit device existing for the purpose of being used from time to time upon presentation to obtain money, property, labor or services on credit.
(2) "Debit card" means any card, plate or other device existing for the purpose of being used from time to time upon presentation to electronically transfer money from a financial institution account of the debit card holder to the payee.
(3) "Automatic teller machine card" ("ATM card") means any card, plate or other device existing for the purpose of being used from time to time at automated teller machines and other related on-line networks to conduct a range of standard banking transactions electronically, including, but not limited to, transferring funds between financial institution accounts, making deposits into financial institution accounts, withdrawing funds from financial institution accounts, and paying bills.
(b) All officers, boards, commissions and departments of the City and County authorized by law to collect fees, taxes or other charges are hereby authorized to accept credit cards, debit cards and ATM cards for the payment of such fees, taxes or other charges in excess of $10. Credit card and debit card payments shall be made in person, by mail, over the telephone or by other electronic means. ATM card payments are restricted to in-person payments with valid identification. Any officer, board, commission or department electing to accept credit cards, debit cards or ATM cards for the payment of fees, taxes or other charges shall obtain prior approval of the Treasurer and Controller.
(Added by Ord. 5-90, App. 1/5/90; amended by Ord. 360-92, App. 12/21/92; Ord. 53-97, App. 2/27/97; Ord. 113-97, App. 3/28/97)
All negotiable paper received under the provisions of the preceding section shall be submitted for collection to the Treasurer of the City and County not later than the next business day after it is received.
(Ord. No. 2334(1939), Sec. 1)
In the event that the negotiable paper tendered under the provisions of the two preceding sections is insufficient in amount, or deficient in any other respect, it shall be returned to its sender not later than the next business day after its receipt. Each department and office shall maintain a register in which shall be chronologically recorded each item so returned. There shall also be recorded in the register the date, amount, identity of the negotiable paper, name and address of the sender, and the date and reason for its return.
(Ord. No. 2334(1939), Sec. 1)
If any personal check offered in payment for any license, permit, fee or fine, or in payment of any obligation owing to the City and County or subdivision, department, board, commission, body or agency thereof, is returned without payment, for any reason, a reasonable charge for the returned check not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) based upon the actual costs as determined by the Controller may be imposed on the person who issued the check by the Treasurer of the City and County, as well as any other penalties authorized under California Civil Code Section 1719. This charge may be added to and become part of any underlying obligation other than an obligation which constitutes a lien on real property; and a different method of payment of that payment and future payments by the person who issued the check may be prescribed by the Treasurer. Any charge imposed for a returned check by either the Treasurer or a court shall be deposited in the General Fund of the City and County.
(Added by Ord. 179-79, App. 4/20/79; amended by Ord. 313-00, File No. 001908, App. 12/28/2000; Ord. 133-03, File No. 030627, App. 5/30/2003; Ord. 186-06, File No. 060767, App. 7/21/2006)