(1) In addition to the campaign disclosure requirements imposed by the California Political Reform Act and other provisions of this Chapter, each candidate committee supporting a candidate for the Board of Supervisors shall file a statement with the Ethics Commission indicating when the committee has received contributions to be deposited into its Campaign Contribution Trust Account or made expenditures that equal or exceed $10,000 within 24 hours of reaching or exceeding that amount.
(2) In addition to the supplemental report in subsection (a)(1) of this Section, each candidate committee supporting a candidate for the Board of Supervisors shall file a statement with the Ethics Commission disclosing when the committee has received contributions to be deposited into its Campaign Contribution Trust Account or made expenditures that in the aggregate-equal or exceed $100,000. The candidate committee shall file this report within 24 hours of reaching or exceeding the threshold. Thereafter, the candidate committee shall file an additional supplemental report within 24 hours of every time the candidate committee receives additional contributions to be deposited into its Campaign Contribution Trust Account or makes additional expenditures that in the aggregate equal or exceed $10,000.
(3) The Executive Director shall post the information disclosed on statements required by this subsection on the website of the Ethics Commission within two business days of the statement's filing.
(1) In addition to the campaign disclosure requirements imposed by the California Political Reform Act and other provisions of this Chapter, each candidate committee supporting a candidate for Mayor shall file a statement with the Ethics Commission indicating when the candidate committee has received contributions to be deposited into its Campaign Contribution Trust Account or made expenditures that equal or exceed $50,000 within 24 hours of reaching or exceeding that amount.
(2) In addition to the supplemental report in Subsection (b)(1) of this Section, each candidate committee supporting a candidate for Mayor shall file a statement with the Ethics Commission disclosing when the candidate committee has received contributions to be deposited into its Campaign Contribution Trust Account or made expenditures that in the aggregate-equal or exceed $1,000,000. The candidate committee shall file this report within 24 hours of reaching or exceeding the threshold. Thereafter, the candidate committee shall file an additional supplemental report within 24 hours of every time the candidate committee receives additional contributions or makes additional expenditures that in the aggregate equal or exceed $50,000.
(3) The Executive Director shall post the information disclosed on statements required by this subsection on the website of the Ethics Commission within two business days of the statement's filing.
(c) The supplemental statements required by Subsections (a)(2) and (b)(2) are not required until the Ethics Commission has certified that at least one candidate is eligible to receive public funds under this Chapter, provided that within two business days of the date that the Ethics Commission provides notice under this subsection that it has certified that a candidate is eligible to receive public funds under this Chapter, any report that previously would have been required under (a)(2) and (b)(2) must be filed. Within two business days of certifying that at least one candidate is eligible to receive public financing under this Chapter, the Ethics Commission shall post a notice on its website, send out a press release and send written notice by regular or electronic mail to all other candidates running for the same City elective office and to any other person who has requested such notice.
(Added by Proposition O, 11/7/2000; amended by Ord. 141-03, File No. 030034, App. 6/27/2003; Ord. 3-06, File No. 051439, App. 1/20/2006; Ord. 31-06, File No. 051773, App. 2/23/2006; Ord. 268-07, File No. 071003, App. 11/26/2007; Ord. 234-09, File. No. 090989, App. 11/20/2009; Ord. 102-15
, File No. 150294, App. 6/25/2015, Eff. 7/25/2015; Ord. 218-19, File No. 190660, App. 10/4/2019, Eff. 11/4/2019, Oper. 1/1/2020)
(a) REPORT BY CONTROLLER. At the request of the Ethics Commission, the Controller shall provide a statement of the total amount of funds in the Election Campaign Fund.
(1) Elections for Mayor. No later than August 1 before an election for Mayor, the Executive Director shall notify the Commission and the Board of Supervisors whether $7.50 per resident, after subtracting 15% for the administrative expenses provided under Section 1.138(b)(2), exists in the Election Campaign Fund. If $7.50 per resident, plus 15% for administrative expenses, does not exist in the Election Campaign Fund, the Commission may, in accordance with the fiscal provisions of the Charter, request a supplemental appropriation from the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor to provide additional funding to the Election Campaign Fund so that $7.50 per resident, plus 15% for administrative expenses, exists in the fund for the upcoming election. This requirement shall not apply to any election held to fill the vacancy for the remainder of a term.
(2) Elections for the Board of Supervisors. No later than August 1 before an election for the Board of Supervisors, the Executive Director shall notify the Commission and the Board of Supervisors whether $1.50 per resident, after subtracting 15% for the administrative expenses provided under Section 1.138(b)(2), exists in the Election Campaign Fund. If $1.50 per resident, plus 15% for administrative expenses, does not exist in the Election Campaign Fund, the Commission may, in accordance with the fiscal provisions of the Charter, request a supplemental appropriation from the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor to provide additional funding to the Election Campaign Fund so that $1.50 per resident, plus 15% for administrative expenses, exists in the fund for the upcoming election. This requirement shall not apply to any election held to fill the vacancy for the remainder of a term.
(Added by Proposition O, 11/7/2000; amended by Ord. 141-03, File No. 030034, App. 6/27/2003; Ord. 31-06, File No. 051773, App. 2/23/2006; Ord. 268-07, File No. 071003, App. 11/26/2007; Ord. 64-12, File No. 111082, App. 4/20/2012, Eff. 5/20/2012)
Following each election at which the Mayor or members of the Board of Supervisors are elected, the Ethics Commission shall submit a report to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors. The report shall state the amount of public funds used to pay for election campaigns in that election and such other information as the Ethics Commission deems useful, including the number of candidates who received public funds; the number of nonparticipating candidates; the amount of qualified campaign expenditures made by all candidates in that election; and the amount of independent expenditures made in connection with the election.
(Added by Proposition O, 11/7/2000; amended by Ord. 31-06, File No. 051773, App. 2/23/2006; Ord. 268-07, File No. 071003, App. 11/26/2007; Ord. 234-09, File. No. 090989, App. 11/20/2009)
(a) Definitions. Whenever in this Section the following words or phrases are used, they shall mean:
"Draft committee" shall mean any person, group of persons, or entity that either receives contributions of $1,000 or more or makes expenditures of $1,000 or more, in order to support the qualification or election of an identifiable person to City elective office who has not qualified as a candidate.
"Primarily formed committee " shall be defined as set forth in the California Political Reform Act, California Government Code section 82047.5.
"Support" shall mean any public actions or statements encouraging or urging an identifiable person to declare as a candidate for City elective office.
The Ethics Commission may adopt regulations further defining these terms.
(b) Filing Requirements.
(1) Draft committees shall file campaign finance-related filings, reports, or statements required by either state or local law for a primarily formed committee supporting a candidate seeking the same City elective office.
(2) If the identifiable person supported by a draft committee qualifies as a candidate for City elective office, the committee shall continue to file, as required by either state or local law, as a primarily formed committee supporting that candidate.
(Former Sec. 1.160 added by Proposition O, 11/7/2000; repealed by Ord. 234-09, File. No. 090989, App. 11/20/2009)