The bridle paths are maintained for the primary use of horses and riders and any person who walks, jogs, runs or otherwise makes use of a bridle path, or who propels or conveys a vehicle or a bicycle, cart, wagon or other object on a bridle path, or who allows any animal within his or her custody on a bridle path, must leave the bridle path or remove the vehicle, object or animal from the path whenever such action or removal is necessary in order to give way to horses and riders. This Section is not applicable to members of the Police Department in the performance of their duties.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
In those areas of Golden Gate Park known as the Japanese Tea Garden, the Arboretum, and Conservatory Valley, no person shall participate in any athletic activity, including, but not limited to running, jogging, volleyball, baseball, soccer, football, roller skating, bicycle riding, skateboarding, or frisbee. The prohibition contained in this Section applies to running or jogging only when the person running or jogging does not remain on pedestrian paths.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
No person shall launch a boat nor any type of watercraft in any lake in any park, except persons operating a boat concession pursuant to an agreement with the Recreation and Park Commission and the employees of such person; persons launching sailboats in Lake Merced; persons participating in special events organized by an educational institution with the permission of the Recreation and Park Department; and any other person acting pursuant to permission granted by the Recreation and Park Commission or the Recreation and Park Department. This Section shall not apply to the launching of toy or model boats.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
(a) No person shall post or affix to any tree, shrub, plant, fence, building, monument, wall, post, vehicle or other physical object in any park any written or printed material, including, but not limited to, signs, notices, handbills, circulars and pamphlets.
(b) Notwithstanding Section 3.07(a), signs may be posted in the following circumstances:
(1) The California Academy of Sciences and the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco may post signs concerning their operations, provided that the signs are posted in the immediate vicinity of the buildings under the control of these institutions and that the location or locations selected for the posting of the signs have been designated by the Recreation and Park Department as appropriate for such use by these institutions;
(2) Any person who has scheduled an event in any park pursuant to a permit from the Recreation and Park Department may erect or post signs on the day that the event is scheduled to occur giving directions to such event, provided that such person receive prior approval from the Department;
(3) Any person leasing Candlestick Park, Kezar Stadium or Pavilion, or Balboa Stadium may post signs on or about the premises leased informing the public of the event scheduled to occur, provided that the locations selected for such posting have been designated by the Recreation and Park Department as appropriate for such use, which designated location or locations for each facility shall be applicable to all lessees of such facility, and provided further, that such signs not be posted earlier than one week before the event is scheduled to occur nor later than one week after the event is over;
(4) Persons and organizations maintaining and operating recreational facilities on park property on a daily basis may post signs which identify the facilities which provide information pertaining to recreational activities, or which inform the public of events sponsored by such persons and organizations or of regulations governing such facilities, provided (A) that such signs are posted only on the facilities so operated and maintained, whether inside or outside and (B) that if they are posted outside, the organization receive prior approval from the Recreation and Park Department;
(5) The Recreation and Park Department may post signs in any park or in any facility in any park governing the public use of park property or informing the public of events sponsored by the Department.
(c) When a person or organization is required to obtain the prior approval of the Recreation and Park Department in order to post a sign in a park, the Department may withhold such approval only if it finds that the location of such sign or signs would harm public or private property, or inconvenience or endanger the public, or unduly cover or block park facilities.
(d) No sign which is posted pursuant to this Section shall be affixed to any tree, shrub or plant.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
No person shall use any of the facilities or areas of any park for the purpose of providing tennis, golf, sailing, boating, baseball, jogging, horseback riding or other athletic instruction for compensation without first having obtained a permit, concession, license or lease from the Recreation and Park Commission.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
No person shall launch nor land any airplane, helicopter, parachute, hang glider, hot air balloon, nor any other machine or apparatus of aviation in any park, nor shall any person bring into any park any balloon with a diameter of more than six feet or a gas capacity of more than 115 cubic feet, without permission of the Recreation and Park Department. This Section shall not be applicable to a helicopter being used to transport persons or supplies because of an emergency situation.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
No person shall bring, or cause to be brought, for the purposes of sale or barter, or have for sale, or sell or exchange, or offer for sale or exchange any goods, wares, or merchandise in any park without first having obtained a permit, concession, license or lease from the Recreation and Park Department or Commission.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)