The Board of Supervisors shall consist of eleven members elected by district.
The office of Board of Supervisors member is a full time position. The Civil Service Commission shall set the Supervisors' salary once every five years. Before the Commission determines the Supervisors' salary, it shall conduct and consider a salary survey of other full time California City Councils and County Boards of Supervisors and it may consider the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
The Civil Service Commission shall timely transmit its determination of the Supervisors' salary to the Controller, so that funds can be set aside for that purpose. The Controller shall include the Civil Service Commission's determination in appropriate budget documents to insure implementation. This determination may not be changed except by the Civil Service Commission.
The Civil Service Commission shall establish dates for an appropriate five-year cycle for making the determinations required by this Section, in order to efficiently coordinate with City budget processes and related procedures. In order to institute this five-year cycle the initial determination may be for less than a five-year period, as determined by the Civil Service Commission.
If the City and employee organizations agree to amend the compensation provisions of existing memoranda of understanding to reduce costs, the Civil Service Commission shall review and amend the Supervisors' salary as necessary to achieve comparable cost savings in the affected fiscal year or years.
The provisions of this Section shall apply, notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter.
(Amended November 1996; June 1998; November 2002)
Each member of the Board of Supervisors shall be elected at a general election and shall serve a four-year term commencing on the eighth day in January following election and until a successor qualifies. The respective terms of office of the members of the Board of Supervisors in effect on the date this Charter is adopted shall continue.
No person elected or appointed as a Supervisor may serve as such for more than two successive four-year terms. Any person appointed, elected, or any combination thereof to the office of Supervisor to complete in excess of two years of a four-year term shall be deemed, for the purpose of this section, to have served one full term. No person having served two successive four-year terms may serve as a Supervisor, either by election or appointment, until at least four years after the expiration of the second successive term in office. Any Supervisor who resigns with less than two full years remaining until the expiration of the term shall be deemed, for the purposes of this section, to have served a full four-year term.
(Amended by Proposition D, Approved 11/6/2012)
The Board of Supervisors shall meet at the legislative chambers in City Hall at 12:00 noon on the eighth day in January in each odd-numbered year. Thereafter, regular meetings shall be held on such dates and at such times as shall be fixed by resolution.
The meetings of the Board shall be held in City Hall, provided that, in case of emergency, the Board, by resolution, may designate some other appropriate place as its temporary meeting place.
Notice of any special meeting shall be published at least 24 hours in advance of such special meeting.
The Board of Supervisors, by motion, may schedule special meetings of the Board in locations in San Francisco other than City Hall. Notice of special meetings being convened outside of City Hall shall be published and posted in City Hall at least 15 days in advance of such special meetings. Motions to schedule special meetings of the Board in locations in San Francisco other than City Hall shall first be introduced and referred to a committee of the Board for hearing and consideration.
The Board of Supervisors, by motion, may authorize a committee of the Board of Supervisors to schedule a special meeting of the committee of the Board in a location in San Francisco other than City Hall. Notice of special committee meetings being convened outside of City Hall shall be published and posted in City Hall at least 15 days in advance of such special meetings.
The Board of Supervisors, in consultation with the Mayor, shall provide by ordinance for rules and guidelines governing the conduct of appearances by the Mayor under Section 3.100(7).
(Proposition C, Approved 11/2/2010)
(a) The presence of a majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors at a regular or special meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The term "presence" shall include participation by teleconferencing or other electronic means as authorized by Government Code Section 54953(b) or any successor legislation after the Board of Supervisors has adopted an ordinance pursuant to subsection (c) allowing such participation when the member is physically unable to attend in person, as certified by a health care provider, due to the member's pregnancy, childbirth, or related condition. The Board of Supervisors may also, as part of a parental leave policy adopted pursuant to subsection (c), authorize a member to participate in meetings by teleconferencing or other electronic means when the member is absent to care for his or her child after birth of the child, or after placement of the child with the member or the member's immediate family for adoption or foster care. In the absence of a quorum, a smaller number of members may compel the attendance of absent members in the manner and under the penalties established by the Board of Supervisors.
(b) The Board of Supervisors shall act by a majority, two-thirds, three-fourths, or other vote of all members of the Board. Each member present at a regular or special meeting shall vote "yes" or "no" when a question is put, unless excused from voting by a motion adopted by a majority of the members present.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Charter Section 10.101, the Board of Supervisors shall adopt parental leave policies for its members, including, but not limited to, authorization to participate in meetings by teleconferencing or other electronic means pursuant to subsection (a) and subject to the restrictions listed in that subsection.
(Amended by Proposition B, Approved 11/7/2006)
The Board of Supervisors shall meet and transact its business according to rules which it shall adopt.
The Board of Supervisors shall act only by written ordinance or resolution, except that it may act by motion on matters over which the Board of Supervisors has exclusive jurisdiction. All legislative acts shall be by ordinance. An ordinance or resolution may be introduced before the Board of Supervisors by a member of the Board, a committee of the Board, the Mayor, or the Commission Streamlining Task Force subject to the limitations set forth in Section 4.100.1, and shall be referred to and reported upon by an appropriate committee of the Board. An ordinance or resolution may be prepared in committee and reported out to the full Board for action, consistent with the public notice laws of the City. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, passage of an ordinance or a resolution shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Board.
An ordinance shall deal with only one subject matter, except that appropriations ordinances may cover appropriations with respect to any number of subjects. The title of each ordinance shall clearly reflect the content of the ordinance.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 2.107, passage of an ordinance shall require two readings at separate meetings of the Board of Supervisors, which shall be held at least five days apart. If an ordinance is amended at its second reading, the ordinance shall require a further reading prior to final passage. Resolutions shall require only one reading and may be adopted upon introduction without reference to committee by unanimous affirmative vote of the members of the Board of Supervisors who are present, but in no event less than a quorum.
All ordinances shall take effect no sooner than 30 days following the date of passage except for ordinances not subject to referendum and those authorizing bonded indebtedness and lease financings, which shall take effect immediately. Ordinances granting franchises shall take effect no sooner than 60 days after passage. No ordinance granting a franchise may be passed within 90 days of its introduction. Resolutions may take effect immediately upon passage, or at such other time as shall be specified in the resolutions.
(Amended by Proposition E, Approved 11/5/2024)
The Board of Supervisors may enact an ordinance or resolution which has been vetoed by the Mayor pursuant to Section 3.103 if, within 30 days after such veto, not less than two-thirds of the Board of Supervisors shall vote in favor of such measure, except as provided in Section 9.104. If a larger vote is required for the adoption of the measure by provisions of this Charter, such larger vote shall be required to overcome the veto of the Mayor.