(a) General. In case of an amendment to the Planning Code or General Plan, interim control, conditional use or variance action described in Sections 302 through 305, 306.7 and 340 of this Code, the procedures for applications and hearings shall be as described in Sections 306 through 306.7. In addition, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission may from time to time establish policies, rules and regulations which further define these procedures.
(Amended by Ord. 210-84, App. 5/4/84; Ord. 321-96, App. 8/8/96; Ord. 186-02, File No. 021418, App. 9/6/2002; Ord. 218-02, File No. 021609, App. 11/1/2002; Ord. 168-07, File No. 061537, App. 7/20/2007)
(a) Who May Initiate. The persons and agencies that may file or otherwise initiate actions for amendments to the Planning Code, conditional uses and variances are indicated in Sections 302 through 305. The persons and agencies that may file or otherwise initiate actions for amendments to the General Plan are indicated in Section 340.
(b) Where To File. Applications shall be filed in the office of the Planning Department.
(c) Content of Applications. The content of applications shall be in accordance with the policies, rules and regulations of the Planning Department, Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. All applications shall be upon forms prescribed therefor, and shall contain or be accompanied by all information required to assure the presentation of pertinent facts for proper consideration of the case and for the permanent record. The applicant may be required to file with his application the information needed for the preparation and mailing of notices as specified in Section 306.3. In addition to any other information required by the Planning Department, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission, an applicant for a conditional use permit or variance who proposes a commercial use for the subject property shall disclose the name under which business will be, or is expected to be, conducted at the subject property, if such name is known at the time of application. The term "known" shall mean actual, not imputed knowledge, and shall consist of direct evidence including but not limited to a contract of sale, lease, or rental, or letter of intent or agreement, between the applicant and a commercial entity. If the business name becomes known to the applicant during the conditional use permit or variance processing period, the applicant promptly shall amend the application to disclose such business name.
(d) Verification. Each application filed by or on behalf of one or more property owners shall be verified by at least one such owner or his authorized agent attesting to the truth and correctness of all facts, statements and information presented. All applications shall include the following statement: "The information contained in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge, based upon diligent inquiry. This application is signed under penalty of perjury. I understand that willful or material misstatement(s) or omissions in the application may result in the rejection of the application and a lapse of time before the application may be resubmitted." The Zoning Administrator may reject a conditional use or variance application as inaccurate and may require the applicant to re-file the application where the Zoning Administrator determines that the application includes material misstatements or omissions. Such rejection shall not be considered to be a denial of the application on its merits. Where the Zoning Administrator determines that such material misstatements or omissions were made willfully, the Zoning Administrator may require that the applicant wait up to 6 months before re-filing an application for substantially the same project. The Zoning Administrator's action in this regard may be appealed to the Board of Appeals pursuant to Section 308.2 of this Code.
(e) Fees. Before accepting any application for filing, the Planning Department shall charge and collect a fee as specified in Article 3.5 or Article 3.5A of this Code.
(Amended by Ord. 259-81, App. 5/15/81; Ord. 321-96, App. 8/8/96; Ord. 7-00, File No. 991428, App. 1/26/2000)
When an action for an amendment to the Planning Code, conditional use or variance has been initiated by application or otherwise, except as provided by Sections 316.2 through 316.5, the Zoning Administrator shall set a time and place for a hearing thereon within a reasonable period. In the case of an application for a variance, such period shall not exceed 30 days from the date upon which the application is accepted for filing. The procedures for scheduling of hearings and determinations on conditional use applications where such authorization is required in any South of Market District or Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use District, or pursuant to zoning categories .10, .11, .21, .24 through .27, .38 through .90, and .95 of Sections 710 through 729 for each Neighborhood Commercial District, are set forth in Sections 316.2 through 316.8 of this Code. When an action for an amendment to the General Plan has been initiated by the Planning Commission, the Planning Department shall set a time and place for a hearing thereon within a reasonable period.
(Added by Ord. 235-68, App. 8/7/68; amended by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; Ord. 115-90, App. 4/6/90; Ord. 321-96, App. 8/8/96; Ord. 298-08, File No. 081153, App. 12/19/2008)
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
(a) Except as indicated in subsection (b) below, notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing on action for an amendment to the Planning Code or General Plan, Conditional Use or a Variance shall be given by the Zoning Administrator pursuant to the requirements of Section 333 of this Code.
(b) In the following situations, notice of hearings shall be given as indicated.
(1) In the case of Variance applications involving a less than 10% deviation as described in Section 305(c), the Zoning Administrator need give only such notice as the Zoning Administrator deems appropriate in cases in which a hearing is actually held.
(a) Reports and Recommendations. In all actions for amendments to the Planning Code or General Plan or conditional uses, the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Department shall make necessary investigations and studies and submit the findings to the Director of Planning prior to the hearing of the Planning Commission, or in actions on conditional use applications in NC Districts, prior to the consent calendar or public hearing of the Commission. The report and recommendation of the Director of Planning shall be submitted at least one week prior to the hearing.
(b) Record. A record shall be kept of the pertinent information presented at the hearing on any action for an amendment, conditional use or variance, and such record shall be maintained as a part of the permanent public records of the Planning Department. A verbatim record may be made if permitted or ordered by the Planning Commission in the case of actions for amendments or conditional uses, and by the Zoning Administrator in the case of variance actions.
(c) Continuations. The Planning Commission in the case of actions for amendments or conditional uses, and the Zoning Administrator in the case of variance actions, shall determine the instances in which cases scheduled for hearing may be continued or taken under advisement. In such cases, new notice need not be given of the further hearing date, provided such date is announced at the scheduled hearing.
(1) In the case of variances, the decision of the Zoning Administrator shall, unless deferred upon the request or consent of the applicant, be rendered within 60 days from the date of conclusion of the hearing or, where no hearing is involved, within 60 days from the date of filing; failure of the Zoning Administrator to act within the prescribed time shall entitle the applicant to cause the matter to be placed before the Planning Commission for decision at its next following regular meeting.
(2) In the case of actions for amendments to the Planning Code or conditional uses, the decision of the Planning Commission shall be rendered within 90 days from the date of conclusion of the hearing; failure of the Commission to act within the prescribed time shall be deemed to constitute disapproval.
(3) In the case of proposed amendments to the Planning Code initiated by the Board of Supervisors under Section 302(b), or modifications to proposed amendments made by the Board under Section 302(d) of this Code, the decision of the Planning Commission shall be rendered within 90 days from the date of referral of the proposed amendment or modification by the Board to the Commission. Failure of the Commission to act within the prescribed time shall be deemed to constitute disapproval, except that the Board may, by resolution, extend the prescribed time within which the Commission is to render its decision.
(Amended by Ord. 237-81, App. 5/8/81; Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; Ord. 321-96, App. 8/8/96)
(a) Whenever any application for an amendment to the Planning Code or General Plan, conditional use or variance, or any part thereof, has been disapproved by the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator, or by the Board of Supervisors or the Board of Appeals on appeal as described in Section 308, no application proposing an amendment, conditional use or variance, the same or substantially the same as that which was disapproved, shall be resubmitted to or reconsidered by the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator within a period of one year from the effective date of final action upon the earlier application.
(Added by Ord. 235-68, App. 8/7/68; amended by Ord. 321-96, App. 8/8/96)
Amendments initiated by the City Planning Commission or the Board of Supervisors and proposed modifications to text amendments referred to the City Planning Commission pursuant to Section 302(d) are not subject to the requirements of Sections 306.1 and 306.5. The Board of Supervisors may designate a proponent for the amendment or modification from among its membership, in adopting its motion.
(Added by Ord. 236-81, App. 6/6/81)