The Board of Supervisors shall meet and transact its business according to rules which it shall adopt.
The Board of Supervisors shall act only by written ordinance or resolution, except that it may act by motion on matters over which the Board of Supervisors has exclusive jurisdiction. All legislative acts shall be by ordinance. An ordinance or resolution may be introduced before the Board of Supervisors by a member of the Board, a committee of the Board, the Mayor, or the Commission Streamlining Task Force subject to the limitations set forth in Section 4.100.1, and shall be referred to and reported upon by an appropriate committee of the Board. An ordinance or resolution may be prepared in committee and reported out to the full Board for action, consistent with the public notice laws of the City. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, passage of an ordinance or a resolution shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Board.
An ordinance shall deal with only one subject matter, except that appropriations ordinances may cover appropriations with respect to any number of subjects. The title of each ordinance shall clearly reflect the content of the ordinance.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 2.107, passage of an ordinance shall require two readings at separate meetings of the Board of Supervisors, which shall be held at least five days apart. If an ordinance is amended at its second reading, the ordinance shall require a further reading prior to final passage. Resolutions shall require only one reading and may be adopted upon introduction without reference to committee by unanimous affirmative vote of the members of the Board of Supervisors who are present, but in no event less than a quorum.
All ordinances shall take effect no sooner than 30 days following the date of passage except for ordinances not subject to referendum and those authorizing bonded indebtedness and lease financings, which shall take effect immediately. Ordinances granting franchises shall take effect no sooner than 60 days after passage. No ordinance granting a franchise may be passed within 90 days of its introduction. Resolutions may take effect immediately upon passage, or at such other time as shall be specified in the resolutions.
(Amended by Proposition E, Approved 11/5/2024)
The Board of Supervisors may enact an ordinance or resolution which has been vetoed by the Mayor pursuant to Section 3.103 if, within 30 days after such veto, not less than two-thirds of the Board of Supervisors shall vote in favor of such measure, except as provided in Section 9.104. If a larger vote is required for the adoption of the measure by provisions of this Charter, such larger vote shall be required to overcome the veto of the Mayor.
An emergency ordinance may be passed in cases of public emergency affecting life, health, property, or for the uninterrupted operation of any City or County department or office required to comply with time limitations as established by law. Emergency ordinances shall require only one reading, and the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Board of Supervisors shall be required for the passage of an emergency ordinance.
The form and manner of introduction of an emergency ordinance shall be as required for ordinances generally. In addition, an emergency ordinance shall contain:
1. A declaration setting forth the existence of the emergency;
2. A clear and concise description thereof; and
3. An explanation of how the measures in the ordinance will address the emergency.
An emergency ordinance shall be effective upon passage and shall automatically terminate on the 61st day following passage. An emergency ordinance may be reenacted upon the same terms and conditions applicable to its initial enactment. Any appropriation contained in an emergency ordinance shall be deemed to be an amendment to the final appropriations ordinance.
An emergency ordinance may suspend specific sections of this Charter, but may not: levy taxes; grant, renew or extend a franchise; regulate the rate charged by any public utility for its services; set salaries; issue bonds; or buy, sell or lease land.
The Board of Supervisors shall adopt and maintain a Sunshine Ordinance to liberally provide for the public's access to their government meetings, documents and records.
The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall keep a permanent public record of the proceedings of the Board showing all action considered and taken, the text of ordinances and resolutions voted upon and the vote of each member of the Board regarding any matter before the Board. The Clerk of the Board shall cause the text of all ordinances or resolutions passed by the Board to be readily available to the public.
A written calendar of the business scheduled for each meeting of the Board of Supervisors or any standing or special committee comprised of Board members and established by the Board shall be prepared and available to the public before each meeting. Summaries of board and committee calendar items of general public interest, as determined by the Clerk of the Board, and a statement of where and when copies of proposed ordinances and resolutions may be obtained, shall be published commencing at least 36 hours before the commencement time of each regular meeting and at least 18 hours before the commencement time of each special meeting.
Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, or by ordinance, notice of the title or the purport and subject matter of each proposed ordinance which is introduced and referred to committee shall be published within five days after its presentation to the board and a copy of such proposed ordinance shall be kept available for inspection in the office of the Clerk of the Board. Each ordinance required to be included in the municipal code shall be printed promptly after final passage, and copies shall be made available to the public.
All ordinances, after final passage or upon their becoming effective shall be certified by the Clerk of the Board and recorded in a book kept for that purpose, and resolutions adopted shall be certified and recorded in a like manner. Notice that an ordinance has been passed for second reading, that an ordinance has been finally passed, and that a resolution has been adopted, together with a statement of where copies may be obtained, shall be published once within five days of such passage for second reading, final passage, or adoption.
Within 30 days of submission by the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors shall approve by ordinance or reject any rate, fee or similar charge to be imposed by any department, official, board or commission, except those rates, fees and similar charges established by the Port or Airport Commissions, or under the Refuse Collection and Disposal Ordinance of November 8, 1932, as amended.