When the Director of Public Works shall determine that the permittee or any of the permittee's servants, agents or employees, in the use, operation or maintenance of any such electrical musical device is violating or attempting to violate any law of the State of California or any ordinance of the City and County of San Francisco or the rules and regulations of any department thereof concerned; or, if in the opinion of the Director of Public Works it is deemed necessary for the protection of the public, the Director of Public Works, after written notice to the permittee, shall have power to suspend and, after due and proper hearing, shall have power to revoke, any permit issued under the provisions of this Article.
The Director of Public Works shall cause to be forwarded to the Tax Collector written notice of any revocation, suspension or reinstatement of any permit herein provided for.
(Added by Ord. 785, App. 8/21/40)