If any electrical musical device is placed, operated or maintained to be operated without a current license, the Director of Public Works shall immediately cause same to be impounded and shall not release said electrical musical device until a new permit has been obtained as provided for in this Article for obtaining an original permit, and a penalty of twice the amount of the delinquent quarterly license fee plus the quarterly license fee for the current period has been paid to the Tax Collector. Electrical musical devices impounded under the provisions of this Section shall be held for a period of 90 days and if not redeemed within such period shall be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the Director of Public Works.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
When the Director of Public Works shall determine that the permittee or any of the permittee's servants, agents or employees, in the use, operation or maintenance of any such electrical musical device is violating or attempting to violate any law of the State of California or any ordinance of the City and County of San Francisco or the rules and regulations of any department thereof concerned; or, if in the opinion of the Director of Public Works it is deemed necessary for the protection of the public, the Director of Public Works, after written notice to the permittee, shall have power to suspend and, after due and proper hearing, shall have power to revoke, any permit issued under the provisions of this Article.
The Director of Public Works shall cause to be forwarded to the Tax Collector written notice of any revocation, suspension or reinstatement of any permit herein provided for.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
The Director of Public Works is authorized to adopt, promulgate and enforce such rules and regulations regarding electrical musical devices as will enable the Department of Public Works to enforce and carry out the meaning and intent of this Article.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works to ascertain that all of the provisions of this Article, all ordinances of the City and County of San Francisco and the rules and regulations of any departments thereof concerned, pertaining to electrical musical devices are strictly complied with, and for that purpose the representatives of the Department of Public Works shall have access to any electrical musical device at any and all times, and same shall be inspected by the representatives of the Department of Public Works as often as may be deemed necessary.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
Any electrical musical device operated or maintained to be operated in violation of this Article or any ordinances of the City and County of San Francisco or the rules and regulations of any state or municipal departments concerned shall be deemed to be a public nuisance, and any such electrical musical device so operated or maintained to be operated shall be impounded by the Director of Public Works; and, if any court of competent jurisdiction shall determine that said electrical musical device, or the use or operation thereof, violates or has violated any of said ordinances, the rules or regulations, said electrical musical device shall be confiscated by said Director of Public Works; but, if said electrical musical device is one which may be legally operated under the provisions of this Article and is seized for the failure of the owner or operator thereof to obtain the necessary permit or to pay the necessary license fee for the maintenance or operation of said electrical musical device, said electrical musical device shall be dealt with as provided in Section 366 of this Article.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
The issuance of a permit or license under the provisions of this Article shall not exempt the permittee or licensee, notwithstanding any Section of the San Francisco Municipal Code or any Section of any ordinance of the City and County of San Francisco making any Section or Sections thereof inapplicable, from the provisions of the San Francisco Municipal Code or any ordinance or ordinances of the City and County of San Francisco requiring a permit of license.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)