(a) The Planning Commission, with the assistance of the Planning Department and in consultation with staff of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, shall adopt the Planning Commission Standards for the Transportation Demand Management Program, or TDM Program Standards. The TDM Program Standards shall contain the specific requirements necessary for compliance with the TDM Program. The TDM Program Standards shall be updated from time to time, as deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission, to reflect best practices in the field of Transportation Demand Management.
(b) When preparing, adopting, or updating the TDM Program Standards, the Planning Commission shall consider the primary goals of Section 169, that is, to reduce VMT from new development in order to maintain mobility as San Francisco grows, and to achieve better environmental, health and safety outcomes. In addition, the Planning Commission shall consider the following principles:
(1) The requirements of the TDM Program, as set forth in the TDM Program Standards, shall be proportionate to the total amount of VMT that Development Projects produce, and shall take into account site-specific information, such as density, diversity of land uses, and access to travel options other than the private automobile in the surrounding vicinity.
(2) The TDM Program Standards shall provide flexibility for Development Projects to achieve the purposes of the TDM Program in a way that best suits the circumstances of each Development Project. To that end, the TDM Program Standards shall include a menu of TDM measures from which to choose. Each measure in this TDM menu shall be designed to reduce VMT by site residents, tenants, employees, or visitors, as relevant to the Development Project, and must be under the control of the developer, property owner, or tenant.
(3) Each of the TDM measures in the TDM Program Standards shall be assigned a number of points, reflecting its relative effectiveness to reduce VMT. This relative effectiveness determination shall be grounded in literature review, local data collection, best practice research, and/or professional transportation expert opinion, and shall be described in the TDM Program Standards.
(c) One year after the effective date of the TDM Program, the Planning Department shall prepare a report analyzing the implementation of the TDM Program and describing any changes to the TDM Program Standards. Every four years, following the periodic updates to the San Francisco Countywide Transportation Plan that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority prepares, the Planning Department shall prepare a report containing the same information. The Planning Department shall present such reports to the Planning Commission, and may present them to the Board of Supervisors during a public hearing, if a Supervisor chooses to request a hearing on the matter.
(Added by Ord. 34-17, File No. 160925, App. 2/17/2017, Eff. 3/19/2017)