This Section shall apply only if at least one candidate for the City elective office has accepted the applicable voluntary expenditure ceiling, and the Ethics Commission has not lifted that voluntary expenditure ceiling. This Section applies only to candidates for Assessor, Public Defender, City Attorney, District Attorney, Treasurer, Sheriff, the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District, or the Governing Board of the San Francisco Community College District.
(a) The voluntary expenditure ceiling shall no longer be binding on a candidate:
(1) If a candidate seeking election to the same City elective office, who has declined to accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling, receives contributions or makes qualified campaign expenditures in excess of 100 percent of the applicable voluntary expenditure ceiling,
(2) If a person or persons make expenditures or payments, or incur expenses for the purpose of making independent expenditures, electioneering communications or member communications that total more than 100 percent of the applicable voluntary expenditure ceiling, and those expenditures or communications clearly identify a candidate seeking election to the same City elective office, or
(3) If a candidate seeking election to the same City elective office, who has accepted the voluntary expenditure ceiling, makes qualified campaign expenditures in excess of 100 percent of the voluntary expenditure ceiling.
(b) Any candidate committee that receives contributions, makes qualified campaign expenditures, incurs expenses or has funds in its Campaign Contribution Trust Account that total more than 100 percent of the applicable voluntary expenditure ceiling shall, within 24 hours of exceeding 100 percent of the applicable voluntary expenditure ceiling, file a statement with the Ethics Commission, on forms to be provided by the Ethics Commission, stating that fact and any additional information required by the Ethics Commission.
(d) Within one business day after determining that the threshold listed in subsection (a) has been met with respect to an office appearing on the ballot, the Executive Director shall inform every candidate for that office that the Ethics Commission has lifted the applicable voluntary expenditure ceiling. The Executive Director shall also post a notice on the Ethics Commission's website and send written notice by e-mail to any other person who has requested such notice.
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; amended by Proposition O, 11/7/2000; Ord. 141-03, File No. 030034, App. 6/27/2003; Ord. 71-05, File No. 041489, App. 4/15/2005; Ord. 75-05, File No. 050624, App. 4/27/2005; Ord. 3-06, File No. 051439, App. 1/20/2006; Ord. 31-06, File No. 051773, App. 2/23/2006; Ord. 268-07, File No. 071003, App. 11/26/2007; Ord. 234-09, File. No. 090989, App. 11/20/2009; Ord. 102-15
, File No. 150294, App. 6/25/2015, Eff. 7/25/2015)
(a) Supplemental Preelection Statements – General Purpose Committees. In addition to the campaign disclosure requirements imposed by the California Political Reform Act and other provisions of this Chapter 1, a San Francisco general purpose committee that makes contributions or expenditures totaling $500 or more during the period covered by the preelection statement, other than expenditures for the establishment and administration of that committee, shall file a preelection statement before any election held in the City and County of San Francisco at which a candidate for City elective office or City measure is on the ballot.
(b) Time for Filing Supplemental Preelection Statements – General Purpose Committees.
(1) Even-Numbered Years. In even-numbered years, preelection statements required by subsection (a) shall be filed pursuant to the preelection statement filing schedule established by the Fair Political Practices Commission for county general purpose recipient committees. In addition to these deadlines, preelection statements shall also be filed, for the period ending six days before the election, no later than four days before the election.
(2) Odd-Numbered Years. In odd-numbered years, the filing schedule for preelection statements is as follows:
(A) For the period ending 45 days before the election, the statement shall be filed no later than 40 days before the election;
(B) For the period ending 17 days before the election, the statement shall be filed no later than 12 days before the election; and
(C) For the period ending six days before the election, the statement shall be filed no later than four days before the election.
(c) Time for Filing Supplemental Preelection Statements – Ballot Measure Committees and Candidate Committees. In addition to the deadlines established by the Fair Political Practices Commission, ballot measure committees and candidate committees required to file preelection statements with the Ethics Commission shall file a third preelection statement before any election held in the City and County of San Francisco at which a candidate for City elective office or City measure is on the ballot, for the period ending six days before the election, no later than four days before the election.
(d) The Ethics Commission may require that these statements be filed electronically.
(Added by Ord. 141-03, File No. 030034, App. 6/27/2003; amended by Ord. 228-06, File No. 060501, App. 9/14/2006; Ord. 234-09, File. No. 090989, App. 11/20/2009; Ord. 102-15
, File No. 150294, App. 6/25/2015, Eff. 7/25/2015; Ord. 129-18, File No. 180280, App. 5/30/2018, Eff. 6/30/2018, Oper. 1/1/2019)
Candidates for the Board of Supervisors or Mayor whom the Ethics Commission certifies as eligible to receive public financing of their election campaigns, and who comply with the applicable conditions and restrictions specified in Section 1.140 of this Chapter, may receive public funds as provided in this Chapter to defray the costs of their election campaigns.
(Added by Proposition O, 11/7/2000; amended by Ord. 31-06, File No. 051773, App. 2/23/2006; Ord. 268-07, File No. 071003, App. 11/26/2007; Ord. 234-09, File. No. 090989, App. 11/20/2009)
(a) ESTABLISHMENT OF ELECTION CAMPAIGN FUND. There is hereby established a special fund of the City and County of San Francisco called the Election Campaign Fund. All money deposited in the Fund is hereby appropriated for use as specified in this Chapter and the implementing regulations.
(b) APPROPRIATION TO ELECTION CAMPAIGN FUND. Except as provided in Subsections (b)(3) and (b)(4), each fiscal year the City and County of San Francisco shall appropriate $2.75 per resident of the City and County of San Francisco to the Election Campaign Fund to provide funding for election campaigns as authorized by this Chapter for all candidates for Mayor or the Board of Supervisors who may be eligible to receive such funds. At the request of the Ethics Commission, the Controller shall estimate the number of residents of the City and County of San Francisco for purposes of this subsection.
(1) Any funds in the Election Campaign Fund not used in one election shall be carried over for use in the following election, provided that at no time shall the total amount in the Election Campaign Fund exceed $7 million. Any funds in the Election Campaign Fund in excess of $7 million shall be returned to the General Fund.
(2) Funds necessary for the Ethics Commission to administer the public financing program for candidates for Mayor or the Board of Supervisors authorized under Section 1.136 of this Chapter shall be taken from the Election Campaign Fund. The Commission's administrative expenses for such public financing program for any election shall not exceed 15% of the total amount of funds in the Election Campaign Fund for that election.
(3) If the Office of Mayor becomes vacant and an election is held to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term, the City and County of San Francisco shall appropriate additional funds to the Election Campaign Fund in an amount that ensures that at least $8.00 per resident is available in the Election Campaign Fund for that election and the next regularly scheduled Mayoral election.
(4) If an office of a member of the Board of Supervisors becomes vacant and an election is held to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term, the City and County of San Francisco shall appropriate an additional $0.25 per resident to the Election Campaign Fund for that election. These additional funds shall not be subject to the limit in Subsection (b)(1) of this Section. Any funds appropriated pursuant to this subsection that are not used for the election to fill the vacancy shall be returned to the General Fund.
(Added by Proposition O, 11/7/2000; amended by Ord. 31-06, File No. 051773, App. 2/23/2006; Ord. 268-07, File No. 071003, App. 11/26/2007; Ord. 64-12, File No. 111082, App. 4/20/2012, Eff. 5/20/2012)