(1) “Roadway Shared Space Activities” means permitted activities that are authorized under the Shared Spaces Program set forth in Administrative Code Chapter 94A which occur in the Traffic Lane, do not significantly interfere or delay a public transit service, and generally do not exceed ten consecutive hours per day over four consecutive days per week over a total period of time of not more than two years.
(2) “Traffic Lane” means the portion of the Street that has been dedicated for the movement of motor vehicles exclusive of transit platforms and traffic islands.
(b) ISCOTT is authorized to issue permits for the Temporary Closure, as defined in Division II, and occupancy of the Traffic Lane of a Street, including Roadway Shared Space permits pursuant to the Shared Spaces Program as set forth in Administrative Code Chapter 94A, under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Transportation Agency, provided that the Municipal Transportation Board of Directors authorizes ISCOTT to issue such permits. Any permit issued by ISCOTT shall be limited to a period of one-year or less. ISCOTT may renew any such permit for up to one additional year for a maximum period of two consecutive years for the Temporary Closure.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of Section 6.2, ISCOTT shall review an application for a Roadway Shared Space permit and shall issue any approval within 30 days of receipt of the application, for projects that are not located on Municipal Railway or other public transit lines. For permitted locations that are located on Municipal Railway or other public transit lines, approval may take longer than 30 days after receipt of an application.
(e) In determining whether to issue a permit, ISCOTT shall follow the procedures set forth in Sections 6.2 and 6.7 and all of the requirements and conditions set forth in those sections shall apply notwithstanding Section 6.8. In addition to the street barricade requirement set forth in Section 6.7(i), any barricades and other traffic control devices required by the Municipal Transportation Agency shall be provided by that agency. If ISCOTT decides not to temporarily close the Traffic Lane, neither Public Works nor any other City agency shall have the authority to issue a permit for occupancy of the Traffic Lane.
(f) Upon the expiration of any Roadway Shared Space permits under the Shared Spaces Program, ISCOTT’s approval to temporarily close the Traffic Lane shall immediately expire and the closed portion of the Street shall be reopened immediately. Upon revocation of any Roadway Shared Space permit, the closed portion of the Street shall be reopened after fourteen days notice has been given by the City, or sooner if the Director determines that the closure is resulting in an immediate threat to the public health, safety, or welfare. If the closed portion of the Street is not reopened within the time set by the Director, the Roadway Shared Space permittee shall be subject to fines and administrative penalties as provided under Administrative Code Chapter 94A.
(g) The SFMTA may charge a fee to reimburse the agency for costs associated with the closure of a Traffic Lane. The amount of this fee shall be the same amount as set forth in Table 902(b) for “Special Events” in Division II of the Transportation Code depending on the date an application is submitted.
(Added by Ord. 99-21, File No. 210284, App. 7/28/2021, Eff. 8/28/2021)