Rules of Park Commission to Be Obeyed. | |
Signs To Be Obeyed. | |
Public May Be Excluded. | |
Bridle Paths. | |
Athletic Activities Prohibited in Certain Areas. | |
Launching Boats Prohibited. | |
Restrictions on Posting of Signs. | |
Personal Services. | |
Airplanes, Helicopters, Hot Air Balloons, etc. Prohibited. | |
Peddling and Vending Merchandise or Printed Material. | |
Camping Prohibited. | |
Sleeping Prohibited During Certain Hours. | |
Performance of Labor. | |
Building Materials. | |
Ground To Be Restored to Condition. | |
Warning Signals at Danger Points. | |
Periodic Assessment of City Parks and City Recreation Programs. | |
Water Use Efficiency and Recycled Water. | |
Sharp Park. | |
Hours of Operation. | |
No person shall willfully disobey or violate any of the rules or regulations of the Recreation and Park Commission governing the use and enjoyment by the public of any park or of any building, structure, equipment, apparatus or appliance in any park, which rules or regulations, at the time, are posted in some conspicuous place in that area of the park or in or near the building, structure, equipment, apparatus or appliance to which the rule or regulation applies.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
In case of an emergency, or when in the judgment of the Recreation and Park Commission or the General Manager the public interest demands it, any portion of any park or park building therein may be closed to the public until such park area or building is reopened to the public by the Recreation and Park Commission or the General Manager; provided, however, that nothing in this Section shall authorize the General Manager or the Commission to close any portion of any park or park building because of the content or viewpoint of expressive activities, existing or anticipated, to the extent such expressive activities are protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81; amended by Ord. 265-13
, File No. 130766, App. 11/27/2013, Eff. 12/27/2013)
The bridle paths are maintained for the primary use of horses and riders and any person who walks, jogs, runs or otherwise makes use of a bridle path, or who propels or conveys a vehicle or a bicycle, cart, wagon or other object on a bridle path, or who allows any animal within his or her custody on a bridle path, must leave the bridle path or remove the vehicle, object or animal from the path whenever such action or removal is necessary in order to give way to horses and riders. This Section is not applicable to members of the Police Department in the performance of their duties.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
In those areas of Golden Gate Park known as the Japanese Tea Garden, the Arboretum, and Conservatory Valley, no person shall participate in any athletic activity, including, but not limited to running, jogging, volleyball, baseball, soccer, football, roller skating, bicycle riding, skateboarding, or frisbee. The prohibition contained in this Section applies to running or jogging only when the person running or jogging does not remain on pedestrian paths.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)
No person shall launch a boat nor any type of watercraft in any lake in any park, except persons operating a boat concession pursuant to an agreement with the Recreation and Park Commission and the employees of such person; persons launching sailboats in Lake Merced; persons participating in special events organized by an educational institution with the permission of the Recreation and Park Department; and any other person acting pursuant to permission granted by the Recreation and Park Commission or the Recreation and Park Department. This Section shall not apply to the launching of toy or model boats.
(Added by Ord. 603-81, App. 12/18/81)