The person, firm or organization desiring such personnel shall pay to the Department such sums of money as the Director of Public Works estimates shall be necessary to cover the actual costs of the services to be provided, together with an administrative overhead charge to cover the proportionate percentage of the Department's administrative costs that are attributable in the Department's reasonable discretion to the work performed pursuant to the request. Such person, corporation, firm or organization shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend said City and County of San Francisco, the Department of Public Works, and all the officers, agents and employees of either, from any and all liability, judgments or claims for personal or bodily injuries, property damage, or other injuries caused by or purportedly caused by such personnel in the rendering of such services.
(Added by Ord. 389-88, App. 8/26/88; amended by Ord. 158-02, File No. 021082, App. 7/12/2002)
For services performed in excess of the basic week, Department employees shall be compensated on the basis of time and one-half in accordance with the ratio which said excess service bears to the basic week of service and the annual compensation provided therefor in the City Charter.
(Added by Ord. 389-88, App. 8/26/88)
Any person, corporation, firm or other organization desiring additional personnel, equipment and materials of the San Francisco Department of Parking and Traffic (for purposes of Section 10B.16 through 10B.19, the "Department") for parking enforcement, traffic control and related services within the City and County of San Francisco, may request the Director of the Department (for purposes of Section 10B.16 through 10B.19, the "Director") to provide such personnel to perform such services. If the Director approves the request, he or she may detail such personnel for such services in the number he or she determines to be necessary to perform the services.
(Added by Ord. 414-93, App. 12/23/93)
After a request is made for services pursuant to Section 10B.16, the Director shall transmit to the person requesting such services an invoice for the estimated fee necessary to cover the actual costs of the services to be provided, together with an administrative overhead charge to cover the proportionate percentage of the Department's administrative costs that are attributable in the Department's reasonable discretion to the work performed pursuant to the request. No later than 10 days prior to the date on which such services are to be provided, the person, corporation, firm or other organization having requested such services shall deposit with the Department the sum of money shown on such invoice. Within a reasonable time after the requested services have been provided, the Director shall determine the actual cost of the requested services provided by the Department. If the amount of the deposit is insufficient to cover the cost of the requested services, plus the administrative overhead charge, the Director shall notify the person or entity requesting the services by United States mail to the address listed on the request, and he or she shall have 10 days to pay the balance. If the amount deposited exceeds the actual costs plus the administrative overhead charge, the Director shall authorize a refund of the excess to the person or entity having made the request. If for any reason the request for services is withdrawn after a deposit is made of the estimated costs, the person or entity having requested the services shall be entitled to a refund of that portion of the deposit made representing the costs saved by the Department by reason of the cancellation of the requested services. Each person, corporation, firm or other organization requesting services under this Article shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City and County of San Francisco, the Department, and all the officers, agents and employees of both, from any and all liability, judgments or claims for personal or bodily injuries, property damage, or other injuries caused by or purportedly caused by such personnel in the rendering of such services.
(Added by Ord. 414-93, App. 12/23/93)
For services performed in excess of the basic week, Department employees shall be compensated on the basis of time and one-half, based upon the annual compensation provided for such employees in the City Charter. Employees of the Department detailed to perform services pursuant to this chapter shall not be entitled to any overtime benefits in addition to those provided herein.
(Added by Ord. 414-93, App. 12/23/93)