As used in this Article, the following words shall have the following respective meanings:
"Electrical Musical Device" shall mean any machine, apparatus or device operated or which may be operated by electricity and designed or constructed for the purpose of producing or playing any musical tone or tones or combination of tones; and the use, operation or playing of such machine, apparatus or device which is permitted or allowed by the deposit of any coin, slug or token in any slot or receptacle attached to said machine, apparatus or device, or connected therewith; and which machines, apparatus or device does not dispense any Article or thing and cannot be operated as a game or contest.
"Owner or Operator of an Electrical Musical Device" shall mean:
(a) Any owner of such electrical musical device who operates or permits same to be operated in his place of business or in any place under his control, or who installs or maintains to be operated the same in any place where the same can be operated by person in or about said place;
(b) The person in whose place of business any such electrical musical device is placed for the use or patronage of the public or of persons in or about said place;
(c) Any person having control over such electrical musical device.
"Person" shall mean any corporation, association, syndicate, joint stock company, partnership, club, Massachusetts business or common law trust, society or individual.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
Every electrical musical device shall have a seal or tag permanently attached thereto showing the serial number of the electrical musical device; and, in addition thereto, a label indicating the name and address of the manufacturer and the voltage and current necessary for the proper operation of said electrical musical device.
Every portable electrical musical device shall be equipped with not more than six feet of electric cord of a type approved by the Department of Public Works, and shall be connected to a convenience plug receptacle adjacent to said electrical musical device.
Where it is necessary to install electrical wiring to said electrical musical device location, said wiring shall be installed by a registered electrical contractor in accordance with the provisions of Article 1, Chapter III, Part II, of the San Francisco Municipal Code.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
It shall be unlawful for any owner or operator of an electrical musical device to install, operate or maintain to be operated any electrical musical device in the City and County of San Francisco without first having obtained a permit in writing so to do from the Director of Public Works and having the seal of approval as hereinafter provided for, placed on each of said electrical musical devices.
It shall be unlawful to remove said seal of approval from said device to which it was attached, as provided for in this Article, and affix same to another device or machine.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
Application for said permit shall be made to the Director of Public Works on forms provided by the Department of Public Works, shall be signed by the applicant, and shall contain the following information in addition to whatever additional information is deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works:
(a) Name and address of the applicant;
(b) A complete description of the type of electrical musical device and the manner in which it is to be placed, maintained to be operated or operated;
(c) The total number of electrical musical devices to be placed, maintained to be operated or operated for which the permit is requested.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
Upon receipt of said application, the Director of Public Works shall cause to be investigated the statements as set forth in the application. He shall determine whether such electrical musical device complies with the ordinances of the City and County of San Francisco and the rules and regulations of departments concerned.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
In the event that the application for said permit is disapproved, the Director of Public Works shall notify the applicant for said permit of such fact. Upon receiving said notice from the Director of Public Works, the applicant shall have the opportunity of correcting such conditions as have been disapproved. This correction shall be made within 10 days after receipt of said notice; and, if such conditions have been corrected to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, the permit may be issued.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
If the Director of Public Works approves the granting of said permit he may issue a permit to said applicant, which permit shall be serially numbered and the renewal or continuance thereof shall be governed by the provisions of Section 23, Article 1, Part III, of the San Francisco Municipal Code. The Director of Public Works may in the exercise of sound discretion, deny said permit.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
When any permit is issued under the provisions of this Article, the Director of Public Works shall cause said permit to be forwarded to the office of the Tax Collector for delivery to the permittee upon the payment of the fees as hereinafter set forth.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
Every holder of an electrical musical device permit shall pay at the office of the Tax Collector a monthly license fee of $2, plus a monthly license fee of $1 for each separate electrical musical device which the permit authorizes, payable quarterly in advance, for the periods ending on the last days of September, December, March and June, of each fiscal year.
Provided, that when any one of the persons mentioned in Subdivisions (a), (b) and (c) of Section 350 of this Article, which subdivisions define the term "Owner or Operator of an Electrical Musical Device," obtains a permit and a license for the maintenance or operation of said electrical musical device, the said permit and license shall cover each of the persons mentioned in said Subdivisions (a), (b) and (c) of Section 350 of this Article.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
In calculating the fees earned by the Electrical Inspection Division of the Department of Public Works pursuant to the provisions of Section 24 of the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco 10 percent of the license fees derived pursuant to Section 359 of this Article shall be credited to said Division.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)
The Tax Collector shall issue a license for such electrical musical devices for which the fee was paid, showing thereon the:
(a) Name and address of the permittee;
(b) Number of electrical musical devices the permit authorizes;
(c) Serial number of the permit and the expiration date of the license.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)