No person shall construct or maintain or inhabit any structure, tent or any other thing in any park that may be used for housing accommodations or camping, nor shall any person construct or maintain any device that can be used for cooking, except by permission from the Recreation and Park Department or Commission.
No person shall modify the landscape in any way in order to create a shelter, or accumulate household furniture or appliances or construction debris in any park.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81; amended by Ord. 12-08, File No. 071136, App. 1/31/2008)
No person shall remain in any park for the purpose of sleeping between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., except that special permission may be granted by the Recreation and Park Department to persons providing security services between said hours in any park or for other unusual events.
A person cited under this section shall not be in violation of this section if: 1) he or she does not have an outstanding citation for violation of this section; and, 2) within 30 hours of issuance of the citation, her or she accepts Social Services offered by the City, another public entity, or a private, non-profit agency. For the purpose of this section, the term "Social Services" shall mean temporary or permanent housing, residential substance abuse treatment, Homeless Outreach Team Case Management services, or admission to a hospital or other residential facility for medical treatment. For purposes of this section, "outstanding citation" shall mean a citation that is not paid or that is under appeal.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81; amended by Ord. 12-08, File No. 071136, App. 1/31/2008)
No person, other than duly authorized personnel, shall perform any labor, on or upon any park, including, but not limited to, taking up or replacing soil, turf, ground, pavement, structure, tree, shrub, plant, grass, flower and the like, without permission of the Recreation and Park Department.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
Where work has been done in any park pursuant to a permit, the permittee shall repair, reconstruct, and put the ground in as good condition in all respects when the work shall have been completed or terminated or such permit shall have expired, as said ground was in when said permit was granted or said work commenced; the condition of the ground, site or place in the park where the work has been done pursuant to any permit shall be made satisfactory to the Superintendent of Parks, and on the completion of said work the permittee shall forthwith remove all buildings, structures, machinery or equipment used in connection with said work from the park.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
Every person who does any act in any park, whether the act is done by that person or by an agent or at the person's direction, and whether the person is acting as principal, contractor, or employer, and by that act makes the park or any portion of it dangerous must erect and, so long as the danger continues, maintain around the portion of the park so made dangerous a good and substantial barrier, and shall maintain at appropriate places along such barrier, during every night, from sunset until daylight, flashing lights, flares or some other suitable light sufficient to give warning of said danger.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
(a) Beginning in the fiscal year 2003-2004, every five years the Recreation and Park Department shall conduct a survey of the public's opinion of the programs offered by the Recreation and Park Department, the condition of City parks and City recreational facilities under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Department, and the need for changes to existing programs, parks, and recreational facilities. The Recreation and Park Department shall use the survey as a guide in its planning for park and facility renovation, acquisition and improvement, and for determining how to modify and expand its recreational programming.
(b) Within 90 days of completion of the survey, the Recreation and Park Department shall transmit to the Board of Supervisors a report of the results of the survey and the actions, if any, that the Department plans to take in response to the survey results.
(c) The Recreation and Park Department shall include the cost of the survey in its budget estimate for the fiscal year in which the survey will be conducted.
(Added by Ord. 247-98, App. 7/31/98)
(a) The Recreation and Park Department shall work with the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to maximize water use efficiency and non-potable water use on all property under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Commission. The Department shall develop a schedule and identify funding sources to convert all Park facility Irrigation Systems to water efficient systems and non-potable water use, such as storm water and Recycled Water or Reclaimed Water, as those terms are defined in S.F. Public Works Code Article 22, in designated Recycled Water Use Areas as set forth in Public Works Code Section 1209. Subject to the availability of funds, such conversion is to be completed by 2013.
(b) Upon the effective date of this ordinance, the Department shall ensure that the design and construction of all renovation and/or rehabilitation of Park Irrigation Systems in areas designated as Recycled Water Use Areas are compatible with the delivery of Recycled Water. Additionally, the Department shall assess all Park Irrigation Systems for repairs and/or rehabilitation necessary to avoid waste and maximize water use efficiency.
(c) The Department shall install and maintain irrigation water meters at all Parks and golf courses to monitor water use and facilitate payment by the Department or golf course operator or lessee for all irrigation water used on each golf course. The Department shall ensure that each Park golf course uses Recycled Water made available to Park golf course facilities. The cost of potable or Recycled Water provided to golf course irrigation shall be included in the green fees established by the Department.
(d) No later than September 2009, the Department shall develop a Park Water Conservation Plan that identifies the top water consuming parks in the City, excluding park lands identified for recycled water and artificial turf conversion, and to develop measures and recommendations to install water use efficiency measures, such as retrofits to existing irrigation systems, new irrigation systems, automatic controllers and climate-appropriate plants. The Plan will include a schedule for implementation and budget recommendations.
(e) No later than December 2009, the Department shall prepare an "Irrigation System Retrofits" report that addresses the retrofits to Park Irrigation Systems, and associated capital costs, and identifies funding sources, that are required under Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations to enable SFRPD to irrigate city parks and golf courses with recycled water.
(Added by Ord. 52-09, File No. 081400, App. 4/8/2009)