To Park a vehicle in any manner which either wholly or partially obstructs or interferes with access to any Parking Space, or in any manner so as to obstruct or otherwise prevent or interfere with the free movement of vehicles in any area designed for ingress to or egress from any Municipal Parking Facility. (32.14)
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)
To Park any vehicle other than an electric vehicle, in a Parking Space in a Municipal Parking Facility that is equipped with an electric vehicle charging bay in a manner that blocks or occupies the electric vehicle charging bay. (32.21A(a))
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)
For the operator of any vehicle Parked in a Municipal Parking Facility:
(a) To Park a vehicle for longer than posted time restrictions; or
(b) To permit any vehicle to remain Parked at a Parking Meter beyond the maximum time permitted for Parking at that Parking Meter. Any vehicle Parked at an inoperable or broken Parking Meter shall be permitted to Park for the maximum time period permitted for that Parking Meter.
(c) Each hour or portion thereof that a vehicle is Parked in violation of this Section shall be a separate and distinct offense, but no vehicle may be issued more than two citations within a 12-hour period.
To Park in any Municipal Parking Facility, or privately owned parking facility, a vehicle that displays a disabled parking placard or special license plate, in order to obtain special parking privileges, that:
(a) Has been reported as lost, stolen, surrendered, canceled, revoked, or expired, or issued to a person who has been reported as deceased for a period exceeding sixty (60) days;
(b) Is not being used to transport, and is not in the reasonable proximity of, the person to whom the license plate or placard was issued or a person who is authorized to be transported in the vehicle displaying that placard or license plate;
(c) Is counterfeit, forged, altered, or mutilated.