Pursuant to Charter Section 15.102, the Ethics Commission shall adopt regulations to implement this Chapter. The Ethics Commission shall also specify the format and content of all forms and statements required to be filed under this Chapter.
(Added by Ord. 234-09, File. No. 090989, App. 11/20/2009)
This Chapter shall be construed liberally in order to effectuate its purposes. No error, irregularity, informality, neglect or omission of any officer in any procedure taken under this Chapter which does not directly affect the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors or the City and County to control campaign contributions shall avoid the effect of this Chapter.
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; renumbered by Proposition O, 11/7/2000)
If any provision of this Chapter, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of the Chapter and the applicability of such provisions to other persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; renumbered by Proposition O, 11/7/2000)
Editor's Note:
Ord. 228-06, File No. 060501, approved September 14, 2006, repealed, § 1.200, which pertained to prohibition on multiple campaign accounts.
Ord. 228-06, File No. 060501, approved September 14, 2006, repealed, § 1.200, which pertained to prohibition on multiple campaign accounts.
(Added by Proposition E, 11/4/2003)
(Former Section 1.200 added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; repealed by Proposition E, 11/4/2003. Derivation: Former Section 8 of Appendix K to the 1932 Charter) (Repealed by Ord. 228-06, File No. 060501, App. 9/14/2006)
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; repealed by Ord. 3-06, File No. 054139, App. 1/20/2006) (Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.535; added by Ord. 131-93, App. 5/17/93)
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; amended by Ord. 192-03, File No. 030994, App. 7/25/2003; repealed by Ord. 3-06, File No. 054139, App. 1/20/2006) (Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.536; added by Ord. 131-93, App. 5/17/93)
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; amended by Ord. 192-03, File No. 030994, App. 7/25/2003; repealed by Ord. 3-06, File No. 054139, App. 1/20/2006) (Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.537; added by Ord. 131-93, App. 5/17/93)
(Added by Ord. 192-03, File No. 030994, App. 7/25/2003; repealed by Ord. 3-06, File No. 054139, App. 1/20/2006)
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; amended by Ord. 192-03, File No. 030994, App. 7/25/2003; repealed by Ord. 3-06, File No. 054139, App. 1/20/2006) (Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.538; added by Ord. 131-93, App. 5/17/93)
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000; repealed by Ord. 3-06, File No. 054139, App. 1/20/2006) (Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.535; added by Ord. 131-93, App. 5/17/93)
Editor's Note:
Ord. 228-06, File No. 060501, approved September 14, 2006, repealed Ch. 4 in its entirety, which pertained to prohibition on false endorsements on campaign literature.
Ord. 228-06, File No. 060501, approved September 14, 2006, repealed Ch. 4 in its entirety, which pertained to prohibition on false endorsements on campaign literature.
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000)
(Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.548-1; added by Ord. 83-99, File No. 981596, App. 4/23/99; repealed by Ord. 228-06, File No. 060501, App. 9/14/2006)
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000)
(Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.548-2; added by Ord. 83-99, File No. 981596, App. 4/23/99; repealed by Ord. 228-06, File No. 060501, App. 9/14/2006)
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000)
(Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.548-3; added by Ord. 83-99, File No. 981596, App. 4/23/99; repealed by Ord. 228-06, File No. 060501, App. 9/14/2006)
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000)
(Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.548-4 added by Ord. 83-99, File No. 981596, App. 4/23/99; repealed by Ord. 228-06, File No. 060501, App. 9/14/2006)
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000)
(Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.548-5; added by Ord. 83-99, File No. 981596, App. 4/23/99; repealed by Ord. 228-06, File No. 060501, App. 9/14/2006)
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000)
(Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.548-6; added by Ord. 83-99, File No. 981596, App. 4/23/99; repealed by Ord. 228-06, File No. 060501, App. 9/14/2006)
Findings. | |
Amendment or Repeal of this Chapter. | |
Prohibitions. | |
Registration, Reregistration, Reporting, and Fees. | |
Powers and Duties of the Ethics Commission. | |
Administrative and Civil Enforcement, and Penalties. | |
Code of Conduct. | |
Severability. | |
Electronic Filing of Statements and Reports. | |
Construction with Other Laws. | |
(a) The City and County of San Francisco has a paramount interest in protecting the integrity and credibility of its electoral and government institutions. Election campaigns are highly competitive in San Francisco, and candidates frequently contract for the services of professional campaign consultants who specialize in guiding and managing campaigns.
(b) It is the purpose and intent of the people of the City and County of San Francisco in enacting this Chapter to impose reasonable registration and disclosure requirements on campaign consultants. Required registration and disclosure of information by campaign consultants will assist the public in making informed decisions, and protect public confidence in the electoral and governmental processes.
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000) (Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.540; added by Proposition G, 11/4/97)
The voters may amend or repeal this Chapter 5. The Board of Supervisors may amend this Chapter 5 if all of the following conditions are met:
(a) The amendment furthers the purposes of this Chapter;
(b) The Ethics Commission approves the proposed amendment in advance by at least a four-fifths vote of all its members;
(c) The proposed amendment is available for public review at least 30 days before the amendment is considered by the Board of Supervisors or any committee of the Board of Supervisors; and
(d) The Board of Supervisors approves the proposed amendment by at least a two-thirds vote of all its members.
(Added by Proposition D, 3/5/2024, Eff. 4/12/2024, Oper. 10/12/2024)
Whenever used in this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) "Campaign consultant" means any person or entity that receives or is promised economic consideration equaling $1,000 or more in a calendar year for campaign consulting services. The term "campaign consultant" includes any person or entity that subcontracts with a campaign consultant to provide campaign consulting services, and that receives or is promised economic consideration equaling $1,000 or more in a calendar year for providing campaign consulting services. The term "campaign consultant" does not include persons who are employees of a campaign consultant, attorneys who provide only legal services, accountants who provide only accounting services, pollsters who provide only polling services, and treasurers who provide only those services which are required of treasurers by the Political Reform Act, California Government Code Section 81000, et seq.
(b) "Campaign consulting services" means participating in campaign management or developing or participating in the development of campaign strategy.
(c) "Campaign management" means conducting, coordinating or supervising a campaign to elect, defeat, retain or recall a candidate, or adopt or defeat a measure, including but not limited to hiring or authorizing the hiring of campaign staff and consultants, spending or authorizing the expenditure of campaign funds, directing, supervising or conducting the solicitation of contributions to the campaign, and selecting or recommending vendors or subvendors of goods or services for the campaign.
(d) "Campaign strategy" means plans for the election, defeat, retention or recall of a candidate, or for the adoption or defeat of a measure, including but not limited to producing or authorizing the production of campaign literature and print and broadcast advertising, seeking endorsements of organizations or individuals, seeking financing, or advising on public policy positions.
(e) "Candidate" means a person who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to local office, a local officeholder who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to any elective office, or a local officeholder who is the subject of a recall election.
(f) "Economic consideration" means any payments, fees, commissions, reimbursements for expenses, gifts, or anything else of value.
(g) "Lobby" means communicate with a local officeholder for the purpose of influencing local legislative or administrative action in exchange for economic consideration.
(h) "Lobbyist" is defined in Article II of this Code.*
(i) "Local office" means the following elective offices in the City and County of San Francisco: Mayor, Board of Supervisors, City Attorney, District Attorney, Treasurer, Sheriff, Assessor, Public Defender, Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District, and Governing Board of the San Francisco Community College District.
(j) "Measure" means a local referendum or local ballot measure, whether or not it qualifies for the ballot.
(k) "Vendor" means a person or entity who sells goods or services, other than campaign consulting services, including but not limited to printing, catering, and transportation services. The term "vendor" does not include attorneys who provide only legal services, accountants who provide only accounting services, pollsters who provide only polling services, and treasurers who provide only those services which are required of treasurers by the Political Reform Act, California Government Code Section 81000 et seq.
(Added by Ord. 71-00, File No. 000358, App. 4/28/2000) (Derivation: Former Administrative Code Section 16.541; added by Proposition G, 11/4/97)
Editor's note
*The Regulation of Lobbyists Ordinance, which was previously codified at Administrative Code Section 16.520, et seq., is now codified in Article II of this Code.