The Board of Supervisors shall adopt and maintain a Sunshine Ordinance to liberally provide for the public's access to their government meetings, documents and records.
The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall keep a permanent public record of the proceedings of the Board showing all action considered and taken, the text of ordinances and resolutions voted upon and the vote of each member of the Board regarding any matter before the Board. The Clerk of the Board shall cause the text of all ordinances or resolutions passed by the Board to be readily available to the public.
A written calendar of the business scheduled for each meeting of the Board of Supervisors or any standing or special committee comprised of Board members and established by the Board shall be prepared and available to the public before each meeting. Summaries of board and committee calendar items of general public interest, as determined by the Clerk of the Board, and a statement of where and when copies of proposed ordinances and resolutions may be obtained, shall be published commencing at least 36 hours before the commencement time of each regular meeting and at least 18 hours before the commencement time of each special meeting.
Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, or by ordinance, notice of the title or the purport and subject matter of each proposed ordinance which is introduced and referred to committee shall be published within five days after its presentation to the board and a copy of such proposed ordinance shall be kept available for inspection in the office of the Clerk of the Board. Each ordinance required to be included in the municipal code shall be printed promptly after final passage, and copies shall be made available to the public.
All ordinances, after final passage or upon their becoming effective shall be certified by the Clerk of the Board and recorded in a book kept for that purpose, and resolutions adopted shall be certified and recorded in a like manner. Notice that an ordinance has been passed for second reading, that an ordinance has been finally passed, and that a resolution has been adopted, together with a statement of where copies may be obtained, shall be published once within five days of such passage for second reading, final passage, or adoption.
Within 30 days of submission by the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors shall approve by ordinance or reject any rate, fee or similar charge to be imposed by any department, official, board or commission, except those rates, fees and similar charges established by the Port or Airport Commissions, or under the Refuse Collection and Disposal Ordinance of November 8, 1932, as amended.
(a) The Board of Supervisors, or four or more members, may submit to the voters declarations of policy, and any matter which the Board of Supervisors is empowered to pass.
Upon approval of a declaration of policy by the voters, the Board of Supervisors shall within 90 days of such approval take such actions within their powers as shall be necessary to carry such declaration into effect. A special municipal election shall not be called with respect to a declaration of policy.
(b) In order to submit a proposed initiative measure to the voters under this section or Section 3.100(15)*, four or more members of the Board of Supervisors or the Mayor shall submit the proposed initiative to the Board of Supervisors no later than 45 days prior to the deadline for the submission of such initiatives to the Department of Elections. The proponent or proponents shall clearly identify the measure as a proposed initiative to be submitted at a specific election, and the proponent or proponents shall file a copy of the measure with the Department of Elections at the same time as the measure is submitted to the Board of Supervisors.
The President of the Board of Supervisors shall assign the measure to a committee of the Board, and the committee shall conduct a public hearing on the measure at least 15 days prior to the deadline for the submission of such initiatives to the Department of Elections.
Failure by the Board of Supervisors to hold a hearing on the measure prior to the Department of Elections' deadline for submittal of legislative or mayoral initiatives shall not prevent the Director of Elections from placing the initiative on the ballot. But the Director of Elections shall include a notice in the voter information pamphlet that the measure was not the subject of the required public hearing.
The proponent or proponents of an initiative measure may withdraw the proposed measure at any time prior to the Department of Elections' deadline for submission of such initiatives, subject to any requirements of the Municipal Elections Code or other City ordinance. If a measure is withdrawn, the Board of Supervisors is not required to conduct a hearing on the measure.
(Amended by Proposition C, Approved 11/6/2007)
Except for the purpose of inquiry, the Board of Supervisors shall deal with the administrative service for which the City Administrator is responsible solely through such officer, and for administrative or other functions for which elective officials or boards or commissions are responsible solely through the elective official, the board or commission or the chief executive officer of such board or commission concerned, or their designees.
Neither the Board of Supervisors, its committees, nor any of its members, shall have any power or authority, nor shall they dictate, suggest or interfere with respect to any appointment, promotion, compensation, disciplinary action, contract or requisition for purchase or other administrative actions or recommendations of the City Administrator or of department heads under the City Administrator or under the respective boards and commissions. The Board of Supervisors shall deal with administrative matters only in the manner provided by this Charter, and any dictation, suggestion or interference herein prohibited on the part of any Supervisor shall constitute official misconduct; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall restrict the power of hearing and inquiry as provided in this Charter.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, it shall not constitute prohibited interference for a member of the Board of Supervisors to testify regarding administrative matters other than specific contract and personnel decisions at a public meeting of a City board, commission, task force or other appointive body, or for the Board of Supervisors to adopt legislation regarding administrative matters other than specific contract and personnel decisions.
Violation of this section shall constitute official misconduct.
At its regular meeting on the eighth day of January in odd-numbered years, the Board of Supervisors shall by majority vote elect one of its members as President for a two-year term. If a vacancy in the office of President of the Board of Supervisors shall occur prior to the end of the term, the Board of Supervisors shall by majority vote elect one of its members to fill the unexpired portion of the term. The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint all standing and special committees, assign legislation to committees, and have such other powers and duties as may be assigned by the Board of Supervisors.
(Amended November 1996)
The Board of Supervisors shall appoint a Clerk of the Board. The Clerk of the Board shall have charge of the office and records of the Board and its committees and its classified staff. The Clerk shall keep a public record of the proceedings of the board as provided by Section 2.108 of this Charter and shall keep properly indexed files of all ordinances and resolutions. The Clerk shall be responsible for the publication, as required by law, of ordinances, resolutions and other matters acted on by the Board for which publication is specified. The Clerk shall have such other duties and responsibilities as the Board of Supervisors may prescribe.
The Board of Supervisors shall appoint and may remove a Budget Analyst and such appointment shall be made solely on the basis of qualifications by education, training and experience for the position to be filled. The Budget Analyst shall be responsible for such duties as the Board of Supervisors shall prescribe.
(Amended by Proposition B, Approved 11/5/2009)