Police Commission Regulation of Traffic; Civilian Employees Authorized to Enforce Parking Regulations. | |
Removal of Unauthorized Signs. | |
Authority to Cite Vehicles on Public Property. | |
Diverting of Traffic and Temporary Parking Restrictions. | |
Authority to Issue Subpoenas. |
(a) The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to direct, control, divert and regulate all traffic by means of Police Officers or persons designated as special police officers limited to the control and direction of traffic by the Chief of Police pursuant to Section 4.127 of the Charter for the exclusive or main purpose of enforcing the provisions of Division 11 of the Vehicle Code, the issuance of citations for the violation of this Code, Article 12 of the Police Code, or the Vehicle Code, and the emergency use of temporary signs and devices.
(b) Any Police Officer, Parking Control Officer, or other SFMTA employee authorized to enforce parking laws may issue citations to or authorize the removal of any vehicle that is Parked in the street, on Public Property or in a Municipal Parking Facility, in accordance with the provisions of this Code, the Police Code or the Vehicle Code. SFMTA employees whose authority to enforce parking laws is limited to specified violations may order removal of a vehicle only if it is parked in violation of one of the specified laws.
(c) Where curb painting or parking regulations are necessary for public safety, such determination shall be reviewed by the Chief of Police and Fire Chief as appropriate.
(d) Any Parking Control Officer employed by the Municipal Transportation Agency and assigned to the "Robert Greenstrand Disabled Placard Detail" shall have the power and authority to issue misdemeanor citations for violations of Vehicle Code §§ 4461 and 4463.
(e) The Director of Transportation shall be empowered to identify staff with authority to enforce parking laws and regulations in compliance with the requirements of the Vehicle Code.
The Municipal Transportation Agency is hereby authorized and empowered without notice to remove, or cause to be removed, every sign, signal, device or light prohibited by the terms of Section 21465, 21466, 21466.5, or 21467 of the Vehicle Code, or may bring or cause to be brought, an action as provided by law to abate the nuisance therein declared to exist by virtue of such signal, device or light.
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008)
Any Police Officer or Parking Control Officer may issue a citation to a vehicle or the owner or driver of a vehicle, and/or may order the removal of any vehicle that has been Parked on Public Property in violation of any prohibition contained in this Code or other applicable law to the extent authorized by this Code and by applicable state and federal law. SFMTA employees whose authority to enforce parking laws is limited to specified violations may order removal of a vehicle only if it is parked in violation of one of the specified laws.
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008; Ord. 45-11, File No. 101442, App. 3/10/2011)
(a) Temporary traffic diversion and parking restrictions for planned activities shall be posted as described in sub-section (b), (c), and (d) except in the case of threats to public health or safety or emergency requiring immediate response. A Police Officer or Parking Control Officer may divert traffic from any street or area, and/or may temporarily prohibit or restrict Parking on any street when made necessary or advisable by any parade, public assemblage, film production, traffic congestion, conflagration, building collapse, obstruction on or damage to any street, residential move, or the need to protect public health and safety.
(b) Building Construction, Maintenance or Repair. Any temporary Parking restriction or prohibition related to building construction, maintenance, or repair in the public right-of-way shall be posted in compliance with Article 15, Section 724.3 of the Public Works Code.
(c) Special Events, Parades, Public Assemblages, Film Production, and Street Obstructions for Public Works. Any temporary Parking restriction or prohibition for any/special event, parade, public assemblage, film production, traffic congestion, conflagration, building collapse, or obstruction on, or repair work to, any street shall be posted with appropriate signs displaying a contact person and telephone number for information regarding the reasons for the restrictions. The contact person shall be available to respond to inquiries during business hours. Such signs shall be posted at least every 100 linear feet, and at each end of the zone in which Parking will be restricted or prohibited, at least 72 hours in advance of the prohibition or restriction; provided, however, that posting a notice of a temporary Parking restriction or prohibition at any Parking Space with a meter, or by the Film Commission, may be posted no less than 24 hours in advance of the prohibitions or restrictions. Parking limitations shall apply for 100 linear feet on either side of each posted sign.
(d) Residential or Commercial Moves. Any temporary Parking restriction or prohibition to accommodate a residential or commercial moving vehicle shall be posted with appropriate signs displaying a contact person and telephone number for information regarding the reasons for the restrictions. The contact person shall be available to respond to inquiries during business hours. Such signs shall be posted at a maximum spacing not to exceed 50 linear feet, and at each end of the zone in which Parking will be restricted or prohibited, at least 72 hours in advance of the prohibition or restriction; provided, however, that such signs posted at any Parking Space with a meter, or by the Police Department, may be posted no less than 24 hours in advance of the prohibition or restriction. Parking limitations shall apply for 50 linear feet on either side of each posted sign.
(Amended by Ord. 287-08, File No. 081340, App. 12/5/2008; Ord. 95-09, File No. 090670, App. 6/19/2009; Ord. 231-09, File No. 090780, App. 11/10/2009)